One of the most important people involved with “The Curse of Oak Island” is producer Rick Lagina, who has Lymes disease and was recently diagnosed with it.
In order to solve the 225-year-old treasure mystery on Oak Island, which is located in Nova Scotia, he recruits the assistance of his brother Marty.
The most recent season continues with the characters investigating the mysteries that are buried around the region. However, now that they have assistance from the relevant authorities in the government, they are one step closer than ever before to discovering the answers they seek as they investigate the marsh in the shape of a triangle.
Dr. Ian Spooner, a geoscientist, has identified the telltale signs of a potential treasure, and the core-drilling operation represents a significant step forward in their journey. The finding of manmade tunnels and rooms is an encouraging indication, as it indicates that the siblings may emerge more prosperous than they have ever been.
Along with his nephew Peter Fornetti, who is Alex Lagina Marty’s son, and Craig Tester, who is joining the adventure, the programme will begin its descent on November 15 on History Channel. Other family members are also trying to find their way in.

Rick Lagina
Rick Lagina’s Cause Of Illness Is Lyme Disease
During an episode of “The Curse of Oak Island,” it was revealed that explorer Rick Lagina had been infected with Lyme disease after being bitten by a deer tick.
In December of 2017, he came forward with the heartbreaking news about the ailment, which causes the patient to experience symptoms such as a bulls-eye rash, pain in the muscles and joints, a stiff neck, a fever, and many other symptoms.
The unusual pattern of rings that could be seen on Lagina’s back was one of the indicators that pointed to his true identity. When they noticed the bite, he complained that he was starting to feel sick.
After seeing his back, Marty coerced him into going to a medical clinic despite the fact that he has a strong aversion to people in medical professions.
It is a good thing that the bite from the Ixodes tick, more commonly known as the deer tick, occurred not too long ago; otherwise, the patient could have developed serious complications such as heart failure, facial paralysis, memory problems, or even severe headaches if the prescribed medications had not been taken.
Aside from that, his interests take up too much of his time for him to be slowed down, and he has been fantasising about Oak Island since since he was 11 years old.
As he became older, he realised that he needed to put his hobbies on hold in order to make some real money, so he started working at the post office.
Marty revealed that his older brother is a multimillionaire businessman and the primary financier of the organisation, despite the fact that he portrays himself as a retired worker. Marty’s brother is also the primary financier of the operation.
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Rick Lagina Health Update 2022
Even while the majority of fans are still concerned about their beloved explorer Rick Lagina in 2022, he has not yet provided an update on his health.
It is safe to state that he avoided a disaster given that he has not reported experiencing any discomfort or symptoms that keep coming back. The man, who is 70 years old, is as obstinate as a mule and refuses to let up on his search for treasures despite having a serious sickness.
Therefore, it does not come as a complete surprise to us when he states that he dislikes watching himself on camera. The fact that he thinks his connection with the Island is real and that he is not seeking celebrity is an extremely revealing indication of his fundamental way of thinking.
However, his advancing years are a cause for anxiety as he gets ready to quit everything when the appropriate moment arrives. After nine seasons of searching without success, the show’s demands had an adverse effect on his personal life as well as his physical health.
During an interview, my northern neighbour discussed the challenge of striking a healthy balance between spending time with family and working hard at what you love. His plan is to take the weekends off and go on an excursion to Halifax in order to get their minds off of things.
The Oak Island Is A Dangerous Place
Rick Lagina is concerned about more than just his physical health due to the nature of his employment, which comes with its share of risks. As he, his brother, and his squad of experts walk into hazardous tunnels, shafts, and land excavations, there is a possibility of imminent danger lurking around every corner.
Very few individuals were still willing to put themselves in danger while weighing the benefits and drawbacks of undertaking the journey before they embarked on it.
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Rick Lagina Believed The Oak Island Is Haunted
As a result of having a supernatural being riding on his back, Rick Lagina is subject to assault from every direction. There have been reliable eyewitnesses present at the scene when the unexplained equipment breakdowns happened in certain portions of the machine.
He described an unnerving sensation, but the camera was able to capture no proof of it.
Due to the fact that investigators are unable to explain their results, the southeast portion of the marsh is a particularly active region.

