I’m getting Calista Flockhart vibes from this half-woman-half-elf. She looks half the size she was in Split and she was pretty darn small there.
When we see her confess her Bulimia Horror cover story on Vanity Fair?
During her next Oscar season is my bet.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 112 | April 1, 2022 1:07 PM |
Her ascension into fashionista started when she hired Zandaya’s stylist, Law Roach, to dress her.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | September 22, 2021 2:10 AM |
She's obese as fuck, where's my bottle!?
by Anonymous | reply 2 | September 22, 2021 2:23 AM |
She should go to college.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | September 22, 2021 3:30 AM |
The gown looks great. She looks like one of the creepy backup dancer mannequins from Robert Palmer’ s Addicted to Love.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | September 22, 2021 3:36 AM |
I think she looks good. Very thin, but good.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | September 22, 2021 3:54 AM |
DL: Policing women's bodies since 1995.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | September 22, 2021 10:54 PM |
Her eyes are just too far apart for me.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | September 22, 2021 11:04 PM |
I can't unsee that now, r9...
by Anonymous | reply 10 | September 22, 2021 11:16 PM |
Did anyone pick her in the 2021 celeb death pool thread?
by Anonymous | reply 11 | September 22, 2021 11:17 PM |
Wow, I didn’t realize she had lost that much weight.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | September 23, 2021 12:09 AM |
R8 DL is an equal opportunity body shaming venue.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | September 23, 2021 1:41 AM |
I know for a fact she’s a smoker…but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a druggie as well.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | September 23, 2021 1:43 AM |
Tom And Lorenzo are so obvious. even if this is haute couture, if this was worn by someone 5 pounds heavier, they would say “we don’t like the visible darts, the puckered seams and the poor tailoring over the bust”.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 15 | September 23, 2021 1:52 AM |
The extra space between the eyes is an exotic beauty trait. Jackie O had it too. It has to be just a bit extra, not too much. Close set eyes are primitive looking.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | September 23, 2021 1:54 AM |
On the other hand, Jackie O looked a touch too goldfish.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | September 23, 2021 2:14 AM |
I like it. I mean, she’s a calorie or two from death, but it suits her.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | September 23, 2021 2:52 AM |
Tori Spelling has never looked better!
by Anonymous | reply 19 | September 23, 2021 2:56 AM |
In comparison to the other big titty gif posted, I'd have to say she's ill or she's doing a shitload of drugs, or both.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | September 23, 2021 2:57 AM |
One of the lesbians here.
I thought she looked better before. She had a great rack.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | September 23, 2021 2:59 AM |
I think she was much prettier when she was heavier, but there is no doubt that her looks are attention grabbing.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | September 23, 2021 12:12 PM |
Her jawbone and elbow could definitely cut a bitch.
She needs to eat a sandwich or 200. Too skinny and not necessary. The other pic with the great rack she looked great.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | September 23, 2021 12:19 PM |
I gasped when I saw her on the Emmys red carpet.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | September 23, 2021 12:49 PM |
Breakfast: Coffee, Lunch: Coffee, Snack: Cigarette, Dinner: Lettuce
by Anonymous | reply 26 | September 23, 2021 12:50 PM |
She could stand to lose a few pounds.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | September 23, 2021 12:52 PM |
I think she’s tremendous.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | September 23, 2021 12:56 PM |
Yes she’s thin but she’s also quite tall. She is a fantastic actress. I first saw her in The Witch which is an amazing movie.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 29 | September 23, 2021 12:58 PM |
Loved her in Queen's Gambit.
She has an otherworldly look that is offputting.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | September 23, 2021 1:24 PM |
Albanians are 👽 👽 👽
by Anonymous | reply 31 | September 23, 2021 1:33 PM |
Well....it's extreme, but at least she's bucking current trend.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | September 23, 2021 1:36 PM |
She's no more underweight than the average showbiz talent, just doesn't have saline sacs implanted on her ribcage.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | September 23, 2021 1:38 PM |
This is all I can think of when I see this actress.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 34 | September 23, 2021 3:09 PM |
R33, nope, that’s only because she dieted away her quite impressive natural rack as per r7.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | September 23, 2021 3:59 PM |
Why do all women who lose weight to become ultra thin get man jaw?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 36 | December 3, 2021 3:09 AM |
She looks like a Simpsons character.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | December 3, 2021 4:07 AM |
Anya the Lizard Queen.
