Piper Carter, a 19-year-old student at the University of Kansas, was found dead inside her sorority house on April 29. The Police Department of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, said that they discovered Piper on her bed Saturday morning inside the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority house.
Personnel and officers with the Lawrence-Douglas County Fire-Medical Department responded to the scene located at 1500 Sigma Nu Place around 10:30 in the morning. When they arrived, the student's condition was already beyond life-saving measures.
Sergeant Drew Fennelly wrote in an email to the media that their investigation had not found any evidence of foul play in Piper's death. He shared that the police were waiting for reports from the coroner's office regarding the cause of her death.
Lawrence Police disclosed the information in a press release held on Monday, May 1. Following the announcement, the Alpha Chi Omega sorority also shared the news on their Facebook page and offered condolences to Piper's family members and friends.
The Sorority House added that her death brought everyone "immeasurable grief."
Piper Carter had been studying at the University of Kansas since 2021
As per the Facebook tribute by Alpha Chi Omega Sorority, Piper Carter was in the Phi house. Janice Walters Robben, a guardian of a former student at the University of Kansas, wrote in the comment thread of the post that her daughter is a sorority alum there and everyone was devastated by the news.
When someone else asked Janice if she knew what had happened to Piper Carter, she replied that the reason was not yet known and that the coroner was performing an autopsy, the reports of which will come out in a few days.
According to Piper Carter's Facebook profile, she was from Olathe, Kansas, and had attended Blue Valley West High School in Overland Park. She started studying at the University of Kansas in 2021.
Julia Haney, one of Piper Carter's friends, shared a memory on Facebook on May 2 and paid her tribute to Piper. She wrote that she first met Piper in the summer of 2017 after moving to a new neighborhood and the latter lived two streets down from her. They quickly became best friends and started spending a lot of time together.
Julia reminisced about staying up until dawn with Piper and spending time at the neighborhood swimming pool while gossiping about boys. She described Piper as a busy girl who used to play sports like soccer and volleyball.
However, she never failed to make time for her friends even amidst her busy schedule. Julia wrote:
“Piper was the sweetest girl you could ever meet. Her humor was unmatched. Her laugh was brilliant. Her smile was perfect.”Julia continued that the two grew apart as they got older and life happened. However, she wrote that she would always cherish the memories she shared with Piper.
Sergeant Drew Fennelly wrote in his email that they have heard rumors and speculation from a few people in the community regarding what might have caused the young student’s death. He added:
“...but any claims to know the cause of death are based in speculation, and not fact, until the coroner has completed their investigation. Our hearts are with Piper’s family and friends who are grieving and processing this sudden and tragic event.”The sudden and unexpected loss of Piper Carter has left the University of Kansas community in grave sorrow.
Details about the circumstances surrounding her death remain unclear.
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