University City High School teacher arrested, accused of trying to meet minor for sex NBC 7 San

A University City High School science teacher and cross-country coach was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of trying to meet up with a teenage girl for sex acts.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Sean Stevenson, 58, exchanged text messages with an undercover law enforcement officer who claimed to be a woman sexually trafficking her 16-year-old cousin.

Prosecutors allege Stevenson arranged to pay $140 for sex acts with the girl.

Prosecutors allege the teacher arranged to pay $140 for sex acts with the girl. NBC'S Nicole Gomez reports.

When Stevenson arrived at an undisclosed location on El Cajon Boulevard in the Talmadge neighborhood to meet with the girl on Tuesday morning, he was arrested, the U.S. Attorney's Office said. Officers found $140 inside his vehicle and his phone number matched the number that had been communicating with the undercover officer, according to a criminal complaint filed against Stevenson.

The complaint, which charges Stevenson with attempted enticement of a minor, states the investigation into Stevenson began with the arrests of a pimp and prostitute in April.

After searching the prostitute's cell phone, investigators found text messages between her and a San Diego-area phone number prosecutors allege belongs to Stevenson.

The complaint states the user of the San Diego cell number was offering the woman "a finder's fee payment...if she could provide him with an underage prostitute."

An undercover officer posed as the prostitute and began messaging the San Diego cell user earlier this month.

In one text exchange, the San Diego cell user asks, "Do you still have a younger girl?"

The undercover officer answered with "Ya, my cousin I was telling u about" and confirmed to the texter that the girl is 16. The San Diego cell user stated, "Ok, I'm very interested," according to the complaint.

In a letter sent to the school community, UCHS principal Mike Paredes said guardians with concerns about students' contact with Stevenson can contact San Diego County Crime Stoppers at (888) 580-8477, or the National Human Trafficking Hotline (888) 373-7888.

"Please know we are doing everything possible to continue our focus on your student’s education while supporting them during this challenging situation. An experienced substitute teacher will be assigned to the affected classes. Administrators and counselors will visit those classes to speak with students and offer support," the letter read in part.

Stevenson is slated to make his initial court appearance on Wednesday afternoon in San Diego federal court.
