“I have been blessed with great beauty,” she said. “This is a gift. And I have maintained it, through my research into the fountain of youth—the science of youth. I have worked with cutting-edge people in the industry of beauty, health, and exercise all my life. I look 25 years—or more—younger than my age because of this. I feel 40 most of the time.”
Oh, my sides!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 435 | December 17, 2020 4:10 PM |
OP, thank you for starting this thread. B Dick has been teasing this Vanity Fair profile for several days now. Not sure if she's aware that it's out yet. The minute she started posting about a profile of her in Vanity Fair and thanking her publicist for securing it, I just KNEW she wasn't going to be in on the joke. She probably thought it was going to be nothing but flattering.
This line absolutely killed me:
[quote]Currently, the www.BrendaDickson.com home page redirects to a site on chlamydia home-testing kits.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | September 22, 2018 1:44 AM |
Fortunately for Brenda, she is too stupid to realize they are making fun of her.
[quote]The addictive appeal of Welcome to My Home lies with Dickson herself: her toothy smile and hollow-inside eyes, her mechanical bearing, her effortful breeziness, the A.S.M.R.-inducing narration she delivers in the “fashion show” segment, and the simultaneously vague and assured way she dispenses her immortal wisdom
by Anonymous | reply 2 | September 22, 2018 1:49 AM |
Vanity Fair is totally mocking Brenda Dickson as the Norma Desmond of the 80s
[quote]By 1987, Dickson had starred in The Young and the Restless, on and off, for 14 years. In January of that year, the Schenectady Gazette reported that she had no intention of ever leaving the show: “They will have to throw her out.”
[quote]Later that year, they threw her out.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | September 22, 2018 1:51 AM |
One thing, I think the article grossly underplays how much Deven had to do with Brenda's current social media success.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | September 22, 2018 1:57 AM |
Does she have any money? That concerns me. I'd feel better about the humor if she has the basics to survive.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | September 22, 2018 1:57 AM |
[quote]The minute she started posting about a profile of her in Vanity Fair and thanking her publicist for securing it, I just KNEW she wasn't going to be in on the joke. She probably thought it was going to be nothing but flattering.
Besides lacking even an atom of self-awareness, the woman is completely humorless. They should have interviewed Deven instead.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | September 22, 2018 1:57 AM |
I always thought her face was odd looking. And now she resembles a tranny.
She does have nice body and it looks pretty good for her age though.
She posted a lot of pro-Trump stuff on facebook page, but seems to have deleted it.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 7 | September 22, 2018 1:58 AM |
If Brenda thinks she still looks so good, why does she photoshop most of the photos she posts on facebook and instagram?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 8 | September 22, 2018 2:08 AM |
[quote]One thing, I think the article grossly underplays how much Deven had to do with Brenda's current social media success.
I totally agree. But Brenda Dickson is too stupid to realize that. She even demanded that the person who posted her original "Welcome To My Home" take it off YouTube. She's an idiot.
I bet Brenda told Vanity Fair she wouldn't cooperate if they said anything nice about Deven.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | September 22, 2018 2:09 AM |
[quote]If Brenda thinks she still looks so good, why does she photoshop most of the photos she posts on facebook and instagram?
Because Brenda Dickson is just like Donald Trump, whom she loves: They both live in a fake-reality where they are still young and the best they ever looked.
They are both mentally ill.
Brenda only Photoshops the make the "bad" photos "look like I really look."
by Anonymous | reply 10 | September 22, 2018 2:11 AM |
Suddenly Sue Lucci doesn't look as vain.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 12 | September 22, 2018 2:18 AM |
Agree Trump has the same mental illness - but is evil on top of it
by Anonymous | reply 13 | September 22, 2018 2:22 AM |
OMG. Here is Brenda, sounding just like Deven Green, thinking the Vanity Fair article is going to be great to her. Poor thing.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | September 22, 2018 2:23 AM |
She would look better with darker hair. It's funny that both Brenda and the actor who played her son are both eccentrics.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | September 22, 2018 2:26 AM |
She would look better with a darker lens.
The lighting she uses for her videos must fade her wallpaper.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | September 22, 2018 2:27 AM |
The fashions are good, and the colors and everything, you’re gonna love it.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | September 22, 2018 2:28 AM |
[quote]The fashions are good
What cracked me up is that she says everything is "GREAT" but then says, "The fashions are good."
I know it was unintentional, but it made it sound like the fashions sorta sucked compared to everything else. HA HA HA
by Anonymous | reply 19 | September 22, 2018 2:35 AM |
The hair is great and the makeup, the fashions are good and the colors and the lines, the light, the voices, the voices are good, I hear them singing songs I hear you I see you I see the colors hello hello welcome, welcome to my mind you’re gonna love it.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | September 22, 2018 2:38 AM |
Her face never moved. She was talking, but the face NEVER moved.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | September 22, 2018 2:38 AM |
[quote]OMG. Here is Brenda, sounding just like Deven Green
I'm available for supermarket openings . . .
by Anonymous | reply 22 | September 22, 2018 2:40 AM |
R21 In fairness to Brendad, it can't.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | September 22, 2018 2:40 AM |
She's starting to hiss like she has bad dentures. Just like her hero, Donald Trump.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 24 | September 22, 2018 2:41 AM |
Holy fuck. She’s batshit crazy, but this makes me feel so bad for her. She really believed that Vanity Fair was going to launch her new music career. I hope she’s blissfully unaware that the article revealed her to be a crazy joke. Poor Brendad.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | September 22, 2018 4:46 AM |
It's a pretty low blow for Vanity Fair. But I agree with R25. She doesn't seem to understand. It appears she's totally delusional. I wonder how she keeps herself up? She's scary crazy but someone is paying for all that.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 26 | September 22, 2018 4:52 AM |
She’s mentally ill, like Serial Scholar.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | September 22, 2018 5:10 AM |
does anyone beside the OP really think "oh my sides" is clever?
by Anonymous | reply 29 | September 22, 2018 5:16 AM |
"Oh my sides sounds" like something my grandmother would say ..
But she really did have a great laugh !!
by Anonymous | reply 30 | September 22, 2018 5:18 AM |
“Well, I never in all my life!” Better?
by Anonymous | reply 31 | September 22, 2018 5:19 AM |
She needs mental intervention.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | September 22, 2018 5:30 AM |
Party's over toots, & my soundtrack's better!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 33 | September 22, 2018 5:31 AM |
Wow - that was a long commercial - I almost fell asleep ..
by Anonymous | reply 34 | September 22, 2018 5:41 AM |
The psychos stick together. Serial asshole nutjob is defending this mentally ill woman. They both need to be locked up.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | September 22, 2018 5:44 AM |
I wonder what the deal is with that much younger, bearded gay Republican she's always taking pictures with. Not the "singer" she's recorded an album with, just the guy who's always going out to dinner and lunch with her.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | September 22, 2018 5:45 AM |
I'm lost, who is R35 referring to?
by Anonymous | reply 37 | September 22, 2018 5:46 AM |
Brendad is getting ridiculed all over the placez lololololololol. Couldn’t happen to a better bitch.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | September 22, 2018 7:00 AM |
A still from the 2018 version of “Welcome to My Home.”
“I love my Millennial friends. I can out-party all of them. Cocaine and silicone and botulism toxin is one potent combination. Whoo! I drink daiquiri, it’s full of vitamins and minerals from the strawberry, and antitoxicants from the rum. Minerals are important for the bones, the teeth, and good on the face because minerals reflect light. I like pineapple. It’s sweet, but not too sweet. Do you like my hair? Bangs give it an updated look. I use shoulder pads to stand out. Never forget them, both of them, when you go out to the Abbey with Millennial friends, or your teeth, and you’ll have a great time. My eyes don’t need glasses or contact lenses because the fountain of youth, my eyes are young. That gives them sparkle. See how alert I am? That’s cocaine and adderall. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for little tricks like these to keep that pep in your step, as we age we all need a little. See those lights behind me? They look like the stars, that’s why we stopped here for this picture, it’s all about location. It’s a Hollywood secret. Guess the secret’s out! Everyone in this picture sucks dicks. It’s modern. Do you think I look like Meghan McCain here? Let’s teleport to my condominium and clean the cat. Whoo! That was exhausting. Remember my cat Snow? If you have her stuffed, you can always have her around and care is easier, no food, but pet her all you like. I still have all my furs, do you like it? It’s very dramatic. A hat. Another hat. This is sequins. Glass beads. Crystal beads look like diamonds. Bracelet, necklace, imitation gold, mix and match what you like, it’s fashion! Kitchen. Here’s something. It’s a smoothie. You put natural foods in it, pear, celery good for teeth and eyes, I like a little cabbage. Banana, avocado. I support the blood avocado cartel and I eat a lot of quinoa even though I read in the World Health Organization’s annual report that it is causing great hardship to the indigenous peoples of Peru because it is the fountain of youth. It’s OK! It’s only Hollywood! Let’s look at more fashions. This is a classic skirt. It flips at the bottom. This one flares. Can you tell the difference? This neckline shows off tits. Men like it. See my legs? That’s exercise and shaving. Hair. Here my hair is up. Here it’s down. Here it’s up and down. You can do what works for you. The only rule in fashion is do what works. For me, I like a little olive oil. It works for me, try it out and see if it works for you.”
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 40 | September 22, 2018 10:15 AM |
OP's pic. Center perfume = L'Air du Temps by Nina Ricci. The 2 purple bottles?
by Anonymous | reply 42 | September 22, 2018 11:14 AM |
Is there no one who cares about her that will get her some much needed mental help???????
by Anonymous | reply 43 | September 22, 2018 11:51 AM |
Brenda is clearly on the spectrum. No joke. She truly is not a normal human being. God bless her- she just does not know any better. And she is delusional in the saddest and truest way. Definite mental illness.
by Anonymous | reply 44 | September 22, 2018 1:07 PM |
Hmmmm isn’t autism more of an intellectual disability than a mental illness?
by Anonymous | reply 45 | September 22, 2018 1:24 PM |
R45, Bitch, all I was saying is that this jezebel has more issues than Vogue (or Vanity Fair) She's definitely on the Mental Illness spectrum!!!
