Fame | Anusha Bhagat net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Anusha Bhagat? When is Anusha Bhagat's birthday? Where is Anusha Bhagat born? Where did Anusha Bhagat grow up from? What's Anusha Bhagat's age?

Anusha Bhagat Born: Chennai, India

Is Anusha Bhagat married? When did Anusha Bhagat get married? Who's Anusha Bhagat's married to? (Who's Anusha Bhagat's husband / wife)?

Anusha Bhagat Spouse: Chetan Bhagat (m. 1998)

Does Anusha Bhagat have any children? What are the names of Anusha Bhagat's children? What are the ages of Anusha Bhagat's children?

Anusha Bhagat Children: Ishaan Bhagat, Shyam Bhagat

How about Anusha Bhagat's education?

Anusha Bhagat Education: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Is Chetan Bhagat's wife South Indian?

Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.

What is the name of Chetan Bhagat wife?

Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.

How did Chetan Bhagat met his wife?

Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.

What type of writer is Chetan Bhagat?

Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.
