DJ not returning to The Conners

I hope that bitch ODs like I did.

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by Anonymousreply 61August 31, 2022 9:37 AM

I wrote in the other thread that for him to leave the first steady gig he’s had since the 90’s (the original Roseanne) speaks volumes. Either he knows the show is running out of steam or something is going on behind the scenes.

by Anonymousreply 1August 29, 2022 9:40 PM

He’s probably bored. Just like the audience.

by Anonymousreply 2August 29, 2022 9:52 PM

If it was his choice to step away, it would have been highlighted in the article. He was axed -- budget cuts.

by Anonymousreply 3August 29, 2022 9:59 PM

They've barely used DJ at all. The show is about Becky and Darlene. DJ occasionally shows up. Every now and then they give him a storyline of the week.

But frankly, I don't recall him doing anything on the show in the past year. Was he even on in Season 4?

by Anonymousreply 4August 29, 2022 10:34 PM

I can't stand Sara Gilbert. Fuck her..while Roseanne is a batshit nutcase, what Sara Gilbert did to her is way worse. Without Roseanne, Sara Gilbert would be nothing.

by Anonymousreply 5August 29, 2022 10:38 PM

Yeah R5 that's like, Hollywood.

by Anonymousreply 6August 29, 2022 10:42 PM

Hi Roseanne coming in at R5.

by Anonymousreply 7August 29, 2022 10:46 PM

He was a horrible actor anyway. Now they have a chance to bring back missing son Jerry or Jackie's son Andy.

by Anonymousreply 8August 29, 2022 10:51 PM

He's more interested in directing...he's directed several of the episodes that he didn't appear in. Good for him.

by Anonymousreply 9August 29, 2022 10:54 PM

What did Sarah do to Roseanne? They were NOT going to allow her to come back on the show. It would have been cancelled and many people would have lost their job. Did she do something else to Roseanne?

by Anonymousreply 10August 29, 2022 10:55 PM

Can't they have Sarah Chalke replace him?

by Anonymousreply 11August 29, 2022 10:59 PM

R1, or DJ just can't act and he felt out of his league amongst the likes of Goodman, Metcalfe, Goranson. It does sound like he took a more active role behind the camera and maybe that's where he has more talent.

by Anonymousreply 12August 29, 2022 11:02 PM

Roseanne fired the first kid who played DJ because she didn’t feel he looked like her or Goodman. She hired Fishman and really loved him because she felt he was her “mini-me.” He was a shit actor and was only used for jokes as “the dumb one.”

He’s creepy looking and still can’t act. Trying to figure out what to do with him, his wife and his kid must’ve been a real pain for the writers.

I’ve only seen a few episodes of the returned “Roseanne,” when she wasn't dead yet. The whole thing was stupid. Why would David abandon his family because his brother died? Knowing the character, it was ridiculous. They just wanted to have a flaky, new age green-type character to insult. Then I saw a few episodes of the later seasons of The Conners. Loser Dan living with all his kids & grandkids in his tiny house bags a hot rocker chick who sells her house and moves in with that group of slobs? Darlene’s 14 year old son got propositioned by another, experienced 14 year old kid and he was considering having sex with him. Gee thanks Sara Gilbert. That’s just what we democrats need is a pedo storyline presented sympathetically on network tv as network tv struggles to survive.

Wtf is wrong with her?

by Anonymousreply 13August 29, 2022 11:08 PM

[quote] Roseanne fired the first kid who played DJ because she didn’t feel he looked like her or Goodman.

Yet, she kept Sarah Gilbert and Lecy Goranson, both skinny and not resembling either Roseanne or Dan.

Then, replaces Lecy with Sarah Chalke: tall, blonde and thin. Even more implausible.

In reality, Dan and Roseanne would have produced dark-haired, overweight children.

by Anonymousreply 14August 29, 2022 11:13 PM

I thought they got rid of the original DJ because Sara Gilbert wasn't getting along with him?

by Anonymousreply 15August 29, 2022 11:14 PM

R13 If both kids were 14 how is that a pedo (adult) storyline for the show?

