How old is Adnan Polat? When is Adnan Polat's birthday? Where is Adnan Polat born? Where did Adnan Polat grow up from? What's Adnan Polat's age?
Adnan Polat Born: February 23, 1953 (age 70years), Akale, Trkiye
Is Adnan Polat married? When did Adnan Polat get married? Who's Adnan Polat's married to? (Who's Adnan Polat's husband / wife)?
Adnan Polat Spouse: Aye Polat (m. 1980)
Adnan Polat Parents: brahim Polat
Adnan Polat Sibling: Songl Sel
Does Adnan Polat have any children? What are the names of Adnan Polat's children? What are the ages of Adnan Polat's children?
Adnan Polat Children: Kerim Polat, Eda Polat
Adnan Polat Education: Long Island University Westchester & Rockland Alumni Association Ltd.
Adnan Polat Nationality: Turkish