Missing Chinmay Nilesh Bhoot with Depression Found Safe

Chinmay Nilesh Bhoot, Missing with Depression, Found Safe

Good news has emerged as Chinmay Nilesh Bhoot, a 30-year-old man who went missing in La Cañada Flintridge and had been battling depression, has been found, according to sheriff’s officials.

Chinmay Nilesh Bhoot was last seen on a Saturday in the 4500 block of Indiana Avenue in La Cañada Flintridge. Following his disappearance, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department had launched efforts to locate him.

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Today, it has been confirmed that Chinmay Nilesh Bhoot has been found safe. While no specific details have been provided regarding his discovery, the important thing is that he has been located, providing relief to his family and loved ones.

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