31 Local Governments in Akwa Ibom State and their Headquarters

Akwa Ibom State, which was carved out from Cross River State on the 23rd of September, 1987, by the Military Administration of General Ibrahim Babangida, has 31 local governments. 

The state gets its name from the Qua Iboe River and is the 30th largest state in land mass in Nigeria. It is also the 15th most populous state, with a population of 5.5 million people. The 31 local governments in Akwa Ibom State are known for having Ibibio as their major language. However, there are other 18 indigenous languages that are predominant in the state.

How Many Local Governments are in Akwa Ibom State?

Akwa Ibom State has 31 local governments. The state is part of the oil-producing states in Nigeria. Across the 31 local governments in Akwa Ibom, there are three river systems, which are the Ikpa River (Cross River), Imo River, and the Kwa Iboe river.

The state has its revenue generation split across taxes and the exploration of oil and gas. Akwa Ibom is known to be rich in seafood like crayfish, catfish, and stock-fish, which are mostly found in the Oron local government area of the state.

All The Local Governments in Akwa Ibom State and their Headquarters

1. Uyo Local Government Area

Uyo LGA is located in the capital of Akwa Ibom State. It is the most developed part of Akwa Ibom state. The towns and villages in the Uyo local government area are segmented into 4 districts.

Below are the four districts that makeup Uyo LGA:

  • Etoi district
  • Offot district
  • Ikono district
  • Oku district

2. Abak Local Government Area

Abak is one of the local government areas in Akwa Ibom State. It is located in the southwest part of Akwa Ibom State, bordering Ikono local government area to the north and Essien Udim government area to the west. The local government area gave birth to government areas like Oruk Anam, Etim Ekpo, Ukanafun, and Ika. Abak is predominantly dominated by the Annang tribe.

The area’s major economic activities are centered on palm produce. They are also blessed with other natural and mineral resources such as gravel, sand, clay, crude oil, and salt. Abak is the location of the headquarters of the Abak local government area. The local government area is made up of five districts, and they are as follows:

  • Abak Uban district
  • Ediene district
  • Midim district
  • Afaha Obong district
  • Otoro district

3. Eastern Obolo Local Government Area

Eastern Obolo is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state. It is located in the coastal area of the state as it is heavily influenced by the shorelines of the Bight of Bonny. The local government was created from Ikot Abasi local government on the 4th of December, 1996.

Eastern Obolo is dominated by the Obolo ethnic group of the Ijaw tribe. The communities in this local government are divided into two districts, namely Okoro Ete district and Iko district. The headquarters of this local government are located at Okoroete.

4. Eket Local Government Area

This is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state that is located in the South Central part of the state. Afaha ukwa, Esit urua, Idung Offiong, Odio, Iko ekwa, Effoi, Edebuk, and Ikot Udota are among the cities and communities that make up Eket’s local government.

They have an estimated population of over 91,855 people, most of whose residents are from the Ekid ethnic group. The LGA widely speaks the Ekid dialect, as the language is predominant among the indigents. The local government headquarters of Eket are located in Eket.

5. Esit-Eket Local Government Area 

Esit-Eket is one of the local governments located in Akwa Ibom state. It is bounded by the local governments of Ibeno, Eket, and Nsit Ubium. Esit-Eket has its headquarters located in the town of Uquo. Some towns and communities that make up the Esit-Eket local government area are Uqua, Etebi, Urua Okok, Mbakuyo, Idung Ita, Akwaita, Akpautong, and Idung Assam.

The local government has an estimated population of 82,098 people, with the Eket tribe occupying the majority of the land. The most widely spoken dialect is the Ekid dialect. The two dominant clans that constitute Esit-Eket’s local government are the Eket Offiong and the Eket Afaha. The Esit-Eket local government is also known for its popular Ekpe masquerade festival.

6. Essien Udim Local Government Area

This is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom which was created from Ikot Epene. Its headquarters are located in Afaha Kot Ebak. Other towns and communities that constitute the local government are Ikpe Annang, Ibam, Ikot Ntuen, Udok, Okon, Ikot Oko, Ikot Ukeh Etor, Ikot Ekefre, and Nto Okpo. Essien Udim has an estimated population of 79,444 people, with the Affang ethnic sub-division accounting for the majority of its population.