To quote Tony Soprano- She's a full blown loopty-loo!
by Anonymous | reply 46 | September 22, 2018 2:00 PM |
Everyone’s laughing at the dumbass. She’s certifiable.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | September 22, 2018 2:23 PM |
Has Brenda been profiled in the digital pages of the online edition of 'The New Yorker' like me?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 48 | September 22, 2018 2:57 PM |
No dear, but you both are equally bat shit cray cray.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | September 22, 2018 3:00 PM |
[quote]She really believed that Vanity Fair was going to launch her new music career.
That stupid song looks like something the equally stupid Kim Zolciak would "sing"
by Anonymous | reply 50 | September 22, 2018 3:23 PM |
R29 "Oh, my sides" is meant ironically, as it is a DL meme, you stupid, tiresome, finger-wagging cunt.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | September 22, 2018 3:25 PM |
Has Brendad been institutionalized yet?
by Anonymous | reply 52 | September 22, 2018 3:28 PM |
R52 Brenda gets thrown OUT of places; not IN to them.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 53 | September 22, 2018 3:38 PM |
Damn people. Why don't you just wait outside of her house and drop pigs' blood on her already. This is neither pointless bitchery nor funny. Get it together and have some damned compassion.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | September 22, 2018 3:39 PM |
She obviously has mental issues. Maybe she can ask Thom Bierdz for advice.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | September 22, 2018 3:47 PM |
R54 Is some clueless frau who followed the breadcrumbs from this OUTRAGED tweet about this thread.
That Twitter twat doesn't realize that Brenda is a DL institution.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 56 | September 22, 2018 3:47 PM |
The statue has more facial expression.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 57 | September 22, 2018 3:48 PM |
R40 That was very well done.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | September 22, 2018 3:48 PM |
[quote]Currently, the www.BrendaDickson.com home page redirects to a site on chlamydia home-testing kits.
I. Am. Deceased.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | September 22, 2018 3:49 PM |
I am officially in love with R40 right now.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | September 22, 2018 3:54 PM |
Thanks, R60 and R58. I put my MFA in creative writing to good use, eh?
by Anonymous | reply 61 | September 22, 2018 3:56 PM |
Brenda before reading the Vanity Fair article:
[quote]I am such a lucky girl to have Edward Lozzi as my press agent, he is not only a good friend, but a super power press agent! Thanks Edward for all your valuable work in putting together my Vanity Fair article, with the renowned writter Darryn King🎩what a coup!! Darryn King is an incredibly talented writter! This is a Magazine every actress dreams of being in!!
Brenda after reading the Vanity Fair article:
[quote]Where the FUCK is that other bottle of Cutty Sark? Oh, my god, I hope that's not what all this broken glass is! Edward, call me back NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I'm going to KILL that Darren King!!!! What am I saying? My fans! My Fans! All my millions of lovely worshipping fans are going to do it for me!!!!"
by Anonymous | reply 62 | September 22, 2018 4:03 PM |
Serial asshole nutjob is crazier that Brenda, if that’s even possible. Everyone is laughing at them both.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | September 22, 2018 4:10 PM |
She must be pissed about the VF article. She hasn't posted a link or commented on it yet.
Can we expect a rant like this?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 65 | September 22, 2018 4:13 PM |
R64 The laughter is coming from inside your head.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | September 22, 2018 4:13 PM |
R65 She may still be passed out on her polar bear rug.
Or maybe she can't read. If her writing is any indication, I'm guessing that is true.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | September 22, 2018 4:15 PM |
You know she has 40 or 50 "Brenda Dickson" Google Alerts, so she has to know about the article.
What I find interesting is that video would make you think she had seen a draft. But now it is clear that her remarks about what will be in the article are based solely on what she told the writer, not what he wrote.
She probably talked about herself for hours. The writer probably put the phone on mute and went out for coffee.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | September 22, 2018 4:17 PM |
Serial sicko is having a bigger meltdown than crazy Brendad. 2 sickos! They both need psychiatric help. And that alcoholic Dizzel and his dumbo ears aren’t helping. LOLOL
by Anonymous | reply 69 | September 22, 2018 4:24 PM |
What the fuck is R69 talking about?
by Anonymous | reply 70 | September 22, 2018 4:26 PM |
I think the opening of the Vanity Fair article is bad writing (or, writting, as Brenda would write).
[quote]In 1987, Michael Morrison was a 21-year-old Young and the Restless super-fan living in Toronto. When Brenda Dickson, the actress who played the villainess Jill Foster Abbott, moved on from the program after 156 episodes, he began religiously purchasing soap-opera magazines to keep up with her career.
Keep up with her career? What career? She had no career after she was fired from that soap.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | September 22, 2018 4:28 PM |
Darryn King is my hero today!!!! Bravo.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | September 22, 2018 4:34 PM |
She makes me glad I'm dead.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | September 22, 2018 4:47 PM |
This interview with her costar seems to be saying:
1. Brenda was a crazy diva IRL, just like her character on the soap.
2. Brenda was unprofessional and didn't remember her lines, but got better with time.
3. She was not liked by the rest of the cast. They were mean to her and played pranks on her.
4. Someone was very mean to her.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 74 | September 22, 2018 4:56 PM |
There is no denying that she is nuts, a cunt, vindictive, untalented, a liar, a ho etc etc etc. She was HATED on that set. Rightfully so. There is no defense for her craziness as much as Serial Nutjob tries to defend her. That moron just makes Brenda look worse than she already looks. This is quite entertaining. Watching 2 nutcases unravel.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | September 22, 2018 5:00 PM |
The thing I found most interesting is Sara Bibel posted a link to the VF article, Wow!
by Anonymous | reply 76 | September 22, 2018 5:17 PM |
Bibel knows what a crazy loon Brendad is.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | September 22, 2018 5:19 PM |
Oh, I know she knows. I was just surprised she linked the article,
by Anonymous | reply 78 | September 22, 2018 5:21 PM |
So much for "No such thing as bad publicity"
by Anonymous | reply 79 | September 22, 2018 5:32 PM |
The sick fuk Serial Asshole Nutcase sounds even crazier than Brendad. Darryn King is a hero!!!!!! How dumb can serial nutcase be. He believes an alcoholic like Cooper. Victimized??? Oh for christs sake. Look at Brendad’s history. Everyone everywhere everytime forever has wronged her. lolololol The problem is HER, not everyone else. Grow up you stupid twit Serial Nutcase. No wonder your family disowned you. Crazy moron. We’re all dm’ing each other laughing at you.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | September 22, 2018 5:40 PM |
I still want her back on Y&R as Jill over that shrill Jess Walton. It might be the ratings spike the pathetic Y&R needs.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | September 22, 2018 6:10 PM |
Maybe Serial Nutcase will see how foolish he looks.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | September 22, 2018 6:13 PM |
Quickly becoming epic thread!
by Anonymous | reply 84 | September 22, 2018 6:15 PM |
[quote]Shame on those cruel Queens!
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
by Anonymous | reply 85 | September 22, 2018 6:18 PM |
Would the obsessive queen who keeps posting about "Serial Nutcase" STFU already?
This thread is about Brendad's crazy, not yours.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | September 22, 2018 6:20 PM |
Here's a news synopsis of her divorce court case. Go to 0:47 to see her in handcuffs (dramatic).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 87 | September 22, 2018 7:53 PM |
Brenda looks ROUGH in those unphotoshopped video shots in R87
by Anonymous | reply 88 | September 22, 2018 7:57 PM |
Brendad also looks like she would not be able to fit into her 1980s fashions then either.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | September 22, 2018 8:00 PM |
She can just keep having them altered, R89. As she's been doing since she was ten years old.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | September 22, 2018 8:17 PM |
Poor Brendad. Her waist was looking thick in that video too. Guess her bike was in the repair shop then.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 91 | September 22, 2018 8:21 PM |
R91 That's the smug look she tries to give her husband when he's held in contempt, but the only part of her face that can move is an 1/8th of an inch beside her eyes.
Is Brenda the one that started the "HELP! My hair turned out ORANGE!" thread?
by Anonymous | reply 92 | September 22, 2018 8:28 PM |
Bravo R40. Put that BFA to work!
by Anonymous | reply 93 | September 22, 2018 9:16 PM |
R93 That’s MFA, you shady bitch.
by Anonymous | reply 94 | September 22, 2018 11:06 PM |
One of her eyes is wonky. They don't match each other. I know that everyone sees that, right?
by Anonymous | reply 98 | September 22, 2018 11:22 PM |
r97 -- that's the one from R36.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | September 22, 2018 11:24 PM |
She sure thinks highly of herself.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | September 22, 2018 11:28 PM |
r98 yeah, one is higher than the other. Deven Green's parody video (one of the early ones) actually says something about it too.
I can't believe she's never ever EVER understood that Deven is the reason so many people know about her or know about her video. Why can't people get that through her head? She was so nasty and threatening to Deven too... anyone remember "Susan Dennis" ?? lol. That video was never re-uploaded but it had screen shots of Brenda's website and a letter from a "fan" named Susan Dennis who (in horrible spelling) went on and on about how awful Deven's videos were.
[quote]It was an extremely powerful film, the beginning of all reality shows,” she told me, going on to point out that the 21st-century rediscovery of Welcome to My Home roughly coincided with the premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, in October 2007. (“This video would change the face of television, as we all know it,” is how she put it in her 2013 memoir, My True Hidden Hollywood Story.)
This is beyond delusional / scary.
What was that wealthy guy in Hawaii (Jan?) in R87 thinking when he married her?
by Anonymous | reply 102 | September 22, 2018 11:32 PM |
If Brendad hasn't mentioned this article yet, she must be stewing with rage.
by Anonymous | reply 104 | September 22, 2018 11:56 PM |
[quote]anyone remember "Susan Dennis" ?? lol.
I'd totally forgotten about her. It was so obvious that it was written by Brenda, calling Deven ugly and untalented and (I think) looking like the Wicked Witch of the West. And then praising herself.
