Meet the man who shed an astonishing 266lbs after a video of him performing on stage shocked him into losing weight - and he has the excess skin to prove it.
Entrepreneur Emmanuel Croxton, 25, from Florida was just 12 years old when he began gaining weight after his mom passed away. For ten years starting in 1998, he consistently moved from town to town every two years due to his grandmother travelling up and down the state.
His unhealthy diet of consuming 4,000 calories worth of ready-made meals and no exercise resulted in his weight increasing to 456lbs and he wore an XXXXL shirt size.

Unhealthy: Emmanuel Croxton, 25, from Florida first started gaining weight at age 12

Sad: The death of his mother spurred the weight gain where he eat an unhealthy diet

Hard: Emmanuel (pictured top right) was consistently traveling with his grandmother after his mom's death and developed unhealthy eating habits

Embarrassed: His turning point to lose weight was in 2015 when he saw a video of himself on stage looking the largest he had ever been
Feeling like an outsider due to his weight made Emmanuel indulge in food for comfort.
It wasn't until 2015 when he performed on stage for the first time acting in a play, after seeing the footage of himself on stage, that he realized he needed to change his lifestyle.
After losing 70lbs naturally by eating home-cooked meals and attending the gym three to four times a week, Emmanuel decided to undergo gastric band surgery in May 2015, a surgical procedure where a band is placed around the stomach to reduce food consumption.
The result left Emmanuel with excess skin but this hasn't stopped him from flaunting his new body. He now consumes only 1,800 calories a day, is a healthy weight of 184lbs and a medium shirt size.
'I started gaining weight at the early age of 12,' Emmanuel said. 'It was right after the passing of my mother and having to grow up moving from town to town every year. It was hard making friends, so I just kept to myself.
'I didn't feel confident, I didn't have the best self-esteem and I was always depressed but when it came time to eat that's when I would be happy. As soon as the food was gone I would go to sleep, then wake up just to do it all over again.
'I was performing on stage for the first time; they recorded the show and for the first time ever, I saw what everyone else saw when they looked at me. I was disgusted and shocked at myself. I knew from then on something had to change.
'After losing 70lbs on my own, I later on got the gastric band surgery done in May 2015.'
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Struggle: Before his weight loss journey, Emmanuel would always eat pre-packaged meals

Time to change: At on point, Emmanuel weighed 456lbs and wore an XXXXL shirt size

Transformation: On his own, Emmanuel was able to lose 70lbs off his body

Help: He then decided to undergo gastric band surgery to help with the weight loss

Fit: He has since lost more than 270lbs and received gastric band surgery to help

Big change: 'I feel awesome, I'm confident and happy in myself now,' Emmanuel said. 'I am no longer depressed about my physical look anymore'
Emmanuel explains what it was like after he lost the weight.
'Losing weight has changed my life in so many ways I cannot even count them all. This weight loss has changed my whole outlook on life,' he said.
'Even though I might already be considered young, losing that weight has made me feel even younger. I have so much energy with so many ideas – I want to do so much with my life now.
'I feel awesome, I'm confident and happy in myself now. I am no longer depressed about my physical look anymore.
'I love buying clothes. Going into a store with your head held high, knowing they stock your size is the best feeling ever.
'Even though it seems like I've had an easy way out with my weight loss, I've still had to make huge changes to my diet and exercise.
'I now eat vegetables and lean meats with low carbohydrates – which has been my diet for a year and half.
'I cook most of my meals, but I have fun with it. Don't be afraid to explore different seasonings to add to your meals.'

Healthy mindset: He now focuses on eating a diet of vegetables and lean proteins

Regrets: Emmanuel's one wish is that he had started his journey sooner because his weight left him with bowed legs

Perspective: 'Weight loss is actually fun and exciting,' he said after losing 270lbs

Positive: Emmanuel is encouraged by all that he accomplished in recent years to get in shape
Emmanuel recalls his most difficult periods throughout his weight loss journey.
'Well, I would say the hardest part for me was the aftermath of the surgery. They recovery from the surgery was painful,' he said.
'With me carrying all that weight around at my heaviest was very difficult. I had bowed legs and at any moment it felt like they were going to snap.
'If it wasn't for my legs people in my past wouldn't even notice me today. Every time someone sees me in public they always ask me how I did it, that I look great and that I'm an inspiration. It's very encouraging to hear that and it pushes me harder.
'Don't postpone your start date anymore. I did and only wish I started sooner. I literally thought when I was at my heaviest weight, this is who I am, be satisfied with it and get used to it.
'Before all this I thought weight loss was something hard and boring to do. Weight loss is actually fun and exciting. It's something to look forward to and amazing to see a better you.'