The generally accepted language in the local government is the Affang language. Essien Udim people are known for their agricultural activity, which made them one of the largest producers of agricultural produce in Akwa Ibom state generally.

7. Etim Ekpo Local Government Area

This is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state with a very large deposit of crude oil. The headquarters of the local government are located in Etim Ekpo town. Other communities that make up the local government are Ikot Ikpa, Ntak Inyang, Ikot Inyang, Uruk Ata Nsidung, Ete Edet, Atan, Ikot Obio Nta, Ikono, and Obong communities.

The local government has an estimated population of over 84,203 people. The Annang Language is the native language of the people of Etim Ekpo.

8. Etinan Local Government Area

Etinan is a local government bordered by Onna, Nsit Ibom, Mkpat Enin, Abak, and Uyo local governments of Akwa Ibom state. The local government is made up of several communities and villages, which are Ikot Ebo, Oto Akpan, Ikot Abasi, Ekom, Ikot Ekan, Nkana, Ikot Ese, and Oniong. The population of the local government is estimated to be over 80,556 indigenes, with the Imam Ibom tribe as the majority of its population.

Their major economic activities are centered on agriculture. Etinan local government is also rich in crude oil and other mineral resources. Since the creation of the local government in 1976, Etinan has remained the headquarters of the local government.

9. Ibeno Local Government Area

Ibeno local government is one of the 31 local governments in Akwa Ibom state. The local government’s headquarters are located in the Ukpenekang community. Ibeno is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the following local governments; Eastern Obolo, Onna, Esit Eket, and Eket local governments.

The following towns and communities make up the Ibeno local government Okposo, Ukpenekang, Atabrikang, Iwuochang, Ntafre, Mkpanak, Opolum. The local government has an estimated population of 86,540 people. Ibeno is richly blessed with crude oil, with the presence of lots of oil mining companies in the LGA. The people are dominantly farmers and speak the Ibeno dialect of the Efik-Ibibio language.

10. Ibesikpo-Asutan Local Government Area

This is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state that bases its major economic activities on agricultural production and fishing. The headquarters of Ibesikpo Asutan are located at Nnung Udoe Ibesikpo community.

The territories of the local government are surrounded by Uruan, Etinan, Nsit Ibom, Nsit Atai, and Uyo. Ibesikpo Asutan is made up of 43 communities, while some of which include Ikot Nko, Akpa Utong, Ikot Edium, Atang Uma, Ikot Itok, Ntuk Otong, Obio Aduang, and Aba Ukpo. The LGA has an estimated population of 79,656 people.

11. Ibiono-Ibom Local Government Area

The LGA is located in Akwa Ibom state and in the South-South geopolitical zone. Ibiono-Ibom LGA is made up of cities and villages such as Idoro, Use Ndon, Afua, Ikpanya, Ididep, Afaha, Usen Ikot, Obio Eno, and Mbiabong. There is an estimated population of 83,660 people in this local government.

Ibibio and Efik are the major languages spoken in the communities that make up Ibibio Ibom. There is a large deposit of mineral resources like crude oil and clay.

12. Ika Local Government Area

Ika is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom, in Nigeria’s South-South geopolitical zone. The LGA’s headquarters are in Urua Inyang. It shares borders with the Etim Ekpo LGA and some parts of Abia state. Achan Ika, Ikot Inwang, Ito, Nto Udoete, Iwukem, Edem Akai, Nto Usoh, and Ikot Ekong are among the towns and communities that make up Ika LGA. This LGA has an estimated population of 89,078 indigents. Annang ethnic sub-division members make up the majority of the population.

13. Ikono Local Government Area

Ikono is a local government in Akwa Ibom which was created from Itu LGA in 1976. The following towns and communities are some of the villages that make up Ikono LGA Ibakesi, Odoro Ikpe, Ikot Ubeng, Ibiaku, Mbiafun, Asanting, and Mbia Obong.