Her eyeballs are on the sides of her head.
All hail Anya, The Lizard Queen!
by Anonymous | reply 40 | December 3, 2021 5:42 AM |
lizards? did someone mention lizards?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 41 | December 3, 2021 6:06 AM |
You queens would have liked Last Night in Soho. But you were too busy wasting money on The Eternals. Which was utter shit.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | December 3, 2021 6:26 AM |
Honestly, why does anyone care how skinny someone is? There's not a single thing on planet Earth less relevant to my life than someone else's weight.
If I am to get into someone else's business, people are so fixated on life span being the measure of a "successful" life, and the only way that proves consistently across all studies to significantly increase lifespan is to significantly reduce calorie intake, with studies going as far as reducing to 50 percent of the recommended daily calories. That would result in a very, very thin person.
So I don't judge anyone who chooses to eat lightly unless they look physically ill, like literal skin and bones without any cushioning and musculature.
You know when that is the case. It's not Calista Flockhart. My mother, who was 5'4", died four years ago from complications of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (the cause was never conclusively determined), effectively from complications of malnutrition because she couldn't diagnose food. She went from a normal average weight in her early 60s to very thin at 95 pounds to visibly ill at 85 pounds to deathly ill at 76 pounds, at which point her digestive system stopped working and opportunistic infections took over her weakened system. Some people get to this point from anorexia nervosa, and those people look like Karen Carpenter at the end of her life, with the face little more than a skeleton covered in skin and the jaw visible through it. That is not Calista Flockhart or any other thin person. It's an entirely different appearance and I think we all recognize it as something extreme and easily discernable from a healthy thin person.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 43 | December 3, 2021 6:59 AM |
Thanks R43, some people are naturally thin. I have young relative who is and she gets an insane amount of flack/jealousy over her weight--questions about anorexia, when she looks nothing like an actual anorexic.
Taylor-Joy looks small-boned and doesn't look any thinner than any number of model types from over the years.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | December 3, 2021 7:15 AM |
She’s being cast in every big film of course she’s thin.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | December 3, 2021 7:30 AM |
R44 I had a chubby phase as a teen and I overcompensated in my late teens and early 20s by undereating and exercising excessively. My diet was healthful in all respects except that I cut out almost all fats, which was unwise. A lot of older people told me I was "too skinny" and "need to eat something" and I was very thin but honestly, it was the healthiest period of my adult life, I was bursting with energy much of the time and I just felt well overall.
I now know I have a somewhat rare disorder called mast cell activation syndrome that makes me hypersensitive to all allergens, and it causes anaphylaxis but it also is just a drag on the system and causes overall fatigue and exhaustion much of the time. Since the disorder gives me a lot of food sensitivities, I've realized that eating a lot of foods often makes me feel anywhere from tired to sick, and eating lighter and less frequently keeps me energetic, so that now makes sense of why I was so energetic when I was younger and always have felt better when I eat less—it wasn't just age. I've reduced my caloric intake over the past month or so and I do feel better overall, and my body has adjusted now and I have fewer cravings throughout the day.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 47 | December 3, 2021 7:33 AM |
You sound like a lot of fucking work, r47.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | December 3, 2021 7:38 AM |
Actually, she is big boned, much like the young Nicole Kidman, and has winnowed her body down thanks to, by her own admission, a diet of cigarettes and Diet Coke.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | December 3, 2021 7:41 AM |
She doesn't look big-boned to me, nor does she seem like she's built like Kidman, who's tall, but doesn't strike me as big boned in the way Uma Thurman is.
Why do you think she's big-boned? R49
by Anonymous | reply 50 | December 3, 2021 7:44 AM |
Now that's a healthy diet R49. I knew someone that had the same diet - - until she passed away from cancer at a fairly young age.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | December 3, 2021 7:46 AM |
She's 5'6 1/2"... and looks to be about 105-110 lbs if that.
