Society’s policing of female body hair is so strong that most women don’t question it anymore. Shaving, waxing, lasering and plucking hair from our legs and armpits to bikini lines and bum holes has become an accepted – and expensive – part of our beauty routine.
But some women are hitting back in the most incredible way this year by taking part in 'Januhairy'.
Women have made the decision to ditch the razor and are embracing hairier limbs and finding solace with like-minded women on social media.
Using the hashatag #Januhairy, women around the world are defiantly posting snaps of their unshaven bodies - and we are so here for it.
The month-long campaign aims to encourage women to "love and accept" their natural hair while raising money for charity.
It was spearheaded by Laura Jackson, 21, a student from Exeter University, who told BBC News that negativity surrounding her own body hair inspired her to launch the campaign: "Though I felt liberated and more confident in myself, some people around me didn't understand or agree with why I didn't shave.
"I realised that there is still so much more for us to do to be able to accept one another fully and truly."
For Januhairy 2020, women around the world are growing out their body hair to raise money for TreeSisters: a fantastic organisation that protects and restores natural habitats in order to fight climate change. "This is a plight we resonate with as women who wish to embrace and protect our personal natural habitat. Give back to the earth and show some support for the women of januhairy, by digging deep into your pockets and supporting this charity in funding important tree plantations," say the founders.
The kickass campaign has quickly gained momentum with hundreds of women sharing their own snaps on social media. Here at GLAMOUR HQ, we stand by the mantra 'your beauty, your rules', so if you fancy ditching the razor for the rest of the year, we wholly support that.