This is from CBS Sunday morning. She's 61 and looks MUCH older than Nancy Pelosi and Cindy McCain. However her son is adorable.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 112 | April 10, 2019 12:54 PM |
Sunblock could have averted this tragedy. There is no sunblock strong enough though to repair the tragedy of your dad the hot POTUS being murdered and your brother the hot Kennedy dying prematurely too. That is some wrinkling shit to live with.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | April 7, 2019 3:36 PM |
I hate when people link videos that download instead of just playing in the window.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | April 7, 2019 3:42 PM |
Why don't videos play in the window? I'm afraid to open the download. I'm not going to open it, and I wanted to see Caroline.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | April 7, 2019 4:07 PM |
Jackie on assistance should have won this prize.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | April 7, 2019 4:21 PM |
R3: it just links to CBS. Nothing sinister. You can also go to the CBS website and find it yourself.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | April 7, 2019 4:37 PM |
I completely disagree, op. I think Caroline’s face has character, while her son’s seems devoid of it...
by Anonymous | reply 6 | April 7, 2019 4:38 PM |
Why doesn't she get laser skin resurfacing?
by Anonymous | reply 7 | April 7, 2019 4:42 PM |
Probably because she’s confident and secure in who she is.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | April 7, 2019 7:48 PM |
Caroline seems really comfortable is her own (lizard) skin.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | April 7, 2019 8:47 PM |
Caroline mostly inherited the Kennedy looks genes and few of the (marginally better) Bouvier ones. Kennedy women uniformly look terrible after the age of 50. No one really knows what a Kennedy man looks like after they age of 50 since they tend to get shot or overdose or ski into trees or crash their airplanes into the ocean well before that time. Or for the rare survivors, like Teddy, they drink their looks away.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | April 7, 2019 8:56 PM |
Pat and Eunice had the same ghastly inherited wrinkles. Maria Shriver, Eunice's daughter, does not. Caroline's body is super slim and she has pretty features under those wrinkles.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | April 7, 2019 9:44 PM |
Too bad she's got elephant skin all over that great bone structure. She's always had bone structure. I don't know why she's hiding all that bone structure under vintage elephant skin luggage.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | April 7, 2019 9:54 PM |
I'd bet any decent cello player would tell you they'd kill to get even one of those stringy Kennedy women neck sinews to use in place of the usual catgut. LOL
by Anonymous | reply 13 | April 7, 2019 9:57 PM |
Here's a screengrab for those who can't open the video:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | April 7, 2019 9:57 PM |
[quote] Pat and Eunice had the same ghastly inherited wrinkles. Maria Shriver, Eunice's daughter, does not.
Maria Shriver has had so much work done, though.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 15 | April 7, 2019 10:00 PM |
Would lasers take care of those types of wrinkles? They are pretty deep.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | April 7, 2019 10:00 PM |
They spend a lot of time in the sun and on the water. They are known for it.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | April 7, 2019 10:03 PM |
Is she a chain smoker?
That photo at R14 doesn't look like natural aging for someone her age.
It looks like all of the flesh below her cheeks is wasting away.
She is not healthy.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | April 7, 2019 10:06 PM |
It seems to be the Kennedy women's curse. Horrible skin. I'm assuming Maria wised up and did something about it.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | April 7, 2019 10:08 PM |
Fuck Gillibrand. This is *MY* Junior US Senator from New York.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | April 7, 2019 10:08 PM |
She obviously doesn't care about her looks. I think better skin care and sunscreen would have prevented a lot of that damage.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | April 7, 2019 10:12 PM |
R15 Maria Shriver looks like she has another face attached to her face. About an extra half inch of fillers. Sorry but she doesn’t look good either.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | April 7, 2019 10:36 PM |
Maria’s face looks like one of those IG filters that squishes all your facial features to the center.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | April 7, 2019 10:39 PM |
Kennedy women have never been great beauties.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | April 7, 2019 10:41 PM |
Sure she's heavily wrinkled, but Caroline has great bone structure. I think she's quite beautiful.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | April 7, 2019 10:44 PM |
Her son is wearing his hair long. He also appears to be very tall.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | April 7, 2019 10:45 PM |
Give her a break OP. Kennedy women don't age well, she's spent most of her childhood in the son and has lived a life full of tragedies that have undoubtedly taken their toll on her
by Anonymous | reply 27 | April 7, 2019 10:50 PM |
R19 I don't think it is genetic. Irish people tend to have nice skin. It's just that the Kennedy women smoke and bake in the sun.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | April 7, 2019 10:52 PM |
Good for her for not going the filler or face lift route. Pretty surprising though. Princess Caroline is anyone in this category.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | April 7, 2019 10:52 PM |
"Sun" not "son". Fuck I always do this
by Anonymous | reply 30 | April 7, 2019 11:03 PM |
The son looks like his father and a bit of Anthony Weiner. Caroline looks fine. She’s old - this is what happens.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | April 7, 2019 11:07 PM |
Caroline, Princess of Hanover is the same age as Caroline Kennedy, no? They both spent loads of time in the sun.
