Who Is John Wayne Glover Wife? Everything To Know About The Granny Killer

John Wayne Glover was married to his ex-wife, Gay Rolls before she left him for New Zealand.

The Granny Killer is a notorious serial killer who terrorized the elderly society.

After he got imprisoned, he admitted to nine murder charges that were previously unsolved.

The destain in his heart for a woman stems from his strained relations with his mother. It only escalated when he got into fights with his mother-in-law, Essie.

John Wayne Glover and the mysterious sketch https://t.co/Sor42eLd0A pic.twitter.com/XJvyNVGDpA

— ArkhamRebel (@ArkhamRebel) July 22, 2019

Who Is John Wayne Glover Wife?

John Wayne Glover was married to his former wife, Gay Rolls. They were parents to their two daughters Kellie and Marnie.

Since he was a child, he didn’t have a good relationship with the females in his family. It started with his mother, who went through multiple marriages.

According to smh.com, his body was unclaimed after his death. His family didn’t care for his funeral processings when suddenly an unnamed female from Sydney came into the picture.

The supposed friend prevented his future from having a paupers funeral and paid for the ceremony.

#GrannyKiller: The Unsolved Murders is NOW on @Channel7 ?

>PREMIERE? – SPECIAL | John Wayne Glover was one of Australia’s most notorious serial killers, convicted of slaying six elderly women. But did Sydney’s ‘Granny Killer’ actually murder many more? pic.twitter.com/rdSWTrIqLc

— Mr TV Australia (@MrTVAus) November 14, 2021

What Is The Story Behind John Wayne Glover aka, The Granny Killer?

John Wayne Glover was a son of a working-class family in England. The young had had a history of committing a petty crime and ultimately left school at 14.

After that, he joined the British army but got ejected. Having nowhere to go, he immigrated to Australia in the 1950s.

After getting married, he got settled as a trustworthy man and worked as a sales representative. He spent his days volunteering in senior care homes and lived comfortably.

His habits caught up to him when he had a bad relationship with his mother-in-law. It ultimately resulted in a divorce with his wife, who took full custody of the girls.

John Wayne has been a staple name among the white trash community: John Wayne Gacy, John Wayne Bobbit, John Wayne Glover pic.twitter.com/YPYVMtn7YW

— benaskrengrindrfan (@benaskrengrindr) February 20, 2019

Who Did John Wayne Glover Kill? Was He Arrested?

John Wayne Glover is the murder of six senior citizens. Although he never outright said it, he always had a problem with women.

At 56, he committed his first murder when he killed an 82-year-old Gwendoline Mitchelhill with a hammer.

Following the murder, he went on a killing spree for 14 months and killed five other women.

Although investigators had a hunch that he was the culprit, they couldn’t arrest him because of the lack of evidence.

Finally, after his last murder, he got put on trial.

How Did John Wayne Glover Die?

John Wayne Glover got sentenced to life imprisonment after his trial. He got relocated to a high-security prison called Lithgow Prison. 

While there, his mental state negotiated and collapsed in his cell in May 2005. He was examined for any injuries and sent back to the cell.

Four months after the incident, he was found dead in his room by hanging himself.

“When the ‘Granny Killer’ John Wayne Glover committed his Sydney serial murders in the late ’80s and early ’90s, no one wrote a piquant little piece pointing out the pensions savings to Treasury” https://t.co/RpyWWmHqgI

— Peter Klages ?? (@PeterKlages) October 23, 2020
