How old is Anusha Bhagat? When is Anusha Bhagat's birthday? Where is Anusha Bhagat born? Where did Anusha Bhagat grow up from? What's Anusha Bhagat's age?
Anusha Bhagat Born: Chennai, India
Is Anusha Bhagat married? When did Anusha Bhagat get married? Who's Anusha Bhagat's married to? (Who's Anusha Bhagat's husband / wife)?
Anusha Bhagat Spouse: Chetan Bhagat (m. 1998)
Does Anusha Bhagat have any children? What are the names of Anusha Bhagat's children? What are the ages of Anusha Bhagat's children?
Anusha Bhagat Children: Ishaan Bhagat, Shyam Bhagat
How about Anusha Bhagat's education?
Anusha Bhagat Education: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Is Chetan Bhagat's wife South Indian?
Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.
What is the name of Chetan Bhagat wife?
Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.
How did Chetan Bhagat met his wife?
Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.
What type of writer is Chetan Bhagat?
Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.