How the Ultra-Wealthy Attend Burning Man: Private Jets, Personal Chefs

  • Burning Man, the nine-day art-focused event in the middle of the Nevada desert, is favorite of celebrities and tech CEOs alike.
  • Roundtrip private flights from New York to the temporary airport that services the event ground cost $55,000, private jet booking company Jettly CEO Justin Crabbe told Business Insider.
  • Some ultra-wealthy burners also opt to stay in luxurious camps that employ private chefs and can charge as much as $50,000 for nine days, according to The New York Post.
  • Ultra-wealthy burners have received pushback from other attendees and the event's organizers alike.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

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With enough money, nine days in a remote part of the desert can be a glamorous undertaking.

Most people who attend Burning Man make the 140-mile drive to the event's location in the Black Rock Desert, pitch tents, and survive off of non-perishable food. Not so for many of the celebrities and Silicon Valley CEOs who attend the event.

Read more: Inside the exclusive Italian resort that plays host to Google Camp, the secretive and star-studded annual conference that draws billionaires, CEOs, and celebrities

The event prohibits attendees, called burners, from buying and selling anything other than ice and coffee, which means that ultra-wealthy burners have to go to extraordinary lengths to maintain the level of luxury that they're accustomed to.


Keep reading to learn more about how the ultra-wealthy experience Burning Man.
