Who is Mark Adam Brother and How Did He Die?

Do you know who was Mark Adam brother and what happened to him? To memorialise Coach Mark Adams’ late twin brother Matt, a scholarship fund has been established at Texas Tech in his name.

The absence of his presence in my life is profound. Adams stated at his initial news conference, “I wish he was here,” referring to his brother.

It was announced in January that Mark Adam Brother “Matt Adams” a Brownfield native and devoted family man had passed away.

“He was an excellent competitor and perhaps the finest I’ve ever witnessed. I hope he feels the same way about me,” Adams continued.

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John Agan II, a lifelong supporter of the Red Raiders, was moved by Coach Adams’ comments about his brother, and he shared his thoughts on RedRaiderSports.com.

How can we honour his brother while supporting our new coach with all of this West Texas fervour? Agan had questions.

The Texas Tech fan community, with the help of longtime alum and Bulldogs supporter Terry Fuller, has created the Matt Adams Scholarship Endowment for Men’s Basketball to permanently recognise Adams’s contributions to the programme.

With the goal of raising $100,000, the team intends to fund an endowed scholarship for one of its members.

To the recipient of the scholarship established in memory of Agan’s brother, “I just kind of think it could bring a smile to Coach Adams’ face whenever he thinks about that scholarship and looks at that player, you are the scholarship that that has my brother’s name on it,” Agan said.

After attending Texas Tech on a football scholarship as a walk-on, Brownfield native Matt Adams came home to take over the family farm.

He sponsored young boxers and won a Golden Gloves title at the provincial level. He also served on the school board and as a founding member of the Fibertex Gin.

“He was devoted to God and his family and proud to call West Texas home. That’s why I think Matt Adams represents this town so well,” Agan continued.

With only Friday’s launch, Red Raider faithful has already raised over $15,000. One of the goals of the event’s organisers is to make it possible for any fan, regardless of financial status, to show their school spirit.

When added up, “the $5, the $10, the $50, the $25-a-month recurring, that over time actually help fund Tech athletics and Tech academics as well,” as Agan put it.

In the past, the community has used crowdsourcing to establish scholarship funds in honour of Gabe Rivera and Michael Crabtree.

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