Ikono LGA has an estimated population of 93,793 people who are predominantly from the Ibibio ethnic group. The people based more on farming as their main economic activity, despite large deposits of mineral resources such as salt, gravel, sand, and crude oil.

14. Ikot Abasi Local Government Area

Ikot is a local government area in Akwa Ibom that was created in 1996. The LGA is surrounded by other LG’s like Oruk Anan, Easter Obolo, Mkpat Enin, and also the Atlantic Ocean. Some of the communities and villages that make up Ikot Abasi are Ikpa Ibekwe, Ikpa Edemaya, Ikpa Nnung Assang, Ukpum okon, Ukpum Ette, Ikot Obong, Ikot Etetuk, and Uta Ewa communities. The headquarters of the local government is Ikot Abasi town.

An estimated population of 101,333 people are found to occupy the local government. Most of this population is dominated by the Ibibio ethnic group.

15. Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area

Ikot Ekpene is a local government area in Akwa Ibom state that was created in 1951. The local government area is made up of communities and villages, some of which include Abiakpo Ikot Essien, Ibiakpo Edem Idim, Ibiakpan, Ibong Nto Akan, Ikot Idem, Ifuho, Abak Oko, and Akanaan. Ikot Ekpene local government has its headquarters situated in the Ikot Ekpene community.

The local government has an estimated population of 105,896 people, which is dominated by the Annang ethnic group. The people of Ikot Ekpene are mostly farmers and traders.

16. Ini Local Government Area

Ini is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state that was created in 1991. Ikono and Obot Akara local governments and some sections of Abia state form part of Ini local government. The towns and communities that form the local government are Nkana, Iwere, Ukwok, Ikpe, Odorolkono, Itie Ikpe, and Nkari.

The headquarters of Ini local government is Odoro Ikpe community. Ini LGA has an estimated population of 90,512 people, of which the Ibibio ethnic group accounts for the majority of the people.

17. Itu Local Government Area

As one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state, the local government is surrounded by parts of Cross River and Abia states. They also hold boundaries with other local governments like Ibiono Ibom, Uyo, Ikono, and Uruan. The headquarters of the local government are located in the Itu community. Some of the communities that make up Itu LGA are Obot, Oku, Mbiano, Etim, Ayadehe, Ikot Ukono, Ibam, Ika Oku, Mkapna Uruk.

Itu LGA has an estimated population of 91,082 people, with the Ibibio ethnic group making up the majority of the population.

18. Mbo Local Government Area

Mbo is a local government area in Akwa Ibom state that is bordered by Offong/Oruko, Esit Eket, and Ibeno local governments. The LGA has its headquarters located in the Enwang community. Some of the communities and villages that make up the local government are Afaha Okpo, Nkwong, Effiat, Ibiaku, Ikpa Ibom, Ikpo Ikono, Ekpuk, and Atanuk local governments.

The local government has an estimated population of 114,700 people, with the Oron ethnic group accounting for the vast majority of the residents.

19. Mkpat-Enin Local Government Area

Mkpat-Enin is a local government in Akwa Ibom that is surrounded by Ikot Abasi, Oruk Anam, Eastern Obolo, Onna, and Etinam local governments. The headquarters of the local government are located in the Mkpat Enin community.

Some other communities and villages that make up the LGA are Ukpum Minya, Ikpa Ibom, Ibiaku, Ikotpa Ikotono, Ikot Obong, Eka Nung Ukim, Ikot Eti, and Iffa communities. Mkpat Enin is made up of an estimated population of 163,031. The majority of the population are Ibibio, making the LGA an Ibibio speaking one.

20. Nsit-Atai Local Government Area

Nsit-Atai is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom which was created in 1996. The LGA is surrounded by Okobo, Uruan, Ibesikpo Asutan local governments. The headquarters of the local government area is located in the Odot community.

Some other communities that surround the LGA are Ndisiak, Ubetim, Ikot Mkpo, Ibedu, Nda Nsit, Idikpa, Etobodom, and Adia Nsit. Nsit LGA has an estimated population of 114,308 people, with the Ibibio ethnic group as the majority.

21. Nsit-Ibom Local Government Area

This is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom and its headquarters are situated in the town of Afaha Offiong. Nsik Ibom is surrounded by some local governments and they are Etinan, Ibesikpo Asutan, Uyo, and Nsit Ubium.

