The condo — located at 879 S. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles — is a 3,400-foot, eight-room structure with four bedrooms, 3.5 baths, and a two-car garage. Nicole Brown Simpson bought it in January 1994 for $652,000 when it was still 875 S. Bundy Drive. Not long after the murders, her family put the home up for sale. Speaking to ABC News in 2006, Denise Brown said that after the murders, her sister's home had "an empty, lonely feeling. You know, something was missing and it was my sister."
The condo sat on the market for 2.5 years and finally sold in December 1996, not long before a civil trial jury found O.J. Simpson responsible for the deaths of his ex-wife and Ronald Goldman and awarded their families $33.5 million, per Britannica. The family had the help of economist and appraiser Randall Bell, an expert in helping to sell infamous properties. Even so, the condo sold for less than Nicole Simpson Brown had paid for it. The next owner, an unnamed Los Angeles lawyer, got the place for $595,000.