Obituary | Michelle Whitedove Passes Away ,world-class spiritual medium

World-renowned spiritual medium Michelle Whitedove has passed away; see obituary for cause of death.

A well-known psychic medium and channel is Michelle Whittove. She conducts public talks, private counseling sessions, and seminars in spiritual growth. She uses her talents to bring spiritual conversations into the physical world as the host of her own “Spiritual TV Talk Show.”

Michelle has given numerous radio interviews in the US and Europe and appeared on PBS television. World-renowned psychic medium Michelle Whittove is a well-known psychic medium who has been on international television programs. Her mission as a spiritual mentor and author is to uplift humanity and spread its blessings. Join Whittove for a motivational presentation on paradise and the transition we refer to as death.

It reaffirms the eternal nature of life and the safety of our loved ones in the hereafter. Since she was a small child, Michelle had a special ability; she could always “see” angels and our deceased loved ones.

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