D&D 5E - Why does the club do d4?

Okay, this has been bugging me since 5E came out. Why did the designers change the club to a d4 weapon? I thought it might be some homage to something in OD&D, but nothing turns up (every weapon does d6, from what I remember of the Con game I played a few years back).

I've been thinking of changing this in my game, making the club a d6 weapon that costs 5 sp, and make the "club" in the book a sap/nightstick/truncheon/belaying pin weapon. The question is, does this break or invalidate anything (say, Shillelagh)?

<Edit> Oh, great, I see the stats for Mace & Greatclub - looks like I'll have to bump the mace up a die and maybe make the Greatclub cost a GP.

Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
