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In the world of Hollywood, everything gets seen and nothing goes unnoticed, especially with the paparazzi and social media, so celebrities always must be a tiny bit more careful with their appearances. When it comes to body hair, the social and gender norm is that women are not supposed to have any visible hairs on the body, while men can grow a forest. And when it comes to Hollywood, the female stars need to always make sure they are hairless and at their best, because who knows when the snapping cameras will be around.
Men, even the ones who are celebrities, are allowed to be hairy and disheveled and still look steamy and yet, women who let a little hair grow on their upper lip, armpit, or legs are deemed unattractive and frowned upon. We get it, it's normal, as even most women are appalled at having hair on their bodies, but if for some reason they do (because we all do get lazy), it is no reason to be humiliated. Shaming celebrities, who are humans with feelings too, is not right, whether the hair was purposely left there or forgotten. Now, and for a while, some female celebrities ditched their razors either on purpose to make a gender statement or unintentionally. However, the following celebrities who ditched, used their star power to embrace the "au naturel" look and show the world that it's okay to be hairy as a woman.
Bella Thorne Put The Trolls To Rest
Bella Thorne, a woman who is young and bold, is not afraid to go on Snapchat with hairy body parts. Sometimes, it takes one strong woman to show the world that it is okay to embrace the natural look of our bodies, without adjustments, and she has done just that on Snapchat. Not afraid with getting up close and personal with her followers, she has often exposed her leg and armpit hair. The Disney Channel star also put the trolls to their place when she expressed her sentiments in regard to body hair by stating; "If guys can leave their body hair on and still look sexy, then why can't women?" Thorne believes that just because she is female, it does not mean she needs to be hairless at all times.
Amber Rose Uses Social Media To Make A Statement
Speaking out against the stigma of female body hair is something that Amber Rose stands by and is not afraid to do. Rose uses social media platforms, like Instagram, to get up close and personal with her followers and the world by spreading that message through public photos. She is an avid body-hair activist, and many have shamed her for that by insulting her bare head and trying to make a point that her statements about body hair are irrelevant because she has a shaved head. Last summer, Rose exposed her female part with pubic hair for all to see, and that takes a lot of guts and glory to do. After her post got obviously removed by the social media application, Rose started encouraging other women to do what she did. Why? To let the world know that it's okay to have a bush.
Julia Roberts Proves You Can Still Look Pretty With Hair
Women who are not afraid to be themselves and do something that is contrary to social norms should not be shamed, but rather praised. The Pretty Woman actress made a huge statement when she sported the "no-shave" look on several occasions, including a movie premiere. Julia Roberts proved to the world that you could still be pretty while breaking gender rules when she was spotted several times with hair on her armpits. Usually, celebrities will show up to red-carpet events looking their best in a glamorous dress and a freshly waxed body. Roberts, on the other hand, got dolled-up but ditched the razor. The press of course slammed her after she raised her arms, but she is still a pretty woman.
Cardi B Got Shamed At The Grammys
Cardi B was shamed after her Grammy performance with Bruno Mars by Internet trolls for having the slightest amount of hair on her stomach area; that was totally wrong. When Moschino had posted a photo of Cardi B rocking her two-piece retro outfit, Internet bullies posted terrible comments: "Y’all see her happy trail though. She need to shave that stomach;" and "She better shave her stomach hair before modelling." We hope these mean comments don't get to her.
Alicia Silverstone Refuses To Shave Her Legs
There are also some female celebrities who ditch the razor and rock the peach fuzz 24/7 and do not care, like Alicia Silverstone . We thought she was maybe "clueless" about the whole shaving and waxing phenomena that women normally partake in, but the blonde bombshell actress knows what she is doing. Like Julia Roberts who started a craze about not shaving her armpits, Silverstone started one with leg hair. Skipping legs seems a little crazy, does it not? To some extent it does, as some women preach about not shaving legs during the winter months (sorry, boys), but how could a celebrity attend an event with hairy legs? Silverstone did, and what a brave and bold woman she is. With such beautiful legs, she must not care if they are silky and smooth.
Beyoncé Is Allowed To Do Whatever She Wants
Beyoncé, the woman who always looks so flawless and perfect, forgets her female duties too sometimes; she is a mother and one of the most talked-about and watched female singers. She's one busy lady. Known as Queen B and looking always on top of her game with all the glitz and glamour in the world, one may be surprised that she too has been caught with hair on her armpits. The influential singer must have been in a rush and decided to ditch the razor, because admittedly, it just looks like she missed a few hairs. We will never know if it was deliberate or not, but if she did get waxed, hopefully she changed aesthetician. Either way, she is Beyoncé and she is allowed some fuzz.
Juliette Lewis Rocks The Hair
The well-known actress from the film Cape Fear, really has no fears when it comes to showing off her hairy armpits. Juliette Lewis, who was also in a rock band, has been spotted a couple of times with her arms raised behind her head, donning a huge grin, and showing off her fluffy armpits. "It's so fluffy, I'm going to die," is what the little girl from Monsters Inc. would say if she saw Lewis' armpits. Jokes aside, with her rocker attitude and style, she has proven that she does not care what anyone says. We do not know what led Lewis to avoid the razor, but she clearly did not give two cents, and she should be embraced for that kind of attitude. Viva womanhood Lewis!