That's way too skinny for that height.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | December 3, 2021 7:49 AM |
She’s big boned. Soft arms. Full face. Big titties. Tall. Broad shoulders. Evidence of which she has dutifully drugged and starved away.
What a woman!
by Anonymous | reply 53 | December 3, 2021 7:50 AM |
No R53, she done dieted them titties away!
by Anonymous | reply 54 | December 3, 2021 7:53 AM |
How about the hair. Dear god, the HAIR!
by Anonymous | reply 55 | December 3, 2021 7:57 AM |
[quote] She’s big boned. Soft arms. Full face. Big titties.
None of these are bones.
I'm a small-boned 5'11" guy with a slight frame: my wrists are very skinny, my shoulders are narrow, I have a long, thin neck and elongated arms and legs. My sister has always looked heavy, and she is literally big boned and the opposite of me, with a stout, broad and wide bone structure that can be seen in her neck, wrist and ankles. I find it interesting that we are built so oppositely. Her doctor used to criticize her for being overweight but in recent years has told her she is healthy and that she now realizes my sister has a larger-than-average frame that carries more weight than average, and so averages don't apply. Meanwhile, I have at times had too much body fat while still technically being an average healthy weight because my frame is slighter. I think NIH has changed its body mass calculators to account for differences in frame size because differently built bodies carry weight differently.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | December 3, 2021 7:59 AM |
Dem bones dem bones them big-boned bones
Dem bones dem Taylor-Joy bones
by Anonymous | reply 57 | December 3, 2021 8:05 AM |
Yawnnnnn r56 we don’t care about you and your fat sister
by Anonymous | reply 58 | December 3, 2021 8:07 AM |
I am an example of being a "big boned" women. Even at 5'2" - I lost a ton of weight and weighed in at 105 lbs and I had people at work asking me if I had cancer. At 5'2"! I actually even went down to 95 lbs and my friends thought I was dying.
So there is a bone size difference.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | December 3, 2021 8:11 AM |
Broad shoulders are a proportion issue, not necessarily an indication of being large-boned. Wrist size, hand size are better indicators. FWIW, few actresses are large-boned, the profession works against it.
I'm sure she does keep her weight down--and a lot of actors smoke, wouldn't be surprised if she were one of them.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | December 3, 2021 8:23 AM |
I would assume cutting ones calories in half only lengthens your life if the remaining uncut calories are from healthy foods...not the cigarette-pill- and energy drink diet starlets adopt.
Having said that, Susan Dey was underweight/anorexic her whole life and lived to an old age.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | December 3, 2021 8:27 AM |
Oh my, Susan Dey is still alive, how embarrassing. And not that old lol.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | December 3, 2021 8:29 AM |
R61 I don't even know how important nutrients/quality are in that sense. A lot of people who are old today have lived on processed foods full of chemicals and just don't eat a lot.
Eating less means a slower metabolism and reduced wear and tear on organs that process foods and produce waste and toxic byproducts. It also means that a person can probably eat fattier foods, for example, and not cause any more cardiovascular damage than people who eat lower-fat foods but a lot more of them. A lot of aging is about the wearing out and wearing down of organ systems, and just like a car or any machine, the body lasts longer when it is used in moderation. I drive a 2000 car, but I live in a city and drive infrequently, so it has relatively low mileage and it runs perfectly well as a result. Someone who commutes an hour and a half each way every day can wear out a car half its age with overuse.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | December 3, 2021 8:36 AM |
I like to start gentlemens' engines and wear them out for an hour and a half each day as the pounds melt away!
by Anonymous | reply 64 | December 3, 2021 8:41 AM |
r63 while i like a lot of your analogy, it just doesn't apply to the human body given how many differences in metabolites, hormones, etc. There's way too much of a variance to try to say "this is true" for most bodies. it just doesn't win because we inherit factors from our parents/ancestors that CARS DON'T.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | December 3, 2021 8:49 AM |
Wasn’t she just on 20/20 about escaping her parents and being chained up to a bed?
by Anonymous | reply 66 | December 3, 2021 9:19 AM |
Americans are so used to being overweight at this point that we see it as normal. It's not. It's also not healthy. A few pounds over isn't a problem, but we think obese people are a few pounds over when they're 40-50 pounds overweight.
