50-year-old Derrick Simmons of Arizona was apprehended on the morning of February 18, 2023, after reportedly killing one of his coworkers and injuring another at the Intel Ocotillo campus in Chandler.
Chandler police took Derrick Lemond Simmons into custody at the scene. He is currently facing charges of first-degree murder and aggravated assault.
According to court filings, one of the victims was found dead in the microprocessor manufacturing facility's cafeteria with signs of blunt-force trauma. Police reported that the other victim was admitted to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
Derrick Simmons attacked an individual with a baseball bat, hatchet, and knife
Police reported that officers were dispatched to the Intel Ocotillo Campus at 6.15 am on Saturday after receiving several 911 calls about a person carrying a hatchet and people being injured.
As per the New York Post, after the night shift employees departed, Derrick Simmons approached a worker at a table in the cafeteria and struck him on the head multiple times with a baseball bat. It mentioned that he also used a hatchet and knife to attack the individual.
Court filings also reported that when another coworker at the same cafeteria table confronted Simmons, he hit the individual in the back of the head with the bat. Following the alleged attack, officers located Derrick Simmons in front of the building carrying two duffle bags.
In a statement by Intel Arizona's spokesperson, Linda Qian said:
"After a tragic incident at the Ocotillo campus this morning, Chandler Police are on-site and working closely with Intel Security as they conduct their investigation."The identities of the two victims have not been made public yet. Police reported that the investigation is still in its early stages. However, they assessed that there is no threat to the public and that the community is safe. A possible motive for the attack is yet to be determined.
According to a report by the New York Post, Derrick Simmons was arrested on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated assault and is being held on a $1 million cash bond.
Court filings also stated that Simmons was earlier convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 2001, although specifics of that case were not immediately available.
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