#Keemstar: Who is Daniel Keem? 'Racist' YouTuber gives away cash, Internet says 'just get rid of tha

On Monday, November 23, #Keemstar was trending on Twitter, with thousands of people tweeting about him. The hashtag — his name — was his own doing. The YouTuber, whose real name is Daniel Keem, tweeted, “I made so much money in the market today I feel guilty keeping it all to myself. $500 #CashApp Giveaway! (1 ) Quote tweet (RT) with ur Cashtag & #KEEMSTAR & why u need $500. (2) Winner picked in 24hrs!”

Naturally, many people did exactly that. After all, $500 is hardly a small sum. People gave all sorts of excuses for why they needed the cash. Some needed to pay bills. Others wanted to buy the Play Station 5 or an Xbox. And some even needed money to supposedly pay for medical expenses. But those weren’t the only people tweeting about him. Many seemed to find Keem’s name trending not so pleasant.

“Why’s #keemstar trending?? thought we were over him already,” asked a Twitter user. Another Twitter user said, “#KEEMSTAR can we just get rid of that pig already.” A third Twitter user said, “Why is @KEEMSTAR treating?? The most racist youtuber.” Yet another Twitter user wrote, “Stupid pig society has progressed past the need for #KEEMSTAR.” Another person wrote, “why is #keemstar trending aint we cancel him a while back pls.”

All of these questions and opinions were expressed by many. So, why do people hate Keemstar? Well, for starters, the YouTuber has a history of being sexist and racist. He has also doxxed people. He has allegedly falsely branded people as sex offenders or pedophiles. He also allegedly drew attention to nudes that in reality are revenge porn. Keem is most famous for his YouTube “news” channel ‘DramaAlert’. It is an entertainment and gossip show that covers happenings in the video game and YouTube community.

Through his show, he has harmed people. For instance, he targeted video game streamer Clara Babylegs in his “coverage”, where he would often hurl sexist, ad hominem attacks at her. He has also uttered (and later apologized for) the N-word. There was also a Change.org petition created that was titled, “Delete the DramaAlert channel & Keemstar from Youtube (The racist that terrorizes YouTube).” It had reportedly garnered more than 59,000 signatures.

But the most egregious of his actions was one pointed out by YouTuber Ethan Klein, who made a video expose of Keem earlier this year. Keem harassed late YouTube star Desmond ‘Etika’ Amofah. In fact, Klein claimed that he was supposedly responsible for Amofah committing suicide. Amofah struggled publicly with severe mental issues, and was a frequent target of Keem on Twitter, with the latter calling Amofah's mental illnesses publicity stunts or labeling him as "weak". He in fact supposedly suggested once that Amofah should jump off a cliff. In 2019, he killed himself after leaping off a bridge. It was after this expose that Keem lost a sponsorship contract with G Fuel, an esports-focused energy drink company. 

So, it would seem that Twitter users have a legitimate reason to dislike the man.