Anya Taylor-Joy is thin, no question, but there's a big difference between thin and gaunt.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | December 3, 2021 9:30 AM |
“See, I'm on this new diet. Well, I don't eat anything. And right before I feel I'm going to faint, I eat a cube of cheese. I'm one stomach flu away from my goal weight!”
by Anonymous | reply 68 | December 3, 2021 9:44 AM |
If I can see her ribs then she's too fucking thin.
Eat something. Clearly her body used to have tits and muscle tone, she isn't "naturally" this way.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | December 3, 2021 9:55 AM |
r69 yes,
i'm not sue what the disconnect is in America.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | December 3, 2021 10:21 AM |
She's of Scottish descent. We get so rangy so fast. One bout of the flu and people dance around asking me if I'm "ill". You know what that means.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | December 3, 2021 1:24 PM |
Anya isn't just thin, she's gaunt. Her bones are sticking out of her upper back for fucks sake. She's still young so it doesn't look that stringy. Give it time though.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | December 3, 2021 4:25 PM |
She looks good. Now she just needs to fix those far-apart eyes
by Anonymous | reply 73 | December 6, 2021 6:55 AM |
If Eating Disorder Twitter (yes, this exists) have praised her plunging weight since Emma, you know the oH sHe’S jUsT nAtUrALlY tHiN aNd hEAlThY nOt LiKe yOu fAt AmErICaNs line spouted upthread is bullshit.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | December 6, 2021 7:17 AM |
Zendaya does skinny high fashion better.
Anya Taylor-Joy looks 2 pounds from the ICU, Zendaya has a good 5-10z
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 75 | December 15, 2021 7:19 AM |
I’ve been thin and I’ve been fat, I’m on Keto now and stabilized my weight but am not obsessive about it and partake once in awhile.
When I was doing meth, I would drop 5 pounds over a weekend and come back to work SNATCHED and all the fattie fraud would get so upset that it appeared I could lose weight so easily. Hee hee! I’m sober now but my sponsor and I joke about sharing a really good stomach bug once in awhile!
by Anonymous | reply 76 | December 15, 2021 7:30 AM |
Anna should stop hanging out with Vicky Beckham when she's in LA. Vicky's rail-thin body always makes other people feel inadequate.
PS this is what I call GAUNT
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 77 | December 15, 2021 7:39 AM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 78 | December 15, 2021 7:54 AM |
Her eyes are practically on either side of her head.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | December 15, 2021 7:57 AM |
Rebel looks great. I hope she can maintain her career now she can’t be cast as just the “fat girl” (although she is still humungus by HW standards)
by Anonymous | reply 80 | December 15, 2021 8:04 AM |
Oh honey, with that scaly dress, wall eyes and washed up on those rocks she looks like a carp.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | December 15, 2021 8:14 AM |
R77 is starving.
Taylor-Joy is not so thin that she looks unwell in any photos I have seen. She looks like a young person with an 'ectomorph' body type.
My mother effectively starved to death because of Crohn's disease. She became so thin that opportunistic bacteria became infectious because of a compromised immune system and a gut microbiota imbalance. This can happen from anorexia, as well, and from serious illnesses such as AIDS and cancers. It does not look the same as being thin.
Taylor-Joy in photos I have seen certainly is thin, but she also has flesh and body fat; she's not wasting away. You can see it in both the skeleton and the face when a person's health is compromised from being starved: it's the difference between Karen Carpenter's face and Calista Flockhart's face. Flockhart always has been called anorexic, but her face has never looked gaunt and she is 57 and healthy. She's just a thin woman.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | December 15, 2021 8:40 AM |
Good for Rebel, she looks great. I think she may need some of that extra skin removed though.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | December 15, 2021 10:51 AM |
The dress looks like she parachuted on to the red carpet.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | December 15, 2021 12:17 PM |
Anya Taylor Joy dressed like a mannequin at the after parties.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 87 | March 29, 2022 6:28 PM |
Do these people not have a single friend who can tell them how they really look before they strut the red carpet?
by Anonymous | reply 88 | March 29, 2022 6:30 PM |
Sorry, but she looks like a praying mantis - the skinny, overlong arms and torso, the hideous bug eyes and even the pointy chin look positively Mantodean. She also looks like a child wearing her mother's dresses. The poses are so stiff and artificial and it's so evident that she is trying her hardest to look sophisticated, that all we can see is how lacking in elegance and refinement she is.