Did you not tell us something?

by Anonymousreply 16August 29, 2022 11:23 PM

R10 Oh hell ya, she totally went directly to the Media and piled on. THEN she took over the show to Produce..She's a Disloyal Cunt.

by Anonymousreply 17August 29, 2022 11:24 PM

This shit show is still on air?

by Anonymousreply 18August 29, 2022 11:28 PM

DJ looked just like Eddie Munster.

by Anonymousreply 19August 29, 2022 11:30 PM

[quote] I thought they got rid of the original DJ because Sara Gilbert wasn't getting along with him?

I don't think Sara Gilbert would have had enough clout back then to cause a replacement of DJ.

by Anonymousreply 20August 29, 2022 11:32 PM

Thank God for ABC. If it wasn't for them, this masterpiece of "wokeism" would have ended up on the television trash heap, where it belongs.

by Anonymousreply 23August 29, 2022 11:39 PM

In keeping with the new Hollywood guidelines, DJ will be replaced by a young black actor. They will call him " DJ" and proceed as if he had been the original.

by Anonymousreply 24August 29, 2022 11:43 PM

They could invite Josh Taylor and Justin Bateman to join the cast. The subplot could be about a support group for sitcom characters who've lost their Mummy.

by Anonymousreply 25August 29, 2022 11:56 PM

[quote] BREAKING: DJ not returning to The Conners

So fine, let them listen to the radio like the rest of us.

by Anonymousreply 26August 30, 2022 12:20 AM

[quote]He's more interested in directing...he's directed several of the episodes that he didn't appear in. Good for him.

Seems like a sweet man and it also seems from his "instagram live" that the exit was something he wanted so he could do other things with his life.

I think people forget that he was done with acting outside of Roseanne a long time ago.

And it's nice they've come up with a way to keep the actress who plays his daughter on the show so his exit won't change anything for her.

by Anonymousreply 27August 30, 2022 12:32 AM

If he did leave on his own accord, he picked a good time to do it. The show marginally good with Roseanne and now it’s a nauseating woke love fest.

People are all over twitter defending Kelli Giddish … and she got canned at a good time too. Ratings are in the crapper for SVU.

by Anonymousreply 28August 30, 2022 12:47 AM

At the end of the article OP posted shows a poster of the cast in the Conner living room… it looks like the stairs are missing.

by Anonymousreply 29August 30, 2022 12:49 AM

I did give it a try but it was too freaking depressing for me. With what has been happening the past six years I needed a show that made me laugh. It was good when Rosanne was on, but it honestly sucks without her. No matter how much I dislike her, she made that show watchable.

by Anonymousreply 30August 30, 2022 1:01 AM

He's developmentally disabled. At least low iq. Painfully awkward when he's given a scene now or in childhood.

by Anonymousreply 31August 30, 2022 1:31 AM

I can’t believe this crap lasted this long. It was not great even with Roseanne, even worse after.

by Anonymousreply 33August 30, 2022 3:41 AM

[quote]Now they have a chance to bring back missing son Jerry or Jackie's son Andy.

One of the commenters in the TVLine story said they should get the first actor who played DJ, Sal Barone, to come back and play the role.

by Anonymousreply 34August 30, 2022 3:49 AM

[quote]Seems like a sweet man and it also seems from his "instagram live" that the exit was something he wanted so he could do other things with his life.

While I totally applaud his decision, didn't they announce that this will be the final season? If so, given that he's stayed this long, you'd think he would've held on for one more year.

by Anonymousreply 35August 30, 2022 3:52 AM

R35 - I haven’t heard this is the final season. I hope not. Unlike most people here, I like the show.

by Anonymousreply 36August 30, 2022 3:56 AM

They had so little use for Fishman that Darlene and Becky eventually moved DJ's daughter into the Conner family house without him.

by Anonymousreply 37August 30, 2022 4:00 AM

R37 - I think it’s because Fishman really just doesn’t want to act.

by Anonymousreply 38August 30, 2022 4:06 AM

R38, yup he was talking about mental health and building houses for Vets

by Anonymousreply 39August 30, 2022 4:08 AM

A missed opportunity. It would've been really nice to see the writers tackle DJ's character as an adult. During the initial reboot, before Roseanne was fired, there was a really nice scene between Fishman and Goodman, where they were just talking and relating to each other as father and son, but as two grown men. I always thought that would've been a nice dynamic to explore in the reboot. Throughout the show's initial run, the drama and character dynamics always centered around Roseanne and the girls. DJ was just the comic relief and he rarely had any scenes with Dan. It would've been nice to see them focus on that father/son relationship, both the good and the bad. Maybe if Fishman was a better actor they might have explored it, but oh well.

