How to complete all Challenges in They Fly Now! in Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

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To complete all the Challenges in the They Fly Now! level in Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you need to demonstrate quick reactions and sharp shooting skills during your high-speed escape from a squad of First Order troopers on Pasaana. These Challenges can easily be missed, but fortunately, the level is short and easy to replay.

Related: How to complete Dodge This! Challenge in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

How to complete the Teamwork! Challenge

To complete the Teamwork! Challenge, you need to shoot a Treadspeeder after making the driver dizzy with a powder canister. Treadespeeders are motorcycle-like vehicles, two of which will be right behind you at the start of the level. Switch to BB-8 to launch powder canisters at them. Unfortunately, you can’t aim them, so it’s all about timing. When you score a hit, quickly switch back to Rey and shoot the same Treadspeeder you just hit with a powder canister to complete the Challenge.

How to complete the Never Underestimate a Droid Challenge

To complete the Never Underestimate a Droid Challenge, you need to hit a jet trooper with a powder canister as BB-8. So, after Poe Dameron yells out, “They fly now!” and two jet troopers appear, switch to BB-8 and start launching powder canisters. Again, you can’t aim, so it’s all about timing and a bit of luck. You don’t have limited ammo, so feel free to launch them after another until you score a hit.

How to complete the When Treadspeeders Fly! Challenge

To complete the When Treadspeeders Fly! Challenge, you have to destroy the airborne Treadspeeder. Which airborne Treadspeeder? The lone Treadspeeder that chases you near the end of the level. Shoot it a few times, and you’ll see the driver go dizzy (a blaster or powder canister will both have this effect). Now, turn to the left and be ready to shoot the Treadspeeder when it takes off over some rocks. You have to destroy it before it lands, so be accurate and keep the fire button pressed down.

Once you’ve completed all these Challenges, you’re well on your way to getting 100% on the They Fly Now! level. Your next big task is, of course, to collect all five of the Minikits.

About the author

Gavin Mackenzie

Gavin Mackenzie has been playing video games since the early 80s, and writing about them professionally since the late 90s. Having been a writer and editor on various British magazines including PLAY, GamesTM, and X360, he's now a freelance guides specialist at Gamepur.

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