Kourtney Kardashian Doesn't Care What Her Man Thinks
If you are one who has kept up with the Kardashians, then you will remember that time Kourtney Kardashian was shamed for letting her hair grow, and we are not talking about the hair on her head. Body hair is a pain and can get annoying, but what is even harder for celebrities, like the Kardashians that are always in the spotlight, is the societal norm to always look and be perfect, which means always having it all waxed off. We know that if Kim Kardashian is shamed, she is shamed about her body, but Kourtney was shamed for her body hair, and more specifically, her hair down there. One an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kourtney's ex-boyfriend let the world know that she is extremely lazy, and why? He badgered her about her hair on television, stating that she had to get rid of the whole '80s thing going on down there.
Selena Gomez Doesn't Care If The Cameras Are On Her
Selena Gomez could wear a garbage bag and still look foxy, but what if she leaves hair lingering on her body, would one still think the same? We all know that in the winter months, we tend to hibernate, and some find it tempting to skip the shaving routine all together, but some women like Gomez, decide to ignore it and rock it. Gomez, who is often photographed on the beach by the paparazzi, was spotted on the beach one day with some fuzz on the top of her bottom bikini. And knowing that all eyes (and cameras) are on her, we wonder if Gomez was aware of the scruff and just wanted to take a quick dip or did not realize that the hair was showing. Either way, the paparazzi were there to remind her and the world of what was going on down South.
Lindsay Lohan Doesn't Care About Bad Press
As if Lindsay Lohan has not done enough to have the media up her case at all times, she also decided to sport the hairy trend too — and obviously the cameras would not miss that. The Mean Girls actress, who for many years now has been involved in bad press, clearly still does not care what the media and people say about her; and we admire that revolutionary attitude for women, but still, there are limits. Though we cannot admire everything Lohan does or applaud her for her past decisions, it is important to give a high five to Lohan for confidently strutting around with hairy legs. The actress and singer has been spotted often strolling through Hollywood like she was invisible with fuzzy legs. She must be truly confident since the cameras caught her more than once.
Tyra Banks Doesn't Feel The Need To Wax
It's surprising that one of the biggest supermodels in the world, Tyra Banks, is on this list. How does that make sense? Banks always looks so perfect and flawless no matter what she does or what she wears, so sporting the hairy look is something she could certainly pull off. The supermodel, also the main face of reality show America's Next Top Model, has been spotted with an un-waxed face and hairy legs. When it comes to shaving or not, Banks always chose the latter and she is proud of it. According to the supermodel, she does not bother with the razor and shaving cream because her hair is indistinct, so why does it even matter? Unfortunately for her, the paps spot everything.
Miley Cyrus Went So Far As Dyeing Her Hair
Much like Madonna, Miley Cyrus started a craze on social media when carelessly revealing her hairy armpits. Cyrus did many things the media shamed her for, but there was no stopping her after she started this fad. When she revealed her armpit hair on her Instagram post, she stirred up the media and caused another backlash, just like a "wrecking ball." Cyrus was photographed ditching the razor on more than one occasion, letting the hair grow out long, and even licking them at one point, which was cringe-worthy, but she made a statement that promoted more visibility among women. Cyrus, whose armpits did not see a razor for a long time, was so proud and fearless about her decision, that she had even dyed the hairs pink at a certain point. She made hairy underarms mainstream.
Mayim Bialik Won't Shave No Matter What
The actress who is famous for her role on the hit television sitcom The Big Bang Theory, refuses to shave all together. Mayim Bialik thinks there is nothing wrong with going au naturel, even in front of the cameras. What is most shocking of all, is that Bialik has admitted to never using a razor in her life, except once in her teens, and she has always been teased about it. She is a feminist, so that might clue us into why the actress believes we need to respect every woman's choice, even if that means letting her hair grow and never removing it. It is very unconventional to not shave, but Bialik says "so what?" to that and proceeds with embracing her shave-free legs and the fuzziness.
Ashley Graham Stand Up For Herself In Every Way
The woman who finally showed the world that to be a model, you do not need to be tall and thin and a size zero, Ashley Graham, also agrees with ditching the wax and razors. It is surprising too since she is a lingerie and swimsuit model who must bare it all for the cameras. This model, who is all about embracing the curves on a woman's body is also all about embracing hair, and when she is on the runaway strutting her stuff and doing her thing, she has admitted that she does not care who sees her body hair. It takes a woman like Graham to openly tell the world that she has a thing for full-on bushes, and that she rocks one. At the end of the day, body hair is about one's own preferences.
Celebrities should all have the freedom to choose what they want to do or not do, even if they are famous. Whether it be to rebel or inspire, they have more power to make certain statements than most of us do. And if there is anyone in Hollywood who is huge on making peril statements and being a rebel, it is the "Like a Virgin" singer herself; the one and only Madonna . And in true Madonna style (who does not care what the media and public say bout her), she intentionally took a selfie showing off her armpit hair and then sharing it on her Instagram for the world to see. And she captioned her post with: "long hair....don't care!!!" She has a "rebel heart" and ditched the razor for the world to see. And she still looks amazing, even with the rug.