Some of the villages and communities that surround the LGA are Afaha Offiong, Okukok, Ntong, Oboetim Ikot Ekong Obio Okpok, Edeobom, and Asang. They have an estimated population of over 115,893 people, with the Ibibio ethnic group as the majority.

22. Nsit-Ubim Local Government Area

Nsit-Ubim is a local government in Akwa Ibom State with its headquarters situated in Ikot Edibon. The LGA is surrounded by the following LGA’s Eket, and Nsit Ibom.

Some communities and villages that makeup Nsit Ubim are Ukat, Ibomin, Akai, Ikot Ukap, Ndiya, Itreto, Ndukpoise, and Edebom. They have an estimated population of 109,541 people, dominated by the Ibibio ethnic group.

23. Obot-Akara Local Government Area

Obot-Akara is a local government in Akwa Ibom state with its headquarters situated in Nto Edino community. The LGA shares the same boundary with some LGAs like Ikot Ekpene, Essien Udim, Ini, and Ikono.

Some of the communities that make up Obot-Akara are Ikot Utu, Itu Edino, Usaka, Nto Esu, Imana, Ikot Abia, and Abiakpo. The LGA has an estimated population of over 119,703 people, which has the Annang ethnic group in its majority.

24. Okobo Local Government Area

Okobo is a local government that has its headquarters situated in the Okopedi community. The LGA’s that shares boundaries with Okobo are Oron, Nsit Atai, Uruan, and Udung. Some of the communities that make up the Okobo are Okiuso, Eta, Ukwong, Atabong, Ibighi, Ufok Esuk. The LGA has an estimated population size of 129,855 people, all of whom are from the Okobo ethnic group.

25. Onna Local Government Area

This is one of the LGA’s in Akwa Ibom state that has its headquarters situated at Abat community.  Onna LGA is made up of the following communities Nnung Ndem, Awa, Ikot Idem Udo, Afaha, Iquita, Ikot Ndua Iman, Ndon Eyo, and Ikot Nkan. It has an estimated population of over 108,713 people, which is dominated by the Onna ethnic group.

26. Oron Local Government Area

Oron is a Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom that was created in 1976, with its headquarters in the Oron community. This local government is made up of the following communities Etta, Afaha Okpo, Afaha Oki-uso, Ebughu, Ihie, Effiat, Esuk Oro, and Esin Ufot. Oron has an estimated population size of 134,562 people, which is dominated by the Oron ethnic group.

27. Oruk Anam Local Government Area

Oruk Anam is one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state. It has its headquarters located at Ikot Ibritam. The LGA shares boundaries with Mkpat enin, Ikot Abasi, and Ukanafun local government areas.

The LGA is made up of several communities and they are Obio Akpa, Ikot Okoro, Ikot Afanga, Ekparakwa, Obio Akpa, Ntak Ibesit, and Inen Nsai. They have an estimated population of over 141,608 people. The LGA is dominated by the Annang ethnic group.

28. Ukanafun Local Government Area

This is a local government area in Akwa Ibom State, that has its headquarters in Ikot Akpa Nkuk. The LGA is made up of the following communities Ikot Ibekwe, Akoyo, Nkek, Nto Okon, Ikot Uko, Ikot Etim, Nkek Idim, and Ikot Akai. Ukanafun has an estimated population of 153,481 people, dominated by the Annang ethnic group.

29. Udung-Uko Local Government Area

Udung-Uko LGA was created out of Oron LGA in 1996. It is surrounded by Okobo, Oron, Urue Offong, Mbo, and Oruku. The local government has its headquarters located in the Eyofin community.

Some of the communities that formed the local government are Okpo, Uboding, Afaha Okpo, Enino, Uboro Isong Inyang, Eyo Ating Osung, and Eyiba. The LGA is estimated to have a population of 169,084 people, and they are mostly from the Oron ethnic group.

