Where Is George Trepal Today? Wife Peggy Carr Murder, Thallium Poisoning Details

There are 15 people on death row in Polk County, Florida, including George Trepal. He was found guilty of killing Peggy Carr in 1991, but he has yet to succeed in any of his appeals or be given a scheduled death date. Justice has been delayed in the eyes of many, but for Peggy Carr's children, justice has been denied.

Early in the 1980s, George Trepal and his wife moved into their house in Alturas, Florida.

In the first installment of the Rounder Life – “Reasonable Doubt Murder Mystery Series Investigations”, we examine the murder conviction of Florida Death Row Inmate No. 121965, George James Trepal. (https://t.co/Sd6f2h1iF4) pic.twitter.com/XnSa8hdP4j

— Rounder True Crime Investigations (@RLTrueCrime) August 8, 2022

In 1988, Parealyn and Peggy Carr got married, and Peggy Carr moved into Parealyn's house next door to Trepal's house. The Alturas home also housed Parealyn's son Travis Carr and Peggy's son Duane Dubberly.

Their garage was converted into an apartment by Parealyn Carr in 1988, where his children Delena Shiver and Tammy Reed, as well as his granddaughter Kasey Bell, lived. The Carr family and Trepal got into a lot of fights, including one where Trepal threatened to kill one of the Carr kids. The Carr family also received an anonymous letter threatening their family's safety if they remained in Florida.

Now, in 2022, the latest news known about George is that he is still in prison for murdering Peggy Carr and has not been successful in getting any appeals. 

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