The 1940s Barbie look below (which inappropriately includes a pillbox hat with a veil and a tea length skirt, even though she was in a formal evening gala), truly evidences how lacking in grace she is. For someone who grew up surrounded by luxury and privileges, she looks rather pedestrian, vulgar and milkmaid-like.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 89 | March 29, 2022 7:12 PM |
Anna doesn't look like she's eaten in months. Is she on the David Bowie cocaine, milk and red peppers diet?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 90 | March 29, 2022 8:06 PM |
She's beautiful, but too thin. Everyone can see that.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | March 29, 2022 8:09 PM |
I highly recommend The Miniaturist on PBS.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 92 | March 29, 2022 10:40 PM |
Oof. The Barbie pink dress is a disaster. It’s too tight and the fabric is a mess of weird pulls and wrinkles which points to a design flaw.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | March 31, 2022 5:46 PM |
She looks beautiful. I have always liked her. I hope she is healthy.
by Anonymous | reply 94 | March 31, 2022 5:49 PM |
R75 Zendaya has always been thin, even as a kid, so it is not like she is being thin for Hollywood. Some women are just naturally slim. She is one of them. I personally know several. They eat! You can look at the muscles in Zendaya's legs and see that she is not starving herself. She is healthy. I am now worried about her one bit.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | March 31, 2022 5:55 PM |
she looks like a stretched out buman fetus
by Anonymous | reply 96 | March 31, 2022 5:56 PM |
[quote] Zendaya has always been thin
She’s always been stupid and ugly.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | March 31, 2022 6:09 PM |
I loved her in PBS's The Miniaturist." I also like her because she looks like a bug.
She used to be plump with pillowy breasts.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 99 | March 31, 2022 6:13 PM |
Anya - The Karen Carpenter Story. Can't wait to see it!
by Anonymous | reply 101 | March 31, 2022 6:41 PM |
If she stands next to Chrissy Metz you get the number 10.
by Anonymous | reply 102 | March 31, 2022 6:44 PM |
I've seen Zendaya in person, and she is indeed, naturally thin with delicate bone structure. I think you could encircle her waist with your hands.
It's been very common for up and coming actresses to lose weight because their stylists tell them, "If you get to this size, I can get this designer frock for you". I can see Law saying that to her, especially since he styles Zendaya. Usually the more successful and actress is, the thinner the body and straighter the hair becomes.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | March 31, 2022 6:47 PM |
I am gad I am not a woman. The emphasis that is put on being pencil thin is crazy. I like to eat what I want and work out. Hollywood demands these women never eat and not work out too much because they can’t have too much muscle either. Thy have to look like waifs.
by Anonymous | reply 104 | March 31, 2022 8:19 PM |
^ Not at all, Anya Taylor-Joy was still slim during her big tittie era.
She chose to be pencil thin because she wants to be a fashionista like, in her age bracket, Zendaya.
Heaps of actresses chose to be small without starving themselves into emaciation.
by Anonymous | reply 105 | March 31, 2022 9:09 PM |
Both Zendaya and ATJ look like shit, IMO, but Zendaya at least is naturally inclined towards thinness - she has always had a boyish figure. Anya used to actually look like a grown woman. Sad.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | March 31, 2022 9:17 PM |
R99, that's not plump, that's an 18th century corset that will give anyone, male or female cleavage.
by Anonymous | reply 107 | April 1, 2022 3:27 AM |
I don't know anyone who would prefer her starvation-chic look to the one where she is running and has nice, full tits
by Anonymous | reply 108 | April 1, 2022 3:30 AM |
She hooked on dem green pills....
I tried to tell her
by Anonymous | reply 109 | April 1, 2022 10:50 AM |
Yes, r110. See r7 for what used to be.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 111 | April 1, 2022 12:41 PM |
"Every day I have to be out on that set and 'Sparkle, Anya, Sparkle!'"
by Anonymous | reply 112 | April 1, 2022 1:07 PM |