Don't miss today's open house. The Gold Coast residence, designed by Edward Durrell Stone, will be auctioned August 1.
Bring your sunglasses!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 36 | July 29, 2020 1:35 AM |
Well that certainly is something. Definitely West Egg.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | July 26, 2020 3:49 PM |
Tear down and incinerate.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | July 26, 2020 3:54 PM |
It looks like one of the Shah of Iran's old palaces, inside and out. Horrible. And I'm sure they're getting rid of it quick, since the higher tides have already started forming a mosquito-laden cesspool in the side yard.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | July 26, 2020 3:55 PM |
Yeah, mosquitos was my first thought.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | July 26, 2020 4:05 PM |
Love it! Are those papier-mâché palm trees?
by Anonymous | reply 5 | July 26, 2020 4:05 PM |
The house looks like old Mafia used to live there. Nothing has been updated in 30+ years. My guess is that the huge beachfront (ONE MILE OF BEACHFRONT!!) was used to import drugs and stolen items on to shore - or some other illegal actions. It may have been part of an asset forfeiture, hence the auction.
$18 million? 33 acres with approval to build on 4 parcels. Obviously this will be torn down - but isn't it going to be tricky to build only 4 multi-million dollar properties and expect a return?
Maybe if they build condos? I'd be afraid of the mafia wanting to still use the beach - by 'persuasion' if you know what I mean.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | July 26, 2020 4:37 PM |
Edward Durell Stone's architecture does not translate well into residential.
It looks like a bank branch facility.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | July 26, 2020 4:44 PM |
The foyer, living room, and pool remind me of the home interiors in "Narcos: Mexico."
But me being me, I'll admit to liking the pristine vintage kitchen.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | July 26, 2020 4:44 PM |
R6 here - while there have been recent Gambino mafia sentenced from Huntington just last year, this looks to be a residence owned by Gabrielle Lagerwall, 2nd wife of some Baron who created White Shoulders perfume. I don't know if I fully believe the provenance, but there you are.
Apparently this property was owned by the Colgate family prior to this. She has been trying to sell of the parcels of land for 10 years.
If you look up Gabriele Lagerwall, she has some shady shit in her past. I'll add to another post.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 9 | July 26, 2020 4:48 PM |
So the owner - Gabriele Lagerwall - has been robbed TWICE in 1972 and 1982 - both of millions of dollars of jewelry and cash.
Her one necklace was found in the possession of a mobster.
She's had other legal issues as well. If she had so much money, how is it that this estate hasn't been updated in decades?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 10 | July 26, 2020 4:55 PM |
R10 Oh wow! I know her from the New York Social Diary threads; now the decor makes perfect sense. (Said threads seem to have been killed off by COVID-19.)
by Anonymous | reply 11 | July 26, 2020 4:59 PM |
R11 - Yes! I remember there being some threads about her a few years ago?
by Anonymous | reply 12 | July 26, 2020 5:00 PM |
I remember seeing that Raggedy Ann face here sometime in the past coronavirus months, I think as r11 points out in the NYSD threads.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | July 26, 2020 5:11 PM |
The listing history shows a long trail of “for sale by owner” price chops of minuscule amounts.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | July 26, 2020 5:42 PM |
“This property is listed for sale by Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Patricia Healy (10401291675) of Trump International Realty New York“
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 15 | July 26, 2020 5:45 PM |
Amazingly well preserved set piece from 1970, would almost hate to see it destroyed. It’s the perfect movie set. That sound side beach looks gross, I’d be constantly wishing I was Oceanside, and would be sorely missing waves.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | July 26, 2020 5:49 PM |
This really is a time capsule, right down to the two DIAL wall phones in the kitchen.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | July 26, 2020 6:07 PM |
Some women DO lunch at The Plaza, ski in St. Moritz, and buy expensive furs every year.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | July 26, 2020 6:34 PM |
What's not to like? it comes with it's own swamp
by Anonymous | reply 19 | July 26, 2020 6:36 PM |
Northern beaches suck. If you want to go to the beach, go down south or to the west coast. Don't waste your money on that mess.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | July 26, 2020 6:38 PM |
I swam on the sound on the CT shore my whole childhood and it was great. Are North shore beaches worse?
All the furniture and bric-a-brac is tagged. I see some things I would buy.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | July 26, 2020 6:40 PM |
I like the bright silk armchairs on the ground floor and the pale yellow cabinets in the kitchen.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | July 26, 2020 7:15 PM |
Edward Durrell Stone did one design, over and over again, and the interiors never work well. The Ambassador’s residence in New Delhi and the upstairs areas of the Kennedy Center are good examples.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | July 26, 2020 7:50 PM |
Edward Durrell Stone did many residential projects, I can’t imagine why the real estate agent thinks this is one of only two houses he built.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | July 26, 2020 7:53 PM |
The North Shore doesn’t have beaches. It has coastline that you can walk to, look at, and leave.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | July 26, 2020 7:55 PM |
Those fake palm trees are my favorite part.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | July 26, 2020 8:15 PM |
Not crazy about the house itself,but I confess I love a lot of the decor. Its the white trash part of me.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | July 26, 2020 8:23 PM |
As an aside, real estate listings that include floor plans are SOOOO much better. Pictures only tell you so much. Seeing how everything relates spatially tells much more of the story.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | July 26, 2020 8:25 PM |
Why would a house that big and expensive have an unfinished basement?
by Anonymous | reply 30 | July 26, 2020 8:40 PM |
Stone is one of my favorite architects. His work has been defaced in NY and if someone with architectural sense and an interior design without a head up an ass would turn this easily into a masterpiece without destroying it. All his buildings are almost instantly recognizable with the forms and rooflines. My dorm in college was designed by him. It still is a beautiful building.
There is another handsome example of his work in Santa Monica on the freeway I pass on the way to the beach that has been "updated".
He is a very under-rated architect. Many current architects steal his ideas and forms now.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | July 26, 2020 8:44 PM |
I think SUNY Albany is kind of amazing but I haven't see it in 40 years. Did they keep up the building? No, I did not attend that school. And what school was your dormitory, R31. I think he did work at Vanderbilt and UofC.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | July 27, 2020 5:02 AM |
And I just discovered he was a main architect on Radio City Music Hall!? Wow
by Anonymous | reply 33 | July 27, 2020 5:17 AM |
I must have missed the memo about Stone not being a boring hack fraud.... those creepy little pillars, ugh.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | July 29, 2020 12:58 AM |
I simply detest whoever did that house...
by Anonymous | reply 35 | July 29, 2020 1:05 AM |
R32, The dormitory was at the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore. Do a street search and an you can instantly tell which building it is. The plaza is above the street, so the building looms over it.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | July 29, 2020 1:35 AM |