Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is Team Ninja’s newest iteration of their take on the Soulslike genre, offering a brutally challenging adventure through the Later Han Dynasty in China. Naturally, a game like this offers a large selection of weapons to choose from, with each weapon type having its own move sets, available combos, and strengths and weaknesses for any given situation. If you’re looking for the perfect tool to dispose of your enemies, continue reading to learn of all weapons and their stats in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty below.
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All Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Weapons Currently, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has 13 melee weapons and 3 ranged weapons available to strike down your foes. We’ll go over each weapon by type below.
Note: All values listed are weapons with no upgrades.
Curved Sabres Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Drought Demon Blade 155 20 A- C+ D- Podao 43 24 E- C- D- Qiang Scimitar 47 22 E- D- C- Guding Blade 91 21 C- B E-
Dual Halberds Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Dual Halberds of Lady Hao 200 36 A- C+ D+ Dual Marquis Halberds 67 42 E- C- D- Dual Reaper Halberds 152 40 D- A- C- Tiger Fang Dual Halberds 73 37 E- C- D- Dual Rooster-Crowing Halberds 71 38 E- C- D-
Dual Sabres Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Hook Blades of King Helu 49 18 E- D- C- Hundred-Forged Sabres 48 19 E- C- D- Mounted Bandit Scimitars 42 22 D- E- C-
Dual Swords Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Dual Swords 44 28 D- E- C- Chivalrous Swordsman Dual Swords 48 26 E- D- C- Gan Jiang and Mo Ye 159 22 C+ D- A- Pair Swords of Aspiration 51 24 D- E- C-
Glaives Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Azure Dragon Crescent Glaive 80 46 C- D- E- Curve-Headed Glaive 77 48 C- D- E- Polearm Podao 68 52 C- D- E- Triumphant Conquest 167 45 C- A- D-
Halberds Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Halberd 75 45 E- C- D- Cavalry Halberd 77 43 E- D- C- Sky-Piercing Halberd 207 40 A- D+ C+
Hammers Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Great Club of Polaris 80 50 D- C- E- Great Wooden Hammer 76 52 E- C- D- Master Smith Hammer 81 49 D- E- C- Quake Griffin Hammer 187 48 D- A- C+ Wolf Fang Club 80 51 E- C- D-
Poleaxes Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Poleaxe 78 47 E- C- D- Guard Poleaxe 80 44 E- C- D- Vermilion Bird Greataxe 79 48 C- D- E-
Slashing Spears Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Spear 117 49 C- B E- Invictus Serpent Spear 79 45 D- C- E- Iron Poled Snake Spear 76 47 E- C- D- Iron Septum 78 46 E- C- D- Spear of King Fuchai 207 44 A- C+ D+
Spears Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Cavalry Javelin 67 35 C- E- D- Heavy Cavalry Spear 70 33 D- C- E- Spear of the Hegemon-King 197 32 A- C+ D+ Unparalleled Spear 69 34 E- C- D- Wooden Poled Spear 50 37 E- D- C-
Staves Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Polearm Mace 57 26 C- D- E- Five-Colored Cudgel 49 29 C- D- E- Golden Staff of King Yufu 199 27 A D+ B Jade-Green Staff 52 33 C- E- D_ Night Owl Cane 53 28 E- C- D- Soaring Ursine Mace 102 25 C- B E- White Wooden Cudgel 46 31 C- D- E-
Straight Sabres Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Dire Tiger 59 23 E- C- D- Ring Pommel Sabre 52 25 C- E- D- Sirius 60 22 E- D- C-
Swords Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bronze Sword 49 34 C- E- E- Halo 55 30 D- C- E- Heaven’s Reliance 58 29 C- D- E- Iron Sword 51 33 D- C- E- Jade-Guarded Sword 55 31 C- E- D- Ritual Sword of Chaos 46 35 D- E- C- Saint’s Virtue 53 32 C- E- D- Sword of Yu The Great 186 27 C+ D+ A-
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Bows Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bamboo Bow 37 10 A+ Feathered Cavalry Bow 42 11 A+ Flying General’s Bow 169 13 A+ D+ Tiger Hunting Bow 40 12 A- E-
Crossbows Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bamboo Crossbow 46 13 A+ Yellow-Shouldered Crossbow 55 14 A+
Repeating Crossbows Name Base Attack Spirit Attack Wood Fire Earth Metal Water Bamboo Repeating Crossbow 182 14 A+ Colonel Repeating Crossbow 82 15 A+
Related: Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Trophies and Achievements Listed
For more information on Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty , check out our other guides here at Prima Games.