Didn't Deven respond with a video of her reading the letter as Brendad? "Let me get it out of my vagine."
by Anonymous | reply 105 | September 22, 2018 11:59 PM |
[QUOTE[]Didn't Deven respond with a video of her reading the letter as Brendad? "Let me get it out of my vagine."
She did?? I missed that.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | September 23, 2018 12:04 AM |
This was the "Susan Dennis" response.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 107 | September 23, 2018 12:08 AM |
R107 Thank for posting that.
Brenda is so stupid for thinking anyone who think she didn't write that foolish letter.
You can say many things about Deven Green, but "fat" is not one of them.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | September 23, 2018 12:17 AM |
156 isn't really many episodes of a soap to be in over 10+ years...exactly how difficult was she on set?
by Anonymous | reply 110 | September 23, 2018 12:24 AM |
Thanks r107! I thought that video had been lost forever. I did a bunch of searches.
"It'll dry off in a moment..."
by Anonymous | reply 111 | September 23, 2018 12:32 AM |
R87 Brenda likes to marry rich Jewish guys so she can take their money when she divorces them. I loved her as Jill (especially the first time around before Jill turned into Alexis from Dynasty) but I think personally she is a nasty piece of work and delusional Trump supporter. Shame, because she really did have that “it” factor, whatever that is. Not to say Bill Bell & the Y&R set weren’t/isn’t all sorts of shady fights and egos, but Brenda’s own craziness and the nastiness that came from it did her in.
by Anonymous | reply 112 | September 23, 2018 12:35 AM |
Is this the husband she was sneering at in court?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 113 | September 23, 2018 1:05 AM |
Going on a delusional rant.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 114 | September 23, 2018 1:22 AM |
R113 that looks like Jan Weinberg, her most recent husband. I think Robert Rifkin was her first husband.
by Anonymous | reply 115 | September 23, 2018 1:27 AM |
Vice squad? I didn't know the vice squad handles evictions.
by Anonymous | reply 116 | September 23, 2018 2:01 AM |
When was R114 recorded?
She’s insane going on about nonsense from 40 years ago.
She’s getting evicted from ANOTHER residence?
by Anonymous | reply 117 | September 23, 2018 3:03 AM |
Someone should tell her that Bill Bell is dead and, therefore, not involved in her finances and sending fraud checks through her account... or don’t.
by Anonymous | reply 118 | September 23, 2018 3:09 AM |
R112: "...because she really did have that 'it' factor..."
Honey, that's the one and only thing she DID have. No talent, couldn't act for shit... But when that camera was on her, you couldn't look away.
by Anonymous | reply 119 | September 23, 2018 3:16 AM |
R119 yes! Sexy, campy, over-the-top sex kitten. The first time she was on Y&R in the 70’s she had a bit of vulnerability about her as well. I think Jess is a better actress and a nicer person but Brenda WAS Jill. Definitely an “IT” factor about her. You are so right, couldn’t take your eyes off of her. And her chemistry with Jeanne was magic. Then again Y&R was at its peak during the time she was on too. I wonder if she could save the show if she was added back on today, with all her plastic surgery and craziness..,so in a way she’s over the top with her delusional ego but there is a grain of truth there—she did have IT.
by Anonymous | reply 120 | September 23, 2018 3:24 AM |
“Good bye tramp” is soap gold.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | September 23, 2018 3:28 AM |
I'm surprised she hasn't found some kind of representation to help her monetize her notoriety beyond selling her trashy autobiography at Gelson's (LOL) and hocking DVDs of Welcome to my Home. I mean, she should be selling "Welcome to my home" and "Fashion" and "Well, Hello" t-shirts and caps and mugs.
by Anonymous | reply 122 | September 23, 2018 3:31 AM |
I knew an old lady who bought a couple ice cream cones then stuck them in her purse to take home and eat later.
Brendad Ickson is going to be that woman one day.
by Anonymous | reply 123 | September 23, 2018 3:56 AM |
For some reason, this is really making me sad. I'd never heard of Brenda until I saw posts here and saw the clips from her video. I just thought she was an endearingly narcissistic soap actress who probably married a rich guy, had a few kids, and had a decent life once she realized acting wasn't for her. Seeing these Instagram posts of hers and reading this article made me so depressed and sick to my stomach. There's something really disturbing about it and I get the strangest sense of menace from it. I feel like she's on the verge of doing something very dangerous. She even seems to be wearing Glenn Close's Norma Desmond makeup. She is literally Norma Desmond and needs mental help. How do we get her help?
by Anonymous | reply 124 | September 23, 2018 3:59 AM |
I agree R124. But she's been this way for a long time. I, too only know her from Datalounge as I wasn't alive to watch the fucking young and restless in 1962. She is not in reality and has a lot of paranoid delusions. Those are people who can indeed do something dangerous. She demonstrates a constant flight of ideas in all her communications and she uses violent words to describe her various victimizations. Sad. Vanity Fair shouldn't have published such a mockery of a seriously ill woman. Like Norma Desmond....she may have seen it as a comeback and the realization that she is a social media joke on a large scale could be very damaging to her psyche.
[quote]Many of you are probably wondering what is going on. I am being put in jail (illegally) and raped of all my assets. Well, this is a repeat scenario. It has been done to me once before. Whenever I showed desire to resume my career, there are people in my life, it is organized crime, who will rape me of all my assets.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 125 | September 23, 2018 4:12 AM |
[quote]She’s getting evicted from ANOTHER residence?
The VF article says she inherited the condo from her mother.
by Anonymous | reply 126 | September 23, 2018 4:18 AM |
R125 Young & Restless wasn’t on the air in 1962. She was an original cast member 1973-1980, and came back 1983-1987 until she was fired. I don’t think she’s acted since then.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | September 23, 2018 4:20 AM |
I hope a screenwriter somewhere is writing all of this down. It could easily be their Sunset Boulevard. Or maybe Mulholland Dr. I agree that there's something weirdly sinister about Brenda. I think she has the capacity to kill. It's like watching Carrie go off to the prom and knowing the blood's going to drop on her and being helpless to stop it.
by Anonymous | reply 128 | September 23, 2018 4:28 AM |
She’s as insane as that moron Serial Scholar!!!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 129 | September 23, 2018 4:40 AM |
156 episodes = fuck all for someone working there between 1973-1980 and 1983-1987.
What the hell did she subject her crew and fellow cast members to? Coke-rage?
by Anonymous | reply 130 | September 23, 2018 4:58 AM |
She's a delusional narcissist, but I doubt she'd physically harm someone. I feel sorry for her ex-husbands and boyfriends though, she seems like she'd be very draining to be around.
by Anonymous | reply 131 | September 23, 2018 5:10 AM |
She really is the closest thing I can thing of to a true real life Norma Desmond. Like Norma, she's part of a mostly dead medium and she probably did have some fans back in the day, but her exile reeks more of unprofessional behavior than anything else.
by Anonymous | reply 132 | September 23, 2018 6:25 AM |
Everyone at Y&R hated the bitch. Everyone.
by Anonymous | reply 133 | September 23, 2018 6:31 AM |
I’d heretofore only known of Dickson from clips I saw years ago while channel-surfing (maybe an “E! True Hollywood Story” on “Y&R”?) going on and on about urinary tract infection, and this thread was my first exposure to the glory that is “Welcome to My Home”! Thank you, DL and VF!
She really is delusional, and the numerous Norma Desmond comparisons upthread are apt. According to Wikipedia, Dickson has two children. Wonder what they think of mom’s hijinks.
by Anonymous | reply 134 | September 23, 2018 7:05 AM |
She’s crazy and narcissistic, but she’s not dangerous. I’ve spoken with her on occasion, and beneath the bat shit, she’s actually very sweet. She’s mentally ill, but she isn’t really harming anyone. Even her revenge tactics (e.g., calling the FBI about Jan and Choy) are harmless because no authority takes her seriously. Her illness is obvious. I don’t know what she’s taking to slim down-be it coke or phen-but she looks pretty darn good for a 70 year old. She was chubs in the mid 2000’s.
by Anonymous | reply 135 | September 23, 2018 8:08 AM |
R135 - you've spoken with her on occasion?? More context, please!
by Anonymous | reply 136 | September 23, 2018 8:09 AM |
She never had biological children which makes sense given that neither of her kids will step in and get her the mental help that she desperately needs. They’ve probably disowned the crazy bitch like what Serial Nutjob’s family did.
by Anonymous | reply 137 | September 23, 2018 11:22 AM |
What is her mental illness though?? Is she schizophrenic? Borderline personality disorder and bipolar? Also, this “kids” thing on Wikipedia is new, I think, I’ve been following her for years, since the Y&R Days, & I have never heard about her having kids, biological or otherwise.. I think that information is wrong.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | September 23, 2018 2:09 PM |
How is it possible that she only appeared in 156 episodes?
I was never really a Y&R fan, but as a teen in the 80s I sometimes watched it with my cousins. I totally remember her "it" factor, and she was fun to watch.
Never liked Jess Walton.
by Anonymous | reply 139 | September 23, 2018 2:36 PM |
R139 it has to be more than that. She was on the show from 1973 through 1987. Granted it was off and on for some time. I started watching when JW took over. I enjoy some of the Brenda clips. She understood the camp appeal but Jess toned it down and took a different approach. I think Jess based a lot of Jill on her dirt poor upbringing and as a result a lot of anger came out through the character. Jess had some great lol moments as Jill but Brenda’s clips show she had less range than Jess. I can’t honestly imagine Brenda pulling off some of the Jill scenes post 1987.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | September 23, 2018 2:44 PM |
R139, I think the error in the number of herbepisodes comes from the IMDB page for Y & R. Every episode is listed by number, but most of the early episode descriptions have either no or very few cast members listed. Her episode count comes from the episodes where she is credited on IMDB.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 141 | September 23, 2018 3:54 PM |
Supposed to read....‘her episodes’
by Anonymous | reply 142 | September 23, 2018 3:55 PM |
[quote]The VF article says she inherited the condo from her mother.
I bet she is *years* behind on the condo fees.
by Anonymous | reply 143 | September 23, 2018 4:05 PM |
[quote]She really is the closest thing I can thing of to a true real life Norma Desmond.
