Fame | Razaq Okoya net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Razaq Okoya? When is Razaq Okoya's birthday? Where is Razaq Okoya born? Where did Razaq Okoya grow up from? What's Razaq Okoya's age?

Razaq Okoya Born: January 12, 1940 (age 83years), Lagos, Nigeria

Is Razaq Okoya married? When did Razaq Okoya get married? Who's Razaq Okoya's married to? (Who's Razaq Okoya's husband / wife)?

Razaq Okoya Spouse: Folashade Okoya

How about Razaq Okoya's sibling?

Razaq Okoya Sibling: Wosilat Okoya

Does Razaq Okoya have any children? What are the names of Razaq Okoya's children? What are the ages of Razaq Okoya's children?

Razaq Okoya Children: Subomi Okoya, Wahab Okoya, Olamide Okoya, Oyinlola Okoya, Rasheed Okoya

How about Razaq Okoya's education?

Razaq Okoya Education: Ansar-UD-Deen Primary School.

How about Razaq Okoya's current_partner?

Razaq Okoya Current_partner: Shade Okoya (1999)

How about Razaq Okoya's founded organization?

Razaq Okoya Founded organization: Eleganza Group of Companies

How many wives does Chief Okoya have?

His first wife, Kuburat Okoya, and the youngest wife is Mrs Shade Okoya.. Okoya has fathered many children from several marriages one of his senior wives of over 50 years marriage is Kuburat Olayinka Okoya who had seven children. His other wives are Ajoke Okoya, Yetunde Okoya, Jennifer Okoya, Zainab Okoya.

How old is Razak Okoya?

They insist that Shade is not just a trophy wife, but a goal-getter who has changed the face of the family business. Aside from being a wife and mother to four children, she is also a businesswoman and philanthropist, who has many awards and recognitions to her name.

How many kids does shade Okoya have?

They insist that Shade is not just a trophy wife, but a goal-getter who has changed the face of the family business. Aside from being a wife and mother to four children, she is also a businesswoman and philanthropist, who has many awards and recognitions to her name.

What state is Okoya from?

Chief Okoya-Thomas was born in Lagos. He obtained his formal education at Princess School Lagos, Baptist Academy, Lagos, Balham & Tooting College of Commerce London and Columbia University in New York City. He was given the chieftaincy titles of the Asoju Oba of Lagos, Babasuwa of Ijebu-Remo and Odofin of Ife.