[quote]It was good when Rosanne was on, but it honestly sucks without her. No matter how much I dislike her, she made that show watchable.

I agree. I really tried to watch it without her, but it's just not good. She was the nucleus that held the show together. The reboot could've been so great if she wasn't so bat shit crazy.

by Anonymousreply 40August 30, 2022 7:28 AM

I think The Conners is the best sitcom on tv

by Anonymousreply 41August 30, 2022 9:01 AM

Will twinkling Logan be back? He clearly was a whore with Mark.

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by Anonymousreply 42August 30, 2022 9:06 AM

After Roseanne left, and Darlene became the central character, it just became a miserable show about miserable people.

by Anonymousreply 43August 30, 2022 9:45 AM

According to him, it was not his decision. But, it doesn't seem that he's crying over it either.

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by Anonymousreply 44August 30, 2022 11:31 PM

In addition to Fishman looking like Roseanne, the Barone kid had a growth spurt and was too tall to play the youngest kid. And there was some issue with Sara Gilbert. Fishman was wooden as an adult and couldn't act so they diminished his role and now axed him.

by Anonymousreply 45August 30, 2022 11:41 PM

Wasn't Fishman the one who organised Glenn Quinn's funeral after he OD'd? He seems a really decent guy.

by Anonymousreply 46August 30, 2022 11:57 PM

Fishman was 12 years old when Quinn died, so unlikely he did much funeral arranging.

by Anonymousreply 47August 31, 2022 12:20 AM

^^^Scratch that -- Fishman was 19 when Quinn died.

by Anonymousreply 48August 31, 2022 12:22 AM

According to the statement he put out he didn't quit, he was fired. He said he was informed that he would not be returning for season 5.

by Anonymousreply 49August 31, 2022 1:50 AM

Similar to how " Who's the Boss" phased out Danny Pintauro. One day he was the cute little waif, the next he was a gayling queen, then 86ed.

by Anonymousreply 50August 31, 2022 2:00 AM

Fishman was the first one who spoke out against Roseanne after her meltdown a few years ago. She is somewhere laughing her ass off. VIDEO = Original Pilot Opening. Original DJ and Original Roseanne Logo.

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by Anonymousreply 51August 31, 2022 2:19 AM

It’s always sad to see Natalie West in the opening credits. I feel badly how she was phased out as well,

by Anonymousreply 52August 31, 2022 2:46 AM

I love his statement for being let go, pure class. I hope Hollywood utilizes him.

by Anonymousreply 53August 31, 2022 2:52 AM

If Roseanne has something to say about DJ / Fishman being cut, he probably won't respond. Hopefully, he saved some money over the past 3 years or so.

by Anonymousreply 54August 31, 2022 2:58 AM

I didn’t think for one second that he quit. He gets paid a TV salary to be told every week he doesn’t have to come in. It always felt like an olive branch. I’m actually surprised he is a series regular.

The show was on the bubble this season and it’s become increasingly costly as ABC doesn’t own it, Carsey Werner does, so it’s becoming less valuable long term and ratings dropped considerably this season. I actually missed most of it and binged it this past weekend. Something is flat and boring about the show now.

I’m sure there were be lots of cuts to come with far fewer appearances by Katey Sagel and Jackie’s husband. If I ran the show, DJ would be the easiest lift for me too.

by Anonymousreply 55August 31, 2022 3:06 AM

"Darlene goes to church!" They have thrown everything at the wall, hardly anything stuck..

by Anonymousreply 56August 31, 2022 3:15 AM

Roseanne can laugh all she wants where it comes to Fishman but it's of no harm to him. He's clearly a classy guy while she's a racist lunatic. No comparison.

by Anonymousreply 57August 31, 2022 3:59 AM

You Girls are Slipping....McCaulley Culkin was up for the role of DJ Connor.....LINK...Sandra Bernhardt Radio Show...

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by Anonymousreply 59August 31, 2022 5:35 AM

I doubt this will do much to negatively affect his career. I have little doubt that this will probably be the last season of that show that should have been canceled long ago.

by Anonymousreply 60August 31, 2022 9:35 AM

Not that it means anything, but the net worth sites claim he's worth $8 million. I don't think that sounds too out of whack. He'll be fine.

by Anonymousreply 61August 31, 2022 9:37 AM