The Princess of Hanover has had laser resurfacing and some fillers and looks pretty good.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 32 | April 7, 2019 11:07 PM |
Prefer the looks of Caroline Kennedy over Caroline Grimaldi.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | April 7, 2019 11:15 PM |
Caroline Kennedy has beautiful eyes which give you a hint at how stunning she could have been had time, tragedy, and some cosmetic intervention not/had taken place. I admire her as a human being, but man, she has none of the Charisma that made the figureheads in that family great.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | April 7, 2019 11:30 PM |
All those years of living on assistance took its toll on her looks. Rummaging through garbage cans to eat, running the streets to avoid the po-po and bill collectors, bathing in gas station lavatories, etc...
by Anonymous | reply 35 | April 7, 2019 11:38 PM |
Never mind plastic surgery or fillers, it appears Caroline Kennedy baked in the sun and not moisturized. I don't know of either of those things are true, but she's only 61, not 81. Those wrinkles are well beyond someone that age. I like Caroline. I feel like the entire country grew up with her and her brother. But woah, comfortable in your own skin or not, no one wants to look like that at a relatively still young age
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 36 | April 7, 2019 11:53 PM |
Her son is not a JFK Jr .. He' Howard Stern Jr.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 37 | April 7, 2019 11:53 PM |
Why wouldn't she have a good old fashioned face lift? No fillers or any of that Wayne Newtonesque fuckery, just a discreet, well done lift to restore her face to a limited extent.
She'd look much better 'rested.'
by Anonymous | reply 38 | April 7, 2019 11:57 PM |
I'd love to Schloss his berg!
by Anonymous | reply 39 | April 7, 2019 11:57 PM |
Wrinkles look better and saner than a facelift.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | April 8, 2019 12:01 AM |
R38 why should she? Who is she trying to impress?
by Anonymous | reply 41 | April 8, 2019 12:01 AM |
I get your point, R41, but she's still a striking woman underneath the landslide that's her face. You'd think with all her money she'd want to literally put her best face forward, but I accept that's subjective.
Still, her mother never looked like that.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | April 8, 2019 12:31 AM |
Good point,she has the money and socialite standing.....she dosen't need anybodies approval. Love it.......
by Anonymous | reply 43 | April 8, 2019 12:36 AM |
OP that video downloaded, you suck
by Anonymous | reply 44 | April 8, 2019 12:39 AM |
Caroline needs 4 passes of profractional laser, 600+ microns deep, with coagulation, and they need to finish the session with an application of platelet rich plasma.
by Anonymous | reply 45 | April 8, 2019 12:43 AM |
Courage?,what she do to get this award. Nothing more tiresome than these shows that are just about celebrities.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | April 8, 2019 12:43 AM |
Charity work...its admirable considering her wealth and prestige.Do you volunteer dear???
by Anonymous | reply 47 | April 8, 2019 12:48 AM |
Never understood how people said the son looked like JFK Jr. Not one one similarity. He looks like his father, Ed.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | April 8, 2019 12:48 AM |
There's a good thread on Max Schlossberg ... major sizemeat
by Anonymous | reply 49 | April 8, 2019 12:51 AM |
By the time we're in our 60's, we know who loves us. How we look has no bearing on that simple fact. Turning the clock back a few years or decades by way of surgery and treatments isn't for everyone. Some need greater continuity in their life rather than than the hollow praise from shallow nameless people praising how great we look.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | April 8, 2019 12:51 AM |
Caroline Kennedy ages really faces and has had very wrinkly skin for ages. I wonder if like Jackie, she smokes? Anyway, considering her lineage she's lucky to be alive.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | April 8, 2019 12:54 AM |
Ohmygawd, I was about to mock r51, but.... I wrote it!
