How old is Magnus Midtbø (climber)? When is Magnus Midtbø (climber)'s birthday? Where is Magnus Midtbø (climber) born? Where did Magnus Midtbø (climber) grow up from? What's Magnus Midtbø (climber)'s age?
Magnus Midtbø (climber) Born: 1988 (age 35years), Bergen, Norway
How about Magnus Midtbø (climber)'s parents?
Magnus Midtbø (climber) Parents: Tor Midtb
How about Magnus Midtbø (climber)'s sibling?
Magnus Midtbø (climber) Sibling: Hannah Midtb
How about Magnus Midtbø (climber)'s nationality?
Magnus Midtbø (climber) Nationality: Norwegian
How tall is Magnus Midtbø (climber) in meters or centimeters?
Magnus Midtbø (climber) Height: 5 9
What is the hardest grade Magnus Midtbo has climbed?
Magnus Midtbo is the biggest climber Youtuber in the world with over one million subscribers. What is not so well known is that he was an excellent competition climber having won 13 Euro Cups and a Youth World Champion.
Did Magnus Midtbo ever win?
Magnus Midtbo is the biggest climber Youtuber in the world with over one million subscribers. What is not so well known is that he was an excellent competition climber having won 13 Euro Cups and a Youth World Champion.
How tall is Magnus Midtb?
Magnus Midtbo is the biggest climber Youtuber in the world with over one million subscribers. What is not so well known is that he was an excellent competition climber having won 13 Euro Cups and a Youth World Champion.