How old is Christy Winters-Scott? When is Christy Winters-Scott's birthday? Where is Christy Winters-Scott born? Where did Christy Winters-Scott grow up from? What's Christy Winters-Scott's age?
Christy Winters-Scott Born: Reston, Virginia, United States
Is Christy Winters-Scott married? When did Christy Winters-Scott get married? Who's Christy Winters-Scott's married to? (Who's Christy Winters-Scott's husband / wife)?
Christy Winters-Scott Spouse: Jerome Scott
Collegiate & Professional CareerWinters-Scott earned a full scholarship to play collegiate basketball at the University of Maryland from 1986-1990. Winters-Scott recorded 1,679 points (second in Maryland history), 723 rebounds (fourth in Maryland history), and played 123 career games (first in school history).