Except Norma Desmond had been a celebrated and revered movie star, not a campy character on a TV soap. The fall is not quite so steep for Brendad.
by Anonymous | reply 144 | September 23, 2018 4:07 PM |
The kids are from Jan Weinberg's first marriage. They were grown-up's when the whole divorce fiasco happened. I don't know if they had any kind of relationship with BD or not. She doesn't seem to be the maternal type in the least, so I'm guessing she has little interaction with them.
by Anonymous | reply 145 | September 23, 2018 4:24 PM |
[quote] I don’t think she’s acted since then.
You mean this isn't all an act?
by Anonymous | reply 146 | September 23, 2018 4:48 PM |
r81- seeing how it has 2 likes, I think we're in the clear.
by Anonymous | reply 147 | September 23, 2018 4:51 PM |
Brendad has been tweeting, but NOTHING about the VF article.
Just "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" tweets full of emojis.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | September 23, 2018 4:57 PM |
Thank GOD that this MESS of a person never had kids!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 149 | September 23, 2018 5:51 PM |
The IMDB numbers for soaps are way off. Look at virtually any soap star's page, and you'll quickly realize that they are often off by the hundreds or even thousands.
by Anonymous | reply 150 | September 23, 2018 7:03 PM |
R148 - the emojis always kill me as they literally seem to be a random series of emojis she'll add to a comment or post for no apparent reason. I'm guessing Austin the "singer" and that gay Republican with the beard convinced her that using emojis would put her in touch with millennials.
[quote]Dickson adores her millennial fans, with whom she communicates regularly on social media. “The millennials are very interested in their health and fitness, which is why they like me,” she said. “They quote my lines in the film! It’s amazing to me. And I can truthfully say after hanging out with my millennial friends, I can still out-party the best of them!”
by Anonymous | reply 151 | September 23, 2018 8:04 PM |
Angelyne should teach her how to self-promote better by putting her image on billboards and having TONS of merch made to sell out of the trunk of her car at exorbitant prices.
by Anonymous | reply 152 | September 23, 2018 8:22 PM |
R148 I checked Twitter. Still no mention about the Vanity Fair article. I was wondering what she would say about it. That VF article was brutal.
by Anonymous | reply 153 | September 23, 2018 9:49 PM |
They expect people will buy this basic, uninspired shit?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 154 | September 23, 2018 10:56 PM |
Uhhh... don't think that shop has any affiliation with Brenda, R154
by Anonymous | reply 155 | September 24, 2018 12:30 AM |
Has Brendad ever been in a GAP store?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 156 | September 24, 2018 12:32 AM |
R155 It was linked in the Vanity Fair article, so I'm guessing she's getting a cut of the profits. She hasn't linked it on any of her accounts, but previously mentioned she was going to have t-shirts and stuff made by her friend.
Even this put on a t-shirt would be an improvement and I could see people buying it.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 157 | September 24, 2018 12:37 AM |
[QUOTE]This is the link🎤🎧🎼📻 to my new song...I thought I would share it with you. The one I have been working on. I wrote all those years ago. It just laid dorment in my head 👄until I hooked up with Austin. I wrote the lyrics. After my contract was up. I had given a year's notice I was leaving the show. The producers knew the ratings would fall drastically. So they black listed me, to keep me from doing to another show. Well, you know the rest of the story in "My True Hidden Hollywood Story". In Any case, Austin wrote the music. We collaborated on the verse. It needs a viedo. Because my property, in the millions. (As I refurbished multi-million homes I created the equity in) Has been stolden by the producer's of the Y&R. Through their judge and attorney freinds. I don't have the funds to produce the viedo. Here it is!! I think you might enjoy it! Just push on get the app. Ignore the my files notice. Push on open with, Push on yes!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 158 | September 24, 2018 12:37 AM |
Maybe The A.V. Club News would be kinder to Brenda than Vanity Fair.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 159 | September 24, 2018 12:38 AM |
R158 Good gawd, that's so awful, it's almost good. Almost.
by Anonymous | reply 160 | September 24, 2018 12:41 AM |
She has serious issues. I skimmed her Facebook page, she is still stating Y&R producers are out to ruin her life, even decades after she left the show. The producers of today probably weren't even working there when she was!
She also has a few posts regarding her brother having stage 4 cancer, but a dose of religion seems to be clearing that up so far!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 161 | September 24, 2018 12:59 AM |
I think in her mind, the surviving Bell's are out to get her and doing all these supposed things to her.
In reality, they probably don't care about her at all, except to maybe pity her.
by Anonymous | reply 162 | September 24, 2018 1:15 AM |
In her mind, she is so popular/talented that a conspiracy to ruin her can be the *only* reason she isn't a HUGE star of movies.
by Anonymous | reply 163 | September 24, 2018 1:18 AM |
R158 Yes, the song is dreadful, but not as awful as Kim Zolciak garbage.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | September 24, 2018 1:18 AM |
My God, how long has she been batshit crazy? I never knew it was to this extent.
by Anonymous | reply 165 | September 24, 2018 1:19 AM |
I thought the same thing R161. She's blaming Y&R producers for her current financial situation and thus, unable to fun a video?? HUH? And the way it's written makes no sense.
by Anonymous | reply 166 | September 24, 2018 1:23 AM |
She is enabled by fellow batshit crazieslike Serial Asshole Nutcase moron.
by Anonymous | reply 167 | September 24, 2018 1:51 AM |
I got a Countess Luann vibe from that song. Do they play it at the A BBEY?
by Anonymous | reply 168 | September 24, 2018 2:14 AM |
So weird, Brenda doing a song about herself being "rich" and then doing videos about being evicted.
She never connects her own dots.
by Anonymous | reply 169 | September 24, 2018 2:17 AM |
Remember the video she did where she claimed TMZ surprised her while she was shopping at Gelson's Market?
It was so clearly a friend with an iPhone that it was astoundingly sad.
by Anonymous | reply 170 | September 24, 2018 2:24 AM |
It’s all sad but it’s an amazing train wreck! She believes she is the character she played. Rich beautiful and a polar in high society. I don’t think she can get out of her own way. Champagne wishes and Cavier dream delusions!
by Anonymous | reply 171 | September 24, 2018 2:32 AM |
I also love how she photoshops not only herself but everyone else in a picture with her, so they all match! One of her Facebook admirers compliments her on her "smooth flawless skin". LOL!
by Anonymous | reply 172 | September 24, 2018 2:38 AM |
If she hadn't been such a cunt to someone I know, I would actually feel sorry for her.
She must have told everyone she knows -- right down to her Ratty Korean Wig maker -- that Vanity Fair was coming out with a FABULOUS story about how amazing and beautiful she is. "You HAVE to read it when it comes out!"
And now this, a really mean article mocking her. It has to be humiliating. Womp. Womp.
by Anonymous | reply 173 | September 24, 2018 3:04 AM |
Mike Nadder? Tennisee Williams?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 174 | September 24, 2018 3:12 AM |
Sandra Bernhard looks great here!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 175 | September 24, 2018 3:21 AM |
If nothing else, psycho Serial Scholar looks very BAD in this mess.
by Anonymous | reply 176 | September 24, 2018 3:22 AM |
Who the fuck is serial scholar that someone keeps trying to make happen? Dare I ask?
by Anonymous | reply 177 | September 24, 2018 3:23 AM |
R174 Michael Nader was really hot back then.
R175 Not a flattering picture of her at all. She looks like she got a whiff of something very stinky.
by Anonymous | reply 178 | September 24, 2018 3:25 AM |
R177 Ignore it. Literally, push the ignore button. You won’t miss anything.
by Anonymous | reply 180 | September 24, 2018 3:33 AM |
Sometimes people crave attention so much they don care if is bad or good ....
by Anonymous | reply 183 | September 24, 2018 3:44 AM |
"Screw it!" I'm dead. This is hysterical.
by Anonymous | reply 184 | September 24, 2018 3:46 AM |
That clip at R181 is everything.
by Anonymous | reply 185 | September 24, 2018 3:51 AM |
I like her at R181. Suddenly very human.
by Anonymous | reply 186 | September 24, 2018 3:56 AM |
Anyone read Brenda's imdb bio? Very funny .
by Anonymous | reply 187 | September 24, 2018 3:59 AM |
Maybe Dancing with the Stars would be perfect for Brendad.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 188 | September 24, 2018 4:09 AM |
Brendad's camel toe workout.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 189 | September 24, 2018 4:14 AM |
Train. Wreck. Is she doing coke at 70? She looks pretty good.
by Anonymous | reply 190 | September 24, 2018 4:22 AM |
From IMDB: After her illegal firing and blacklisting she never worked in Hollywood, she is now back in Hollywood and intends to pursue a film career. She created a hit, runaway internet film she wrote, produced and directed called, "Welcome to my Home" that was put on by a fan. The film quickly garnered 3 million viewers. Dickson produced the film into a DVD. Dickson brought people into her home to spend the day with her. She showed her cat and dog and did a fashion show of over the top, couture gowns from the 80s. The industry took note of this film and suddenly a reality show was born. The Kardashians brought you into their home. Other shows did the same. High fashion became a Red Carpet must, and all of the industry was changed. Blue jeans and tee shirts were suddenly replaced by top designers.
she reminds me of Poo Shoes in her delusions.
by Anonymous | reply 192 | September 24, 2018 4:27 AM |
R181 - OMG. Never seen that one before. I agree, it's nice to see her actually act human.
