5 things to know about Christina Carlin-Kraft's murder

In late August 2018, former Playboy model and New Jersey native Christina Carlin-Kraft was found strangled to death in her apartment in a horrific crime scene. Her body also showed signs of a violent struggle, which occurred prior to her death, most likely with the killer.

Soon after, a thorough investigation, CCTV footage, and multiple tip-offs led authorities to an alleged drug dealer named Jonathan Harris, who had only been released from prison a few days before the murder. Harris was arrested while trying to flee the state and eventually confessed.

In this week's The Playboy Murders on ID, a brand new episode will revisit the 2018 murder of Christina Carlin-Kraft. The episode, titled Moth to a Flame, airs on Monday, February 6, 2023, at 10 pm ET.

The synopsis states:

"The murder of Playboy cybergirl Christina Carlin-Kraft in her Pennsylvania condo takes police on a search for her killer, from the streets of Philadelphia to a psychiatric ward; detectives rely on surveillance video to find the culprit."

Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic descriptions of violence. Discretion is advised.

Christina Carlin-Kraft's murder: Five quick facts about the strangulation death of the former Playboy model

1) Christina Carlin-Kraft had only recently moved to a new apartment

In 2018, Christina was engaged to her long-time boyfriend Alexander Ciccotelli, who had bought her an apartment in Ardmore, a posh neighborhood in Philadelphia. She had only just moved into the house.

However, a short while later, a man who spiked Christina's drink at a bar, followed her home from there and broke into her house to steal a few of her luxury bags and pieces of jewelry.

The man, Andre Melton, was ultimately found guilty of burglary, criminal trespassing, and theft by unlawful taking and receiving stolen goods.

2) Her brutal murder followed the break-in incident

Despite being shaken from the break-in and burglary incident, Christina Carlin-Kraft left for the city center in the early morning hours of August 22. The following day, she was found dead in the apartment.

Her fiance Ciccotelli only called 911 when he couldn't enter Christina's apartment, which was bolted from the inside. She also failed to answer his calls and he got concerned.

3) Christina Carlin-Kraft was brutally beaten and then strangled to death

Christina's dead body was found in a grisly and bloody crime scene, covered with a blanket.

Signs on the body showed that the 36-year-old was brutally beaten prior to her death, given that her nose was broken and eyes blackened in the areas where she was hit. Eventually, an autopsy confirmed her cause of death as strangulation.

4) Her killer Jonathan Harris claimed that she attacked him first

Following surveillance footage, information provided by a Lyft cab driver, and multiple tip-offs, authorities were able to arrest 30-year-old Jonathan Harris, an alleged drug dealer, who was only released from prison a few days prior to Christina Carlin-Kraft's murder. Harris was arrested while boarding a bus in Pittsburgh, attempting to flee, a few days after the murder.

Harris confessed to killing Christina after getting arrested, telling police that they had consensual s*x, drank wine, and used cocaine that night. He also revealed that a fight ensued between them when the model refused to pay $1,200 for the drugs.

As per his account, Christina struck him with a wine bottle, after which he punched her multiple times. He then "began choking her" when she was about to call 911.

5) Harris was sentenced to life in prison with other additional consecutive terms

During Jonathan Harris' 2019 trial, one of his hospital inmates testified in court, stating that he had previously admitted to killing Christina Carlin-Kraft, allegedly telling him that there was "nothing like squeezing somebody and feeling the last breath leave their body."

Harris was eventually found guilty of murder, kidnapping, possessing an instrument of a crime, and strangulation. He was given a life sentence in addition to another 22-and-a-half to 45 years of consecutive time in prison for the other charges.

Don't miss out on a brand new episode of The Playboy Murders, airing February 6, 2023.

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