Rick Lagina with his brother Marty in 2019
Who is Rick Lagina?
Richard George Lagina is an American actor and producer. He was born on January 25, 1952, in Kingsford Dickinson County, Michigan. Richard George Lagina is probably best known for his participation in the television series “The Curse of Oak Island,” which airs on the History Channel. Ever since he was a young boy, the legend of Oak Island, which is situated to the south of Nova Scotia, has held his attention. Before he became well-known as a TV personality, Rick worked for the United States Postal Service as a postal worker. These days, co-starring in and producing the hit horror film “The Curse of Oak Island” with his brother Marty has become his primary source of income. After five seasons of the successful reality programme, the Lagina brothers are gaining an ever-increasing following, and the number of their supporters is growing at an astounding rate.
Rick Lagina’s Wife
Both of the Lagina brothers are very private individuals, and you won’t find either of them giving any kind of personal information to the press. Rick is content for there to be no formal confirmation either way regarding his marital or romantic status, and this is because he prefers it to stay that way. Many of his devoted followers, however, have been unable to make contact with him through any of the popular social networking sites. In point of fact, there is evidence that Rick does not even have social media accounts; hence, it is possible that his brother Marty is in the same position. There have been rumours floating about regarding Rick’s love life, but none of them have been substantiated. Due to the fact that both brothers are so dedicated to maintaining their privacy, the specifics of their personal lives are as mysterious as Oak Island itself.
Oak Island
“The Curse of Oak Island” is largely responsible for Rick and Marty Lagina’s meteoric rise to prominence. The television programme was an instant success on the History Channel, and the greatest part was that Rick was actually living out his childhood ambition by participating in and producing the programme. The show’s success can be attributed to the brothers’ unwavering commitment, as evidenced by their decision to enlist the assistance of qualified professionals throughout their expedition across the island. Throughout the course of the series, the brothers recount the history of the island, discuss the riddles that surround the wealth, and, of course, point out potential locations where the gold could be concealed. As of the latter half of 2018, viewers are eagerly anticipating news on the production of a sixth season of the show, which has previously been produced by the Lagina brothers over the course of five full seasons.

Rick and Marty Lagina in an episode of The Curse of Oak Island
The Curse
There is a plethora of speculation on the nature of the island’s alleged curse, as well as the question of whether or not such a thing even exists. On the other hand, there was an occurrence that occurred while they were recording the show that might convince the audience that the curse is in fact real. One of the most well-known spots on the island is called the Money Pit, and it was believed to be one of the locations where the riches was hidden. Rick was inexplicably poisoned by a strange chemical when they were filming one of the episodes of the show within the Money Pit, and four crewmembers passed away as they were attempting to rescue him from the scene. As a result, there is evidence to support the idea that “The Curse of Oak Island” is based on real events.
Rick and Lyme disease
In the episode that aired in December 2017, it was discovered that Rick Lagina had been bitten by a tick that was carrying Lyme disease. Even though Rick has a strong aversion to medical professionals, Marty was able to persuade him that he required treatment after observing one of the typical Lyme disease symptoms, a “bulls-eye” rash, on Rick’s back. Marty immediately realised that this was not just a tick bite, but also the first stage of Lyme disease. To our relief, Rick’s disease was diagnosed at the earliest stage possible, and the bite did not result in any difficulties when it was administered. The symptoms of Lyme disease can range from weariness to inflammation of the brain and nerve system. Lyme disease is a very serious condition that, in most cases, cannot be treated if it is not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.
Rick Lagina’s Net Worth
It is reasonable to assume that Rick is not living on a shoestring budget, given that Nova Scotia Business Inc. contributed more than $1.2 million in film money toward the production of the fourth season of the reality show. Rick’s ascent to prominence coincided with the beginning of his accumulation of a modest wealth. Although there are little records of his financial situation, much like his personal life, it is estimated by credible sources that Rick Lagina had a net worth of more than $2 million in 2018. This represents a significant increase from the wage of a postal worker. The enormous popularity of “The Curse of Oak Island” ensured that both brothers would not only have the opportunity to live out a childhood fantasy, but also the financial means to do so in the process of becoming wealthy.
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