Trigger Point Season 2: Finally, a New Season of That Action Show is on the Way!

After the jaw-dropping conclusion of the second season of ITV’s bomb disposal program Trigger Point, the network has revealed that it will return for a third season. When the sixth episode of Trigger Point was finally shown on ITV, fans were finally able to let out a collective sigh of relief after months of tense anticipation during which they watched British inspector Lana Washington square up against a cunning terrorist cell.

During the first season’s run of episodes, Lana went through a number of difficult personal setbacks, and she struggled with feelings of guilt over individuals of the general public whom she was unable to assist.

However, producers Jed Mercurio and writer Daniel Brierley have made it quite clear that they consider this to be only the opening – and ITV has agreed, to renew the program for another season. Although the final episode of the series does a nice job of wrapping up the most important story, the producers have made it clear that they consider this to be only the opening.

Trigger Point Season 2: Release Date

Trigger Point Season 2

Yes! ITV has said that there will be a second season of Trigger Point. Before the show started, producer Jed Mercurio said that it was meant to be a “returner.” Screenwriter Daniel Brierley told that there is still “a whole world of ideas” for where to take the story.

“I’m both honored and happy to be given the chance to continue Lana’s story,” said writer Daniel Brierley. I think her life will take many more unexpected turns in the years to come. It’s been fun to see how people have responded to our series, and I can’t wait to hear what they think about the next one!”

So, mark your calendars: ITV announced in the media at the end of February 2022 that season 2 of the drama will start in 2023.

Trigger Season Season 2 Plot

Fans are in for a real treat if it turns out that Trigger Point season 2 will be just as exciting as the first season was. However, the finale of the first season, which was a very stressful episode, had a slightly anticlimactic ending.

Lana Washington, the officer of the EXPO, has access to a significantly greater number of lifetimes than the Cats chorus. She narrowly avoided getting blown up multiple times as she was participating in the ITV terror drama, despite the fact that the terrorist organization known as The Crusaders pushed her EXPO bounds to their limits.

They took it personally because the distant Crusaders killed Wash’s best buddy and partner Joel ‘Nut’ Nutkins, as well as because she periodically bugged her brother Billy.

On the other hand, the crime boss who was behind them was kind enough to only offer a breadcrumb trail of evidence for her and her team of EXPO experts to follow so that they could locate their way to the truth. The truth of the matter is that The Crusaders’ bloody mission was orchestrated by Lana’s sidekick, who also served as the master puppeteer.

It is not known at this time whether the perpetrators of the principal plot of a potential second season of Trigger Point will be English Flag or some other extreme group; nonetheless, it is likely that the major plot will revolve around another terrorist campaign that captures London.

Brierley has also mentioned that he wants to investigate further into the intricate psychology that supports Lana Washington’s amazing capacity to persevere in the face of catastrophic loss and insurmountable obstacles. This desire is in line with what Brierley has expressed previously.

Trigger Point Season 2

According to Brierley, “I believe Lana seems resilient as well as mentally tough, and I think that would be part of the charm.”However, the traumatic experience would invariably have some kind of impact, and I found it to be a fascinating development.

“But in addition to that, if we are able to obtain any new installments, we want to analyze that individual’s personality to determine whether or not it would be beneficial to investigate these things.” Or does it make the most sense to continue living with them if you want to avoid this happening?

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Trigger Season 2 Cast Members

The Line of Duty actor Vicky McClure would return to lead the cast as Met Police explosive agent Lana Washington. We don’t yet know what she’s been up against in season 2.

Thom Youngblood, played by Mark Stanley, as well as a loyal crew member and covert partner Danny, played by Eric Shango, may make a comeback.

In an interview with, Brierley expressed interest in bringing back Kris Hitchen’s character John Hudson, one of the villains from the first season, for a redemption story within a potential review.

Trigger Point Season 2: Trailer

Final Ending

The topic of counterterrorism policing was the primary subject of Trigger Point, and the remarkable actions of the Metropolitan Police Bomb Disposal Squad were highlighted. The upcoming season will have the same level of success that the one before it did.

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