When you finally make your way down to Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll find that map is completely blank. Much has changed since Breath of the Wild, and you’ll need to travel the land, activating structures called Skyview Towers that help you chart the area immediately surrounding them.
Based on the blank map, there are fifteen total Towers to activate, and we’re covering all of them here.
How Many Skyview Towers Are In TotK

In Tears of the Kingdom, there are 15 Skyview Towers in total. Each of these are scattered throughout the map of Hyrule.
Players will need to find and activate each one to gain access to the details of regional areas on the main map of Hyrule.
How to Find & Activate All Skyview Towers in Tears of the Kingdom
Like Shiekah Towers back in Breath of the Wild, activating Skyview Towers will rarely be a walk in the park. Some are guarded by monsters, others have their doors either locked or their terminals deactivated, and still others are surrounded by even greater hazards. You will, however, always know where they are thanks to the lights shining into the sky from their bases.
Below are the exact locations and activation conditions for all fifteen Skyview Towrs in Tears of the Kingdom.
All Skyview Towers in Tears of the Kingdom

And that’s it! Check out our other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides below to help with crafting, exploring, and tackling challenges across Hyrule.
Tears of the Kingdom Complete Guide | Every Ability & How To Unlock Them | How to Get The Paraglider | How to Get & Use The Travel Medallion | All Armor Locations & Where to Find Them | All Construct Materials & Where to Find Them | All Shrine Locations & Strategies | How to Get More Heart Containers
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John Schutt
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