I blame the coffee and I edited it without proofreading! So sorry. Yes, English is actually my first language!
by Anonymous | reply 53 | April 8, 2019 1:09 AM |
It's the Kennedy curse. All the Kennedy women look horrible at a certain age. Have you seen Maria Shriver lately? She looks like a very bony ugly man in drag. I don't even want to think of what she looks like without all that war paint on.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 54 | April 8, 2019 1:10 AM |
used her clout to get obama ahead of hills. could have used her in 2016
by Anonymous | reply 55 | April 8, 2019 1:21 AM |
shes quiet, low key , which is cool. but we shouldnt have to endure trump.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | April 8, 2019 1:25 AM |
Oh Ed has sizemeat....good for her
by Anonymous | reply 58 | April 8, 2019 1:34 AM |
Well she looks better than that one who ran into a tree.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | April 8, 2019 1:37 AM |
It has nothing to do with her ethnicity. My grandmother is Irish-American and almost 90, yet she doesn't have half the wrinkles that Carolina Kennedy has. Kennedy has live a life of luxury while my grandmother worked in a factory for fifty years. But, my grandmother has always moisturized, and didn't smoke nor drink.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | April 8, 2019 1:47 AM |
Love Caroline for the mere fact she considers CBK and CDR to be "White Trash."
by Anonymous | reply 62 | April 8, 2019 1:50 AM |
Any verificatia of Little Jack's Schlossberg sizemeat?
by Anonymous | reply 63 | April 8, 2019 1:51 AM |
I second this....but like father,like son right
Claps my hands together as i squeeze my thighs tightly together
by Anonymous | reply 64 | April 8, 2019 1:55 AM |
I wish her brother, John, were alive today to kick Trump's ass in an election.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | April 8, 2019 2:24 AM |
That's something to realize that Caroline is now almost as old as her mother was when Jacqueline died of cancer, and that it'll soon be 25 years since she's been gone.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | April 8, 2019 2:37 AM |
A little nip and tuck wouldn’t hurt. And some make up would help too. She really does have good bone structure
by Anonymous | reply 67 | April 8, 2019 2:48 AM |
R54, Maria may look like an ugly man in drag in that photoshopped pic of yours that has Arnold's face on one side.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | April 8, 2019 4:58 AM |
Aging gracefully . Bravo.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 69 | April 8, 2019 5:33 AM |
Depending on the snap, Caroline favours her Aunt Lee and her Gramma Rose.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | April 8, 2019 5:40 AM |
R49 Who the fuck is Max Schlossberg?
by Anonymous | reply 71 | April 8, 2019 5:46 AM |
The son is not a Kennedy he's a Schlossberg, although im sure he'll try to use his connections to the Kennedys.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | April 8, 2019 6:00 AM |
[quote]Some need greater continuity in their life rather than than the hollow praise from shallow nameless people praising how great we look.
R50 And some of us demand hollow praise from shallow nameless people praising how great we look. Or else!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 73 | April 8, 2019 6:44 AM |
her legs don't look so hot either....,
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 75 | April 8, 2019 8:04 AM |
There's nothing wrong with her legs.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | April 8, 2019 9:32 AM |
This person is 4 years YOUNGER than Christie Brinkley???
by Anonymous | reply 77 | April 8, 2019 10:20 AM |
Everyone in that photo managed to look unattractive, R75.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | April 8, 2019 10:25 AM |
R47 Yes as a matter of fact I do. Actually more than just volunteer.
But to get back - what's so courageous about her charity or volunteer work that merits an award? Charity is its own reward.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | April 8, 2019 10:38 AM |
If she hadn't won that award, we would not had have the occasion to study her wrinkles. It was courageous of her to show off her wrinkles and to age naturally, so she does deserve the award.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | April 8, 2019 11:01 AM |
Today.. If you're 60 and look 60, it's almost a crime in some circles. If middle aged, or elderly people don't have anything done, they're shamed with, "they look so old"., like you have to look at least, 10 or 20 years younger. I agree though, Caroline has a lot of skin damage that is beyond her years...more like someone in their 80s+. In fact, there are people in their 80s (with no cosmetic surgery help) that have smoother skin.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | April 8, 2019 11:58 AM |
If you have to ask,you really are warped in the head.Somebody with her wealth,dosen't need to justify herself to you just because you hate her appearance.If she gets awards,why should you get to decide if she is worthy?Who died and made you God."But i volunteer"....really,do you judge people who partake of your volunteer service too.If you do,maybe you need to step back...and re-examine your own misguided values.Judge least yee be judged.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | April 8, 2019 12:05 PM |
In R15, Maria's work has had th e effect of making her look fat. Unless she is, not the look she was aiming for, I'm guessing.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | April 8, 2019 12:13 PM |
Caroline isn't winning the Profiles in Courage Award. Nancy Pelosi is this year's recipient.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | April 8, 2019 12:23 PM |
More Kennedy than Bouvier I guess.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | April 8, 2019 12:33 PM |
God, those lines on her face! Isn't she a closet smoker, like her mother was?
