Apostle Dameyon Massey Video Twitter The Talks Today

Apostle Dameyon Massey Video Twitter (Watch Full Video)

North Carolina preacher Apostle Dameyon Massey is currently facing legal trouble for disobedience after leaked videos of him trends on twitter (X), reddit, youtube, telegram and other platforms. In this article, we’ll examine the Twitter video dispute surrounding Apostle Dameyon Massey and other aspects of this incident.

The pastor was allegedly caught having a s3xual encounter with an ex-member of a church, according to reports on X (Twitter). On the social media site, screenshots of his interaction with the ex-member quickly gained popularity. Even when the Apostle apologizes, people are still not satisfied and continue to roast him.

Bryant Johnson II, a former member of The Remnant Church Outreach Ministries, was reportedly having an intimate relationship with Dameyon Massey, according to recent claims from The North Carolina Beat. Although the precise time and place of these encounters are still unknown, text exchanges between the two people reveal plans for having s3x.

Massey is allegedly wed to Roderick Jones, according to Johnson. The North Carolina Beat, however, was unable to find the alleged couple’s legal marriage license. Johnson further asserted that he and the preacher were “friends with benefits.”

The pastor sent Johnson a text message that used explicit language and said, “I’ll be there in about 20 minutes; make sure you’re ready.” There also seems to have been a money transaction between them.

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Screenshots reveal that Johnson used CashApp to send Massey $2,829.16, and that Massey responded with $107. This financial transaction’s motivation is still a mystery. Snapchat chats also demonstrated Johnson’s interaction with Jones and their frank discussion of Johnson and Massey’s sexual relationship.

Apostle Dameyon Massey Leaked Video

Johnson also acknowledged feeling excluded from the church despite his close relationship with Massey. Jones opined that Johnson’s quick departure “without explanation” may be damaging to Massey.

Apostle Dameyon Massey Responds To Leak Messages

Pastor Dameyon Massey, who was contacted by The North Carolina Beat, claimed that Johnson had created and altered the popular screenshots. Later, in a video statement, he addressed the situation and took ownership of his behavior. When Massey said:

“I made an error. It’s been really difficult for me these last several days, and I’ve been struggling with this for a while. A single flaw can sometimes be used to represent someone as the worst. I wish to accept responsibility for my actions. That is my public declaration.

Dameyon Massey also stated that he wanted to lose his “title,” but it is unclear whether he actually plans to step down from his job. Many people were not pleased with his response because they saw it as an attempt to cover up his infidelity rather than a sincere display of regret.

Watch the Video on Twitter HERE
