How old is Jerry Savelle? When is Jerry Savelle's birthday? Where is Jerry Savelle born? Where did Jerry Savelle grow up from? What's Jerry Savelle's age?
Jerry Savelle Born: December 24, 1947 (age 75years), Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States
Is Jerry Savelle married? When did Jerry Savelle get married? Who's Jerry Savelle's married to? (Who's Jerry Savelle's husband / wife)?
Jerry Savelle Spouse: Carolyn Savelle (m. 1965)
How about Jerry Savelle's parents?
Jerry Savelle Parents: Jerry Wallace Savelle, Attie Snow Savelle
Does Jerry Savelle have any children? What are the names of Jerry Savelle's children? What are the ages of Jerry Savelle's children?
Jerry Savelle Children: Terri Savelle Foy, Jerriann Newton
How about Jerry Savelle's grandchild?
Jerry Savelle Grandchild: Kassidi Cherie Foy
What happened to Jerry Savelle?
He went to college in 1964 and was married to Carolyn Creech in 1965. He opened Jerry's Paint and Body Shop in 1968, however in 1969 he again felt the call to go into ministry. In February 1969, Jerry gave his life to Christ.
Who is Terri Savelle Foy's husband?
He went to college in 1964 and was married to Carolyn Creech in 1965. He opened Jerry's Paint and Body Shop in 1968, however in 1969 he again felt the call to go into ministry. In February 1969, Jerry gave his life to Christ.