by Anonymous | reply 87 | April 8, 2019 12:49 PM |
Jack Schlossberg is very Semitic-looking. Pity he didn't get the Kennedy/Bouvier looks.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | April 8, 2019 1:08 PM |
Caroline's smile is a carbon copy of her mother's. Right down to the same teeth that are crooked.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 90 | April 8, 2019 1:43 PM |
The Kennedy women seem to eschew a lot of makeup. Caroline would look infinitely better if she wore some foundation and a little color. I notice Caroline of Monaco doesn't seem to like makeup either. I guess when you're as rich as these broads are you can just say "who gives a crap, I'm richer than everyone with or without makeup".
by Anonymous | reply 91 | April 8, 2019 1:45 PM |
Well her mother smoked while pregnant and her father was on dozens of pills all the time.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | April 8, 2019 1:51 PM |
R23, I agree. Maria’s post-Arnold work looks bizarre. She doesn’t look like herself.
by Anonymous | reply 94 | April 8, 2019 1:53 PM |
R89 If laying out charity when you're wealthy is award worthy courage in your book, your definition of courage sets a very low bar.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | April 8, 2019 2:53 PM |
I don’t know about that, r94. I am not a fan of fillers, but Maria Shriver was looking really old pre-fillers.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 96 | April 8, 2019 2:55 PM |
She's got to be a closet smoker. While she's got lines everywhere, she's got deep, deep lines running perpendicular to her lips. Telltale sign of a longtime smoker, from the constant wrapping of lips around the end of a cigarette. Women who age naturally and don't smoke do not get those perpendicular lip lines.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 97 | April 8, 2019 3:42 PM |
She takes after her aunt, Eunice Shriver, who didn’t smoke. Grandmother Rose also had similar deep wrinkles. I think it’s just very bad skin damage.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | April 8, 2019 3:47 PM |
No surprise she looks bad. She got ALL the intelligence and none of the looks, and John Jr got all the looks and was stupid as spit.
Not to mention the baby JFK shook to death and covered it up.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | April 8, 2019 3:58 PM |
The son is cute, but his voice is terrible.
[quote] She got ALL the intelligence
Eh. She's smarter than John-John was for sure, but her abortive run for senator from NY revealed that she's no genius.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | April 8, 2019 4:24 PM |
If Courtney Thorne smith had a face full of wrinkles she’d look a lot like her (she looks like she could be a Kennedy).
That said, I agree plastic surgery or no (I have a mom much older with none) she has aged very rapidly.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | April 8, 2019 6:51 PM |
R99 is full of shit. The newborn could barely breathe much less cry. Here's the real story of Patrick Kennedy's brief life.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 104 | April 8, 2019 7:17 PM |
Apparently Maria’s Changeling genes kicked in...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 105 | April 9, 2019 1:29 AM |
All the Kennedy women age very badly. Most Irish people do, generally.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | April 9, 2019 1:46 AM |
[quote]I notice Caroline of Monaco doesn't seem to like makeup either.
She also looks like shit a lot lately.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 107 | April 9, 2019 2:57 AM |
That’s an older pic r107. I think she actually had some work done recent,y. Saw some photos of her at some ball in Monaco and she was looking better.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | April 9, 2019 3:02 AM |
Princess Stephanie looks really bad too.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 109 | April 9, 2019 3:47 AM |
She is very lantern-faced in OP's pic.
by Anonymous | reply 110 | April 9, 2019 9:10 AM |
All the sun, smoking and drinking are written all over Stephanie’s face.
by Anonymous | reply 111 | April 10, 2019 12:52 PM |