tttt Scott Zadar and his girlfriend Lindsay Dartois were together for five years. Now, she is expecting Scott to propose but it is not something the former see himself do not now, or ever. Hence, Lindsay has issued him with “The Ultimatum”.
“I won’t budge on this because everything’s taken for granted in married life. No more effort. No more seduction. All the little things that make a relationship work,” Scott said in the show.
Who is Scott? What does he do for a living? Where is he from? Learn all about it here.
The Ultimatum France: Are Scott Zadar And Lindsay Still Together?
Each of Lindsay and Scott had to select a companion to spend the next three weeks with as part of the challenge. After much thought, the latter decided to team up with Romane, and his girlfriend opted to hang out with Richy. Romane and Scott slept in the same room, unlike most shuffling pairs, despite splitting their double bed into two singles and sleeping on opposite sides. Richy and Lindsay had a rocky beginning to their relationship, but they soon discovered a shared love of cleanliness.
All the girls soon gathered to discuss the recent events. Romane then revealed that she had met Scott’s buddies and didn’t believe the sports coach would change his mind about getting married. She also asserted that he was more inclined to marry than to want to have children. This shocked Lindsay, who did not get along well with her mother and yearned for a second shot with her own kids.
Over the course of the experiment, Scott began to feel as though his relationship with Lindsay had ended and that he would prefer to be single once more. Romane was surprised because she was aware of how much the latter would suffer. In addition, Lindsay had spoken to Richy about her feelings and revealed that she had been very protective of Scott in the past, which led to his adultery. She asserted, however, that their relationship is now more trustworthy than ever.
Scott spent time with Romane’s friends while they were out, and he appeared to be warming up to Laury, one of the girls. Others provoked him to kiss her during a party game. Scott hesitated at first but eventually kissed Laury on the cheek. He talked about the experience with Richy, who had become good friends with his fiancée, out of concern for what Lindsay would think of the same. Richy made the decision to tell Lindsay everything since he was upset about what Scott had done.
However, Lindsay might have had a change of heart just before decision day arrived.
After confronting Scott about kissing another woman and DMing her, she announced, “We’re done!” In an interview, Lindsay said that she was “disgusted and disappointed,” claiming that not only did she not love him anymore, but that she hated him, calling “liar” Scott “the worst man in the world.”
So she packed her bags and left him to face the consequences and see “if he likes being alone.”
But Lindsay revealed that they reconciled a month later in the Jan. 6 season finale. One condition was that Scott sees a therapist. “Because I realized that I f*cked up,” he said. “And I had a problem with my view of the relationship.”
Scott claims that a lot has changed since he was featured on The Ultimatum: France, which was taped between March and April 2022. Although it’s unclear if Scott and Lindsay will continue together beyond the series finale, Scott’s Facebook profile indicates that he is. Despite the fact that he first identified Lindsay as his girlfriend in July 2016, his current romantic interest is not identified.
In the comments section of a Jan. 4 2023 Instagram post, Scott responded to a viewer who wrote that they hope Lindsay finds someone who deserves her and can show her love and happiness. “Totally agree with you!” he replied. In fact, Scott didn’t argue with several critical Instagram comments. “I was not a good guy one year ago,” he wrote on Jan. 3. “I try to do my best to be better now . . . Nobody is perfect.”
Lindsay, on the other hand, has made fewer indications of her romantic situation today. She made a new Instagram account and made her personal Instagram private before the release of The Ultimatum: France. Lindsay stated that her goals for 2023 are to “focus on confidence again” and to think more highly of herself. She began the year by wishing there would be “no tears for his new year.”
Scott Zadar Age
At the time of filming the show, Scott Zadar was 28 years old.
Scott Zadar Job
Scott Zadar shared on his LinkedIn that he is a Coach sportif at Scott Zadar Personal Trainer where he has been working since 2018. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Athletic Training and coach from Liege Atlas in 2013.
In September 2019, Scott announced that he was very proud to announce that he opened his first clothing store.
Is Scott Zadar On Instagram?
Yes, Scott Zadar is on Instagram (@scott_ultimatum). He has two FB pages (@ZadarrScott and @Scottzadar).
How Tall Is Scott Zadar?
Scott Zadar stands tall at the height of around and above 6 feet 1 inch. The tattoos that he has inked on his arms and his ribs are his distinct features.
Related FAQs
When Is Scott Zadar Birthday?
Currently, there is no information on Scotta Zadar’s birthday.
Where Is Scott Zadar From?
Scott Zadar is originally from Zadar, Croatia but has been living in Liège, Belgium. He moved to France in 2022. Also, Scott speaks Français and Croate. He was born to his mother Karin Sepulchre.