- Burning Man, the nine-day art-focused event in the middle of the Nevada desert, is favorite of celebrities and tech CEOs alike.
- Roundtrip private flights from New York to the temporary airport that services the event ground cost $55,000, private jet booking company Jettly CEO Justin Crabbe told Business Insider.
- Some ultra-wealthy burners also opt to stay in luxurious camps that employ private chefs and can charge as much as $50,000 for nine days, according to The New York Post.
- Ultra-wealthy burners have received pushback from other attendees and the event's organizers alike.
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With enough money, nine days in a remote part of the desert can be a glamorous undertaking.
Most people who attend Burning Man make the 140-mile drive to the event's location in the Black Rock Desert, pitch tents, and survive off of non-perishable food. Not so for many of the celebrities and Silicon Valley CEOs who attend the event.
The event prohibits attendees, called burners, from buying and selling anything other than ice and coffee, which means that ultra-wealthy burners have to go to extraordinary lengths to maintain the level of luxury that they're accustomed to.
Keep reading to learn more about how the ultra-wealthy experience Burning Man.