Also, re: the Vanity Fair article, yes, of course the writer knew exactly what he was doing, but I can't blame him for taking advantage of such a camp icon of the social media age. If you want to fault anyone, how about her publicist who supposedly secured this profile? Now THAT is clearly someone taking advantage of her.
by Anonymous | reply 193 | September 24, 2018 4:27 AM |
This thread is like a Pandora's box. I can't get enough of this woman. It's like watching a real life version of Whatever Happened To Baby Jane or Sunset Boulevard.
by Anonymous | reply 194 | September 24, 2018 4:59 AM |
R174's link:
[quote]Im pictured here with Mike Nadder👄(Dex Dextor opposite Joan Collins, Dynasty, her boyfriend). In a hit play we did under the supervision of Tennisee Williams
Tennisee? LOL!
by Anonymous | reply 195 | September 24, 2018 4:59 AM |
I know I'm being a bit of a softie, but I feel bad making fun of her numerous misspellings. The woman's dyslexic and has apparently been open about that fact for decades. That doesn't excuse her insane rants idolizing Trump and posting ridiculous (and often racist and sexist) conspiracy theories about Obama and Hillary. Nor does it justify her need to blame everyone else in her orbit for her misfortune.
by Anonymous | reply 196 | September 24, 2018 5:21 AM |
Who needs to make fun of her spelling? Did you get a load of her open toe shoes and pantyhose combo? Even in the 80's that was gauche!
by Anonymous | reply 197 | September 24, 2018 5:24 AM |
This "Screen Goddess Temple" queen on Twitter is the MARY!iest MARY! who ever MARY!ed.
by Anonymous | reply 198 | September 24, 2018 5:37 AM |
They couldn't even use auto-tune on r158? It sounds like a classic Real Housewife mess, ala "The Countess"
by Anonymous | reply 199 | September 24, 2018 5:51 AM |
What about me fucker at r199?
by Anonymous | reply 200 | September 24, 2018 5:59 AM |
Kim Zolciak-BigPoppa-Biermann, you had plenty of auto-tune!
by Anonymous | reply 201 | September 24, 2018 6:04 AM |
Brendad's song is much better than the Kim Zolciak shit.
by Anonymous | reply 202 | September 24, 2018 6:17 AM |
It’s one thing for us to make fun of her, but for Vanity Fair to pile on is too much.
by Anonymous | reply 204 | September 24, 2018 9:38 AM |
R188 She dances very well for someone in her early hundreds though.
by Anonymous | reply 205 | September 24, 2018 11:41 AM |
She really does seem like a Baby Jane-Sunset Boulevard hybrid, although sadder since she was never as famous as either of those characters once was. She’s definitely not caring for an aging relative. Her “music” producer could be likened to the young writer-whore Gloria Swanson paid to keep her company. Oh, well, maybe not paid. We’re gonna have to throw Grey Gardens into the mix of inspirations.
by Anonymous | reply 206 | September 24, 2018 11:44 AM |
Screen God is as mentally ill as Brendad. Sick bastards.
by Anonymous | reply 207 | September 24, 2018 11:48 AM |
Screen Goddess is obviously posting here, or else s/he wouldn’t have known this conversation is happening. I suspect Screen Goddess is the person who keeps ranting incoherently above about Serial. Is it Brendad’s publicist, maybe? An insane person who was pressured by Brendad to sell a story, and who was probably told by Vanity Fair, “we’re going to eviscerate her,” which was relayed to Brendad and both she and her insane publicist celebrated with champagne, thinking eviscerate means celebrate?
by Anonymous | reply 208 | September 24, 2018 11:55 AM |
Mike Nader has always been a hottie, dating back to his “Beach Blanket Bingo” days. Get it, Brendad R174!
by Anonymous | reply 209 | September 24, 2018 12:48 PM |
All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 210 | September 24, 2018 3:49 PM |
I bet that writer for Vanity Fair has had to change his number.
by Anonymous | reply 211 | September 24, 2018 4:07 PM |
The writer is a Goddess for writing this dreck. Brenda is mentally ill. As is the Screen God Temple, mentally ill himself, for defending this shit. Mentally ill people.
by Anonymous | reply 212 | September 24, 2018 4:42 PM |
Where can we hear the new song? Villainess pop princess
by Anonymous | reply 213 | September 24, 2018 6:06 PM |
So why won’t Brenda comment? Everyone is laughing at her!!!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 216 | September 24, 2018 6:24 PM |
I actually sort of admire her for ignoring the article and just posting tons of "Look! I don't give a shit" stuff on Instagram.
by Anonymous | reply 217 | September 24, 2018 6:33 PM |
There's no bad press! Angelyne would gnaw off her liver spotted arm to have a story like this in VF!
by Anonymous | reply 218 | September 24, 2018 6:35 PM |
She does indeed look pretty damn good for 70 ! Give her that.
by Anonymous | reply 219 | September 24, 2018 6:54 PM |
I find this whole thing terrifying and heartbreaking. But I can't say I don't chuckle a bit when I see and hear some of the ridiculous things she's doing. Lisa Kudrow could do a new Comeback-esque character based on her alone.
by Anonymous | reply 220 | September 24, 2018 7:43 PM |
She is mentally ill. Why won’t her children help her?
by Anonymous | reply 221 | September 24, 2018 10:25 PM |
R221 Those children are step-children. She has no biological children. Who knows if they had much interaction with her while she was married to their father. They might not even like her.
by Anonymous | reply 222 | September 24, 2018 11:21 PM |
Surprised she didn't get backlash for her Heil Hitler salute in court.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 223 | September 24, 2018 11:47 PM |
That fucken alcoholic Dizzel is a mess!
by Anonymous | reply 224 | September 25, 2018 12:05 AM |
Batshit crazy. I'm guessing Y&R had a miserable time with her.
by Anonymous | reply 225 | September 25, 2018 3:59 AM |
Speaking of batshit crazy and Y&R, she and Thom Bierdz should get together and do a local cable talk show.
by Anonymous | reply 226 | September 25, 2018 4:02 AM |
So Serial Nutjob is still in love with Spicen after all this time. Hey Serial Nutjob - he doesn’t want you!!!!!!! You Freak!!!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 227 | September 25, 2018 6:09 AM |
Face an enabled narcissist who is also mentally ill. Brenda is pretty crazy but not so personally vulnerable. She needs help but not too much pity. Vanity Fair fed the wrong dog in her.
Pity is the gay man who takes her cell photos, resurfaces them and posts them. Takes her to lunch or the mall everyday, roll his eyes to himself. Plan new outings and outfits. Writes himself a check in between pays.
Until she kills or gets cancer, she's strong as an OX. You can't help this woman.
by Anonymous | reply 230 | September 25, 2018 6:39 AM |
She's one of the rare soap stars who got worse at acting over the years! Most usually improved over time.
by Anonymous | reply 231 | September 25, 2018 6:46 AM |
Look at those chiclet teeth!
by Anonymous | reply 232 | September 25, 2018 6:50 AM |
Dare I say, rivals the original (?)
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 233 | September 25, 2018 8:19 AM |
From VAITY FAIR article:
[quote]“In my 2018 video, I would do a whole segment on eyelashes,” she said. “How to apply eyelashes, what different looks are available, and for what occasion. I have tried them all."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 235 | September 25, 2018 10:03 AM |
Awful actress. Just terrible.
by Anonymous | reply 236 | September 25, 2018 9:34 PM |
Jesus, she's an awful actress. And those are some pretty juicy lines she's delivering. They're genuinely funny and campy, but she's not helping the material.
by Anonymous | reply 237 | September 25, 2018 11:07 PM |
R235. I don't know the soap, but "Kaye" is 1000x better than this bitch Brendad, and Kaye says nothing!
by Anonymous | reply 238 | September 25, 2018 11:11 PM |
According to fans who've seen her original stint on the show have said she was better then.
All the clips above were from her second stint on the show and yes she was terrible. I've never seen her give a decent performance, just the same awful, stilted delivery.
I laughed out loud when I read that she studied acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute. Must've been a mail order course.
by Anonymous | reply 239 | September 26, 2018 2:30 AM |
She was phenomenal as Jill. Those clips are the campy stuff, but she had some really genuine moments before she and Jack fucked in the cabin. After that, it was campy... but campy gold. Long live Brendad!
by Anonymous | reply 240 | September 26, 2018 2:43 AM |
I actually like her reading of the "liver" line.
by Anonymous | reply 241 | September 26, 2018 2:49 AM |
I love how she says, “Let me pour you a drink.” Such a bitch... just like she says in her song.
by Anonymous | reply 242 | September 26, 2018 2:50 AM |
She's good at parts here when she softens her voice and almost coos a few responses back at Cooper, but the shift in voice just before the end of the video is hilarious.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 243 | September 26, 2018 2:54 AM |
She is the epitome of batshit crazy!!!
by Anonymous | reply 246 | September 26, 2018 8:26 AM |
This cracked me up. You can clearly see Brenda in her old, E-series red, Mercedes (the same one in the "TMZ" video) cut in front of this bus and slam on her brakes.
She was probably drunk.
Why would she post this? Was she hoping the shake down the city?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 247 | September 26, 2018 1:51 PM |
Has there ever been anyone who was as hated as she was on the Y&R set?
by Anonymous | reply 248 | September 26, 2018 2:45 PM |
No, never, ever ever ever.
by Anonymous | reply 249 | September 26, 2018 3:51 PM |
Crazy Brendad has been off my radar for so long because I couldn’t stand her on Y&R and I knew how crazy she was. But watching these old clips of her.....my God she is ridiculously bad. No wonder she could never get another acting job add to that how crazy she is. How is this woman still walking the streets????? Where is anyone, anyone in her life that cares to intervene?
by Anonymous | reply 250 | September 26, 2018 5:18 PM |
I'm going to have to stand up for Brendad on this one. She certainly doesn't look 25 years younger, but looking at candid photos from photo agencies, she does have very good skin for a 69 year old. I'm guessing she's probably been stuck inside since she was fired from The Young and the Restless in the 80s.
by Anonymous | reply 251 | September 26, 2018 6:17 PM |
Jess Walton IS Jill. She took over after the nutcase Brendad got her ass fired and Jess has never looked back. 2 emmys and 31 years later, Jess is still entertaining us.
by Anonymous | reply 252 | September 26, 2018 6:43 PM |
How old is the Jill character 31 years later? I've never watched a soap in my life. But Brendad is an international superstar and lifestyle guru.
by Anonymous | reply 253 | September 26, 2018 7:42 PM |
God, every time I think I've seen the last of Brenda and her crazy, someone posts another video or article and I'm stunned. This woman has serious issues.