30. Uruan Local Government Area

The local government was created out of Uyo LGA in 1988, with its headquarters located in Idu community. Uruan LGA is made up of some of the following communities Anakpa, Emam, Ibikpe, Ekim, Idu, Ikot Ese, Ekim Enen, Nwaniba, Mbiakong, and Use. The LGA has an estimated population of 163,772 people, which is dominated by the Uruan ethnic group.

31. Urue-Offong Oruko Local Government Area

Urue-Offong Oruko was established in 1991 as one of the local governments in Akwa Ibom state. It is made up of some of the following communities; Mbodong, Afaha, Ibighi, Okiuso, Ukwong, Ebughu, Eyokpifie, and Okpo. Urue-Offong Oruko has an estimated population of 187,642 people, which is mostly dominated by the Oron ethnic group.

List of the 31 Local Government Areas in Akwa Ibom State and Their Headquarters

S/NLocal Government Area (LGA)Headquarters
4.Eastern OboloOkoroete
5.Essien UdimAfaha Ikot Ebak
6.Etim EkpoUtu Etim Ekpo
8.Esit EketUquo
10.Ibesikpo AsutanNung Udoe
11.Ibiono IbomOko Ita
12.IkaUrua Inyang
13.IkonoIbiaku Ntok Okpo
14.Ikot AbasiIkot Abasi
15.Ikot EkpeneIkot Ekpene
16.IniOdoro Ikpe
19.Mkpat eninMkpat Enin
20.Nsit AtaiOdot
21.Nsit IbomAfaha Offiong
22.Nsit UbiumIkot Edibon
23.Obot AkaraNto Edino
27.Oruk AnamIkot Ibritam
28.Udung UkoEyofin
29.UkanafunIkot Akpa Nkuk
31.Urue Offong/OrukoUrue Offong

When was Akwa Ibom State Created?

Akwa Ibom State was established on September 23, 1987 by the then military administration of General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida. This brought an end to years of struggle by the people who occupied the mainland part of the erstwhile Cross River State.

To many, the establishment of the state was a sign of justice. This is because they had been left out of previous state formation exercises despite leading the fight for state formation in Nigeria through the Ibibio Union. The union was a leading socio-cultural organization that served as a unifying platform for the people of the eastern part of Nigeria.

Ibibio Union was founded in 1928, as it started as a cultural organization but was later transformed to a goal-oriented organization that press for Nigerian statehood in 1948. After the 12-state structure was founded in 1967, the mainland part of Calabar Province (Akwa Ibom) was made part of the then South Eastern State, presently known as Cross River State. This didn’t satisfy the union and they continued pressing for their own state.

The Paramount Ruler of the 10 Local Government Areas of the mainland part of the then Cross River State submitted a memorandum demanding the creation of Akwa Ibom State to the then military administration headed by General Buhari. This was after the collapse of the 2nd Republic in 1983. It yielded no desired positive result for the people.

The people remained unfazed and waited for another chance. The chance arose in 1986 when General Ibrahim Babangida’s administration established a political bureau to determine the country’s future political path. It was decided that the memorandum would be resubmitted.

After over four decades of relentless struggle, the people’s collective dream of Akwa Ibom State, the Land of Promise, was eventually realized on September 23, 1987.

Which is the Biggest Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State?

Oruk Anam is the biggest local government area in Akwa Ibom state. This is because of its vast land space and large population. The local government is made up of two major zones, namely Oruk and the Anam zone.

These two zones were two different local government areas that were merged together as one local government in 1989. This gave rise to the vast land space occupied by the current Oruk Anam local government area.

Which is the Richest Local Government in Akwa Ibom State?

Uyo is the state capital and a local government area in Akwa Ibom state. The LGA is seen as the richest local government in the state. It has enjoyed a growth in the infrastructural development of the local government. Some of these infrastructures include extensive road networks such as IBB Way, Udo Udoma Avenue, Atiku Abubakar Avenue, and the Edet Apan Avenue, which is an eight-lane motorway. Godswill Akpabio Stadium is also another remarkable infrastructure in the local government.

All these infrastructures contribute to the internal revenue generation of the local government, which other local governments do not have. It also houses most of the companies and thereby generates more revenues than other local governments in the state. This is the most important aspect that contributed to the rich nature of the local government.
