Renowned Ghanaian Counselor, Counselor Edem Adofoli has used his motivational message to address an awkward thing that people in relationships are fond of doing.
In his message, he addressed the issue of hanging up on your partner during a phone conversation.
According to him, if you end a call on your partner, it is a sign of disrespect for him or her.
He made this known in a recent message he posted on his Facebook page where he wrote;
“It’s beautiful to dedicate February as a month for celebrating and also expressing love towards our partners or spouse. It’s my prayer this gesture or action does not end in the month but throughout the year. Love goes with respect; love is useless without respect. Lack of respect is one of the very things that causes conflicts and hurt in a relationship.
As we celebrate and express our love towards our partners, let us show them respect too. It doesn’t matter how strong your feeling for your partner is, when you fail to show them respect, your love is worthless. There is one action that shows a lack of respect in a relationship; this is a partner or spouse who shouts on others.
People do that a lot on the phone, and in the middle of a call, one is forced to end the call on the other because he or she is angry, not happy, etc. Ending a call on your partner is equal to shouting on them to keep quiet.
Relationships or marriage is not for kids but mature adults, it is an insult to make the partner you claim to love or are in a relationship with feel like a child by shouting on them or ending a call on them.
You achieve nothing by doing that, you end up losing respect. Do you expect your partner to give you the audience or answer your call next time when your anger is over or when you are in a better mood to talk? Anytime your partner sees your call, it brings back the memories of how you disrespected them. Even if they answer your call, they are not doing so out of love.
Respect speaks volumes about one’s character. When you end a call on your partner, you are just telling them you have a bad character. You are telling them you are not mature for marriage or a relationship. You are telling them, your anger controls you or you have no control over your anger.
You might not like what they said or did, you might not agree with their suggestions, reasons behind their actions or choices but as far as they are human like you, carefully created by God, they deserve the same respect you will give yourself or expect from others.
Always remember respect is one’s worth, it’s not about how much they earn as a salary, it’s not about what they have acquired in life or not, it’s not about their education level or rank at workplace or in society, it’s not about how terrible they kiss or make love. It’s their personal value, so when you disrespect your partner, you devalue them. You make them worthless in the relationship. There is nothing as painful in a relationship than the loss of one’s self-respect, when people lose that, they lose the relationship as well. They show a lack of interest in the relationship.
You don’t lose respect for your spouse because he or she has no money or lost a job. You don’t disrespect your spouse because he or she didn’t satisfy you in bed or get you your favourite gadget, or they made a mistake. You rather motivate them to do better, you do that by respecting them.
Next time your partner is speaking to you on the phone, if you don’t like the direction or angle or topic or you don’t want to argue, the best you can do is just listen to the end of the call. What you are telling them is even though I don’t like what you were saying, I respect you and your view, I may not like what you are saying but I love you.”
In conclusion, “Show respect for all people [treat them honorably], love the brotherhood [of believers], fear God, honor the king” – 1 Peter 2:17 (AMP).”