by Anonymous | reply 254 | September 26, 2018 8:34 PM |
R252 Jess is also one of the nicest and unpretentious soap stars. And bonus for Y&R, her co-stars get along with her and she’s moderately SANE.
by Anonymous | reply 256 | September 26, 2018 8:34 PM |
R254 It’s someone as crazy as Brendad, Serial Scholar, who keeps trying to make Brendad happen. She will never ever ever ever ever be looked at as anything but a horrible actress and complete whackjob. We all laugh at her.
by Anonymous | reply 257 | September 26, 2018 8:37 PM |
May I just say that I watched clips that used to be on Youtube from when Brenda returned in 1983. And I have to say that from 1983-1985, Brenda was AWESOME in the role. A solid actress with amazing charisma. There was some really great stuff. When the show clearly wanted to turn her into Alexis (and to my knowledge, Bill Bell wanted more of the 1983 Jill with vulnerability) the character and the actress went straight to high camp. I've tried to read between the lines with all the backstage drama, but either Wes Kenney or Ed Scott fucked with Brenda in a big way and pitted her against Bell and Bell's direction. And I know that the director with the Italian name was a bastard to her. A complete prick.
by Anonymous | reply 258 | September 27, 2018 12:06 AM |
She was NEVER a great actress. She was a suitable young ingenue, and she had a fantastic chemistry with Jeanne Cooper that allowed them to play off of each other.
by Anonymous | reply 259 | September 27, 2018 12:42 AM |
Brenda was never good. And her constant victim act is SO fucking tired. Everyone who was ever in her life has wronged her. Yeahright. Poor her. Always a victim. She was, is and always will be a hateful cunt.
by Anonymous | reply 260 | September 27, 2018 12:56 AM |
I don't know who's sadder
Thom B
The sad fat Twitter queen who is having a fit about the VF article
by Anonymous | reply 261 | September 27, 2018 1:00 AM |
Serial Nutjob is the craziest, that’s for sure.
by Anonymous | reply 262 | September 27, 2018 1:26 AM |
Is this Serial Nutjob Guy the same loonie that keeps defending Right-wing nutjob Kimberlin Brown (ex-Sheila)?
by Anonymous | reply 263 | September 27, 2018 1:57 AM |
R263 Perhaps.
We block anything Serial, Spicen et al related on other soap threads. They are loonie loons beyond lunacy.
by Anonymous | reply 264 | September 27, 2018 1:58 AM |
[quote] Thom Bierdz's Copious Loads
This may be my favorite signature since Frank Valentini's straining, musky, overstuffed jockstrap!
by Anonymous | reply 265 | September 27, 2018 1:59 AM |
What may be (almost) saddest of all is that Brendad's YouTube channel has three video and nine subscribers.
by Anonymous | reply 266 | September 27, 2018 2:24 AM |
Real stars don't post on YouTube. Brenda couldn't even be bothered to monetize Welcome To My Home. She allowed that ugly man Deven Green to make a buck off her creation. Brenda, like other superstars chooses Instagram to communicate with her millions of fans.
by Anonymous | reply 268 | September 27, 2018 2:55 AM |
This HAD to have been done by a Datalounge queen:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 269 | September 27, 2018 2:56 AM |
I wish Y&R would cast Deven Green as a Brendaesque character.
by Anonymous | reply 270 | September 27, 2018 4:10 AM |
Yes, Serial Asshole Nutjob is a moron who defends Kunterlin. He’s such a nut that his family had him involuntarily had him committed last year for his own good, but it didn’t help. Notice how he defends all the fellow psychos: Brenda, Kunterlin et all.
by Anonymous | reply 271 | September 27, 2018 5:17 AM |
OMG. That fake TMZ video. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. What a fucking nutjob.
by Anonymous | reply 272 | September 27, 2018 5:32 AM |
The funny thing is that if Brendad had capitalized on the popularity of "WTMH" much earlier, she might have landed a gig or two. She's so wacky and delusional, she'd be a perfect reality show personality. It would take a lot of editing to get rid of crazier and mean moments to not turn viewers against her though.
She doesn't seem to realize that her Trump supporting has turned most of her audience against her.
by Anonymous | reply 273 | September 27, 2018 5:40 AM |
Why is one of her eyes higher than the other? They weren't like that in the 70's and 80's. Did she have an uneven facelift or something?
by Anonymous | reply 274 | September 27, 2018 5:51 AM |
The poor dear. Everyone (even the dead Bill Bell) is always stealing her money and taking her homes. Oh poor her, the innocent victim all of the time. LOL
by Anonymous | reply 275 | September 27, 2018 6:06 AM |
[quote]Why is one of her eyes higher than the other? They weren't like that in the 70's and 80's. Did she have an uneven facelift or something?
Bad eye work or Botox gone wrong.
by Anonymous | reply 276 | September 27, 2018 6:07 AM |
She's had the wonky eye since at least 2009.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 277 | September 27, 2018 6:16 AM |
Her face looks odder in motion. She doesn't have much facial expression other than her mouth.
She seems to be loving the paparazzi attention in this video.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 278 | September 27, 2018 6:21 AM |
Everyone is wondering who she is.
by Anonymous | reply 279 | September 27, 2018 6:27 AM |
LOL at nutty Brendad going to an oscar party. Interviewer: Who are you ma’am and what films were you in this year? Brendad: I was in a soap opera over 30 years ago. Interviewer: Next.
by Anonymous | reply 280 | September 27, 2018 10:58 AM |
She'd look less like an animated corpse if she didn't have so much fivehead.
by Anonymous | reply 281 | September 27, 2018 2:24 PM |
I'm sure she sits by the phone wondering why "Dancing With the Stars" or "Celebrity Big Brother" aren't calling.
by Anonymous | reply 282 | September 27, 2018 5:01 PM |
R282 Don’t give them any ideas! Especially DWTS is now down to hiring Z listers and you know koo koo Brendad would jump at the opportunity.
by Anonymous | reply 283 | September 27, 2018 5:27 PM |
She gets moist down there in her snackateria.
by Anonymous | reply 284 | September 27, 2018 5:32 PM |
Her delusions are not new. She was saying she was the reason Y&R was number 1 as far back as 10+ years ago.
Either she's mentally a few fries short of a Happy Meal, or she was so isolated from the real world that she really believes it.
by Anonymous | reply 285 | September 27, 2018 5:36 PM |
R285 I remember her saying that she is the reason Y&R went to #1 when in FACT the show permanently went to #1 in 1988 - a year AFTER she left the show. lol. She’s delusional.
by Anonymous | reply 286 | September 27, 2018 6:34 PM |
I played the better cunt and have the Emmys to prove it.
by Anonymous | reply 287 | September 27, 2018 6:38 PM |
R287 Exactly Jess! We all love you more than crazy Brendad. You’ve lasted 31 years in the role. Perhaps Jess Walton is the reason Y&R went to #1 and hasn’t lost that position since! More viewers tuned in to Y&R AFTER cunty Brendad left the show.
by Anonymous | reply 288 | September 27, 2018 8:35 PM |
I don’t know why the DL hates Jess, she did a great job taking over as Jill and making the character her own. She’s a better actress than Brenda and she WAS just as pretty, not a “hag” like some queens on DL like to call her.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 289 | September 27, 2018 11:11 PM |
Jess was great, a more well rounded Jill on many levels, but gay men love camp and Brenda definitely hit the camp spot. Her Jill wouldn't have been out of place on the set of Dynasty or a John Waters movie.
by Anonymous | reply 290 | September 27, 2018 11:25 PM |
Brenda on the Match Game 75. She seems so normal and fun in these. There’s a TON of them posted on You Tube. I wonder when she started to lose her mind.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 291 | September 28, 2018 12:02 AM |
Holy shit. Will someone post those Match Game clips on FB and tag Brendad? She blocked me when I asked her when the Vanity Fair article was coming out
by Anonymous | reply 293 | September 28, 2018 12:10 AM |
I much prefer Jess too. Much better actress.
She was attractive for quite some time but has started looking her age in more recent years.
She could be sexy too. Remember her having some hot scenes with David 'Shark' Fralick. He was not the most conventionally good looking man, but they were sexy together.
by Anonymous | reply 294 | September 28, 2018 12:16 AM |
Brenda looks different in the Match Game. I hardly recognize her except for the "s" sound when she talksh
by Anonymous | reply 295 | September 28, 2018 12:44 AM |
Go the fuck away Brenda and Serial Asshole Nutjob.
by Anonymous | reply 296 | September 28, 2018 1:46 AM |
God, Brenda was so stupid on the Match Game.
Not only did she deprive a contestant from winning by voiding a very easy answer, she can't spell "Stake"
And, yes, she is totally unrecognizable.
by Anonymous | reply 297 | September 28, 2018 3:53 AM |
Was she on Y & R during this time? She looks nothing like herself - but how does it change that much at such a young age? Is it hair and makeup? I can't figure it out because she's so young for drastic plastic surgery & it wasn't really the norm to buy a whole new face then (plus she was attractive - nothing to really do). If it wasn't for her voice, i wouldn't believe it was her.
by Anonymous | reply 298 | September 28, 2018 4:16 AM |
Yes R298 she was on Y&R at the time.
In fact 1975 was a huge year for her, storyline wise. Jill has an affair with Phillip, Kay’s husband, causing Kay to drive him over a cliff and kill him, setting in motion a 30+ year daytime rivalry. And yes, this (minus the hair color) was how she would look for the remainder of her first stint on Y&R.
by Anonymous | reply 299 | September 28, 2018 4:36 AM |
Thanks r299. I guess I just saw clips of her from later on, with brown hair too. She's very young here too. I really only knew who she was from the parody videos & those were later on in the 80s - maybe 10 years later.
by Anonymous | reply 300 | September 28, 2018 4:40 AM |
R300 the “Welcome To My Home” video and subsequent parodies are from the end of her second stint on Y&R ...1986 or 1986. When she first came back on Y&R in 1983 she looked basically the same, except for permed hair and 80’s hair and makeup. Her face looked a little older and bloated towards the end of her second stint (coke maybe?) ...the bad, obvious plastic surgery would happen way after her time on Y&R...mid the late 90’s perhaps and very obvious in the 2000’s.
by Anonymous | reply 301 | September 28, 2018 5:14 AM |
Her acting seems somewhat better when she was younger.
Most actors improve with age. But not Our Brenda.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 303 | September 28, 2018 5:26 AM |
This thread was fun and interesting and compassionate until the ancient soap opera fags started posting about Jill. If I wanted to know about Jill I'd ask Brenda Dickson. We aren't all 70 years old ya know.
by Anonymous | reply 304 | September 28, 2018 5:51 AM |
Brenda is nothing more than a DL meme and this new Vanity Fair article to most of us. No one is old enough or dumb enough to remember a soap opera. That seems to be part of Brenda's problem, ha. Brenda is Jill in her mind - don't y'all admit to having an opinion on that. Her story is so much bigger than a crappy soap opera that my grandma liked with a bit or cornbread and liquor. erryday when I WOKE.
She's Norma Desmond and a mental healthy poster, poster.
Nobody cares about the Yount and Witness.
Her life is interesting now because of how sad a soap opera obsession is, among other things.
by Anonymous | reply 306 | September 28, 2018 7:09 AM |
I only know her wretched soap opera clips because they're about the only legitimate footage of her as an actress out there. She's not the kind of name where anyone says, "Oh, yes...I remember her in X, and Y..."
That's what makes her WELCOME TO MY HOME video (and continued dellusion) so hysterically funny. She was a blip on the soap opera screen only the followers of that particular show (who ever they may be) can identify.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 307 | September 28, 2018 8:46 AM |
Lauren still looks like a chipmunk
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 308 | September 28, 2018 11:04 AM |
She’s rather pathetic. Very sad.
by Anonymous | reply 309 | September 28, 2018 3:28 PM |
The retard Serial Scholar is trying to make Brenda happen. lololololololol
by Anonymous | reply 310 | September 28, 2018 8:48 PM |
There's always Granny porn, Brendad.
by Anonymous | reply 311 | September 29, 2018 1:45 AM |
Can you imagine how many openings, events, etc she turns up to in LA, while everyone is asking everyone else "who the fuck is this loon?"
by Anonymous | reply 312 | September 29, 2018 1:49 AM |
Right r312?! What a fucking kook! She was certainly never in Paris Hilton's fave childhood movie.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 313 | September 29, 2018 1:54 AM |
[quote]Can you imagine how many openings, events, etc she turns up to in LA, while everyone is asking everyone else "who the fuck is this loon?"
I sure can!
by Anonymous | reply 314 | September 29, 2018 2:27 AM |
Why would this kook attend an Oscar party?
by Anonymous | reply 315 | September 29, 2018 3:23 AM |
R311 They really would "notice the slit" there!
by Anonymous | reply 316 | September 29, 2018 3:45 AM |
Uh? When the Hell did she appear as Jill on Days of Our Lives?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 317 | September 29, 2018 5:07 PM |
Has Brendad been considered for the "Hello Dolly" tour?
by Anonymous | reply 318 | September 29, 2018 5:33 PM |
In R303's clip:
OLD WOMAN: You'll get old, too.
BRENDA: "Yes, but when I fall apart I will have some pride and stay behind closed doors."
Or, not.
by Anonymous | reply 319 | September 29, 2018 5:52 PM |
I suddenly just had a vision of Brenda during the title song adding a "well, hello" as the chorus boys sing the song. She'd sell tens of tickets.
by Anonymous | reply 320 | September 29, 2018 6:48 PM |
[quote] She'd sell tens of tickets.
by Anonymous | reply 321 | September 30, 2018 3:39 AM |
The Crazy Chancellors
Opening Remarks from Brendad Ickson
followed by main show
Thom Bierdz Strokes and Blows! Front Row Guaranteed To Get Splashed!
Buy your tickets now!
by Anonymous | reply 322 | September 30, 2018 4:31 AM |
I want a Katherine Chancellor Barbie!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 324 | September 30, 2018 5:02 AM |
I can see the overlapping venn diagram of soap opera fans and right wing loons. If you look at the comments from her followers on FB, while, yes, the majority of them seem to be from genuine fans from her soap days, when she posts her vile far right screeds and praise for Trump, 99% of the comments are fully supportive. Then, when the post isn't about politics, a good percentage of the comments are the creepiest shit about how beautiful and sexy she is (which, she of course, loves) from 65+ yr old men.
Anyway, all her martyrdom and victimization claims... it's no wonder she finds Trump so relatable. Everything that's ever gone wrong in her life is the cause of a vast conspiracy. Sure, Jan.
by Anonymous | reply 325 | September 30, 2018 5:22 AM |
R325 my favorite are the gays who post on her FB clearly to make fun of her, and she responds completely obliviously as if their posts were fawning over her beauty or personal betrayals. She’s crazy.
by Anonymous | reply 326 | September 30, 2018 7:21 AM |
Years ago, I posted as Brenda on the "Bad Plastic Surgery" website.
I posted like I was really drunk and blamed "the jews and the homos" for not having a career. People, naturally, found my Brenda absolutely appalling, but also very believable.
Eventually, after, no doubt, Googling herself, the real Brenda showed up. And, instead of refuting anything I had written, DEMANDED that the photos of her be removed because she had "never had plastic surgery" and "owned" all photos of her.
The funniest thing was that she left her phone number for the webmaster to call.
I called the number and, sure enough, she answered.
So I made a JPG with her pic and phone number, and posted it at several popular websites with "Call Sister Brenda for Advice and Prophesies."
by Anonymous | reply 327 | September 30, 2018 7:58 PM |
That dumb fuk Serial Scholar mental case is trying to make Brenda happen. She is mentally retarded, you asshole Serial Psycho. Go the fuck away. #truly laughing at Serial Asshole
by Anonymous | reply 329 | September 30, 2018 9:42 PM |
Amen R330. These soap trolls from Soap Opera Network need to go away. They are pigs.
by Anonymous | reply 331 | September 30, 2018 9:47 PM |
R329 No one - N O O N E - cares about you or your little battle here.
How many times do you need to be told that?
by Anonymous | reply 332 | September 30, 2018 9:54 PM |
It's too late to "make Brenda happen". That train left the station a long time ago & derailed out on the prairie, where it was left to rust and rot back into the dust. She's three times the age of anyone that Hollywood has any interest in "making happen". But I still love her and find her antics entertaining.
by Anonymous | reply 333 | September 30, 2018 9:56 PM |
I agree. No one cares about Serial Scholar and those who are posting about them. Keep that shit on twitter or wherever all of it started.
Speaking of SON, Awhile back Brendad and her lawyer threatened the webmaster with legal action for people posting stuff from her website. There are some knowledgeable and good posters there, but there are some who very cliquish and a nasty to other posters who they don't like. I've never bothered to post there.
by Anonymous | reply 334 | September 30, 2018 10:01 PM |
R329 forgot to add: "We laugh about you in DMs on Twitter!"
Crazy as Brenda!
by Anonymous | reply 335 | September 30, 2018 10:12 PM |
r333 That train left the station a long time ago and derailed out on the prairie, where it was left to rust and rot back into the dust.
I have stolen and squirreled this away to use some day...maybe if I ever have to testify before Congress.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 336 | October 1, 2018 1:13 AM |
Someone should send this to Brendad's supposed publicist. Can you imagine how many of us would order custom video greetings from her for our friends' birthdays and celebrations?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 337 | October 1, 2018 7:00 AM |
Brenda owes a lot of her current notoriety and camp value to Deven Green's spoof. The fact that she SO doesn't get that, or what's funny about the spoof, is.....well, sad.
by Anonymous | reply 338 | October 3, 2018 10:36 PM |
The Y&R clips of Jill dont need Deven Green to be hilarious.
by Anonymous | reply 339 | October 4, 2018 4:08 AM |
According to 1996 interview with Brenda on E True Hollywood Story, CBS show runners in Los Angeles were pressuring her to play Jill like a campy Dynasty type villainess and the show creator Bill Bell (based in Chicago) was demanding that she keep Jill realistic and three dimensional (like this scene). Somebody was definitely out to get her and they did it by gaslight. Jeanne Cooper, in her final months of life, said that Brenda was terrorised on set and that members of the cast played tricks on her, and Brenda herself said that furniture was moved around after the dress rehearsals so during taping she would walk into it and mess up the take, and that scenes where she would show Jill's vulnerability were being edited out, making Bill Bell in Chicago think she was giving a lifeless performance. What is most mystifying of all is that the weird artificial personality that Brenda was made to play quickly became the one she adopted in real life, which I've always found highly sinister. There's no question about it though, if you see the woman now, she is clearly mentally ill and despite being a target for ridicule, I don't see much concern or compassion for her anywhere.
by Anonymous | reply 340 | October 4, 2018 4:10 AM |
According to a 1996 interview with Brenda, CBS show runners in Los Angeles were pressuring her to play Jill like a campy Dynasty type villainess and the show creator Bill Bell (based in Chicago) was demanding that she keep Jill realistic and three dimensional (like this scene). Somebody was definitely out to get her and they did it by gaslight. Jeanne Cooper, in her final months of life, said that Brenda was terrorised on set and that members of the cast played tricks on her, and Brenda herself said that furniture was moved around after the dress rehearsals so during taping she would walk into it and mess up the take, and that scenes where she would show Jill's vulnerability were being edited out, making Bill Bell in Chicago think she was giving a lifeless performance. What is most mystifying of all is that the weird artificial personality that Brenda was made to play quickly became the one she adopted in real life, which I've always found highly sinister. There's no question about it though, if you see the woman now, she is clearly mentally ill and despite being a target for ridicule, I don't see much concern or compassion for her anywhere.
by Anonymous | reply 341 | October 4, 2018 4:11 AM |
To continue from the r341 point, it is highly likely that Brenda was a victim of MKUltra, which would explain why she is so fucked up. If you read this article, Dickson fits the bill... after 1986, she was simply not the same woman.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 342 | October 4, 2018 4:21 AM |
Oh ffs, I was going to ask why the fuck they would gaslight some nobody soap actress who wasn't on for that long and wasn't that important but then you said MK Ultra and I tuned you out.
by Anonymous | reply 343 | October 4, 2018 4:31 AM |
Also, I thought the whole point of the illuminati celebs is to make them appeal to everyone so that they will stay in the public eye and brainwash people, why the fuck would they torture her off the set and into obscurity?
by Anonymous | reply 344 | October 4, 2018 4:36 AM |
Occam's Razor.
Bill Bell was fucking her at some point in the past. That becoming an issue makes the most sense in terms of her departure. The problem was likely thought to have been wrapped up when she originally left, but clearly some shit went down during her run up to 1987.
by Anonymous | reply 345 | October 4, 2018 4:43 AM |
Along the lines of R327, I remember when, during a legendary DL field trip, somebody was posting as "Brendad" at the old Daily Mirror message boards during the Maddie McCann disappearance with topics such as "Maddie's Vagine" and "The Little Whore Had It Coming!" The resident Britfraus were absolutely aghast. LOL
by Anonymous | reply 346 | October 4, 2018 6:40 AM |
Oh shut the fuk up Serial Nutjob non Scholar. No one’s buying your bullshit. Brendad is, was and always will be a nasty old miserable bitch! She’s not a victim of anything. She’s a crazy mo fo.
by Anonymous | reply 347 | October 4, 2018 8:10 AM |
There's something seriously askew about you old queens pretending to be Brenda and posting malicious stuff on the internet. This is a mentally ill woman so why are you acting like a bunch of fucking sociopaths?
by Anonymous | reply 348 | October 4, 2018 2:11 PM |
R348 - because they ARE, Blanche. They are a bunch of sociopaths, and r327 wins the prize for it. Who the fuck does shit like that? To anyone.
by Anonymous | reply 349 | October 5, 2018 7:36 AM |
We’re all still laughing at batshit crazy Brendad!!!!!!!!! lololololololololool
by Anonymous | reply 350 | October 5, 2018 9:53 AM |
Dear Lord, her delusions are worsening. I didn't think that was possible. She posted this on FB two days ago:
"Good Morning👄I am still struggling with the producers of the Y&R. Who have stolden my property, both my homes and assetts from 2 multi- million dollar devorces. I pray the Bells will return the money they have arranged to be solden from me.And they let me go on with my life and career."
She better hurry, before there aren't any soaps left to snap her up!
by Anonymous | reply 351 | October 7, 2018 1:08 AM |
Victoria Rowell doesn't think she is that crazy, I a guessing.
by Anonymous | reply 352 | October 7, 2018 1:13 AM |
Oh Brendad. You’ve been off Y&R for what, 31 years now? How is your money still being stolded by the Bells? Someone commit her.
by Anonymous | reply 353 | October 7, 2018 4:31 AM |
So what meds should she be taking?
by Anonymous | reply 355 | October 7, 2018 7:12 AM |
Oh about 14 different ones at this point.
by Anonymous | reply 356 | October 7, 2018 7:14 AM |
Another new Brendad parody.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 357 | October 7, 2018 9:56 PM |
R357, that was horrible. Not even funny. Some of the photos were not even a Brendad, they were Jess Walton.
by Anonymous | reply 358 | October 7, 2018 10:29 PM |
R357 - assume you're the one behind that video. Nice, try, but um.... you can't hold a candle to Deven.
by Anonymous | reply 359 | October 7, 2018 10:32 PM |
R359 No, I didn't make it. I suspect someone here did though, because they used the gif of Brenda looking at her husband in court I posted earlier in this thread.
by Anonymous | reply 360 | October 7, 2018 10:36 PM |
OMG I followed her on IG and she followed me back! Jealous, bitches!?
by Anonymous | reply 361 | October 7, 2018 10:41 PM |
Brendad's getting political for the first time in weeks (months?) -- of course, predictably, praising Brett K. and (falsely) claiming that Dr. Ford received nearly $1M in donations to a Go Fund Me page set up by her supporters.
There HAVE been Go Fund Me pages set up for both of them, but in fact, Brett K's has received more than $600K while Dr. Ford's has received just north of $30K.
I'd love it if one of her followers pointed this out to her, but of course they won't.
by Anonymous | reply 362 | October 8, 2018 1:45 AM |
R362 She would ban them if they did. Poor thing doesn't have much of a grasp on reality these days.
by Anonymous | reply 363 | October 8, 2018 5:22 AM |
[quote]I remember when, during a legendary DL field trip, somebody was posting as "Brendad" at the old Daily Mirror message boards during the Maddie McCann disappearance with topics such as "Maddie's Vagine" and "The Little Whore Had It Coming!"
One of the funniest of all time DL antics. If I remember, it took place on a weekend when the Daily Mirror moderators weren't around and the Britfraus were frothing at observations like "With Maddie's saucy airs, who didn't see this coming?"
by Anonymous | reply 364 | October 8, 2018 5:25 AM |
All of you people are scum. This woman is a mental case and you are no different from the freaks in the old communities who would kick the village retard for sport.
by Anonymous | reply 366 | October 9, 2018 3:27 AM |
No one likes a scold, hun.
Especially one who uses the word "retard."
by Anonymous | reply 367 | October 9, 2018 4:21 AM |
r367, that's how you treat Brenda. She needs psychological help, or sectioning. All you fucking sick bastards in here have no compassion.
by Anonymous | reply 368 | October 9, 2018 7:43 PM |
Do you ever criticize Trump, R368? He's equally mentally ill.
by Anonymous | reply 369 | October 9, 2018 8:03 PM |
WHy would we have compassion for a nasty old witch? She’s not a nice person.
by Anonymous | reply 370 | October 9, 2018 8:06 PM |
I waffle back and forth on this. No, I don't take pleasure in mocking someone with some form of mental illness (or, at least, delusions of grandeur), but... then she posts shit like this....
[quote]Well Hello👄and Happy Sunday💥💕💛💚💙I for one, am thrilled the three ringed circus, called the Kavanough seat on the supreme court is over. He is successfully placed. She got $900,000 ," go fund me dollars?" Go figure. I am just glad the nonesince is over. The F.B.I. can't go back 35 years. But tried anyway. The F.B.I. said "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said the FBI’s investigation had found no hint of misconduct” I am glad it is... justice over. Mr. Kavanough's lovely children, and wife seemed to be the real victims.
by Anonymous | reply 371 | October 9, 2018 8:15 PM |
It is like reading tweets from somebody born in Chernobyl. Russian and exposed to radiation.
by Anonymous | reply 372 | October 10, 2018 3:00 PM |
for all of you long long time Y & R viewers... so did "ickson's" character JILL ever get hunky brad (don diamont) in the sack? all i can remember from so long ago is her constantly trying to seduce brad whether in the office or when by the pool and he was in speedos!.. don't remember if eventually whether willing or in another way jill got her man finally? anyone know?..
by Anonymous | reply 373 | October 10, 2018 3:08 PM |
Brendad - back away from the keyboard. Now. You don’t do yourself any favors by posting that nonsense. You say that the FBI can’t go back 35 years, but you still rant on and on about the Bells stealing your money 35 years ago. Hypocrite.
by Anonymous | reply 374 | October 10, 2018 4:16 PM |
I’m very curious about her source of income. How does she pay for monthly expenses? She hasn’t worked for decades. Does she sell T Shirts out of the back of her Hyundai?
by Anonymous | reply 375 | October 10, 2018 4:36 PM |
The income thing bothers me too. She seems to dress nicely, unless these are things she's had for years and just recycles. I know she inherited her present home from her mother. Maybe mom left her some cash too? Her heavy use of Photo Shop is only around $25 a month - skip a couple coffees and anyone can afford it. I wish someone had access to her mother's probate files, I think that is where the mystery will be solved.
by Anonymous | reply 376 | October 10, 2018 4:46 PM |
Beel Bell stolded my money
by Anonymous | reply 377 | October 10, 2018 11:19 PM |
This old thread has a link to a video which is pretty damn hilarious / sad. She's pretending that TMZ caught her doing her non-existant book reading at Gelsons
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 378 | October 10, 2018 11:24 PM |
The reviews of her book on Amazon are spot-on!
"I have been a fan of Brenda Dickson for many years. I was interested in reading this book. It was ok, but was bothered by misspelled names ( Beth Maitland ) age mistakes (how old was she when she and Richard Thomas met) and her huge ego. I wish her well, but she needs to be a little humble."
"I found this book to be too repetitive and rambling to be interesting. Endless finger pointing and self pity paints the picture of a whiny, narcissist unable to accept responsibility for the negatives in her life. Fans of the actress might enjoy the pictures however and her simplistic writing style."
"I would not recommend this book. It is filled with a lot of accusations, none of which are backed up by any evidence. The author repeats the same thing over and over, from chapter to chapter. The ego and sense of entitlement are mind boggling. I didn't believe most of what was written. Don't waste your money or time on this one. Not worthy of even one star."
"I purchased this book by accident, but being a fan of Y&R back in the 80s, I decided to give it a go. It was a huge disappointment. The book is meandering, disorganized, repetitive, self-absorbed, full of stream-of-conscious thoughts from someone filled with anger and paranoia. It is a 250-page tweet from someone who did not take time to think before speaking. The writing style - well, let's just say she hasn't enough grasp of what that means to have one.
The author blames all her woes on others, taking no responsibility for her own actions. She says she was left homeless twice. Homeless is being without a roof over your head and not knowing where your next meal will come from, not sleeping in a borrowed condo, wondering how you are going to manage to live on only $5,000 a month.
This book is an example of what is wrong with celebrity. Most artists have huge egos - understandably - but surround themselves with people who will massage those egos and not have the courage to say "Don't". Perhaps they would be better served by allowing a friend to help them self-censor and keep them from embarrassing themselves. The author could have used a friend - or at least an editor - to edit the book into a more cogent story."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 379 | October 11, 2018 12:03 AM |
R378 - yeah, that's been posted in this thread, too. It's equally hilarious and sad.
by Anonymous | reply 380 | October 11, 2018 12:05 AM |
Ha, such shade at r378! "Fans of the actress might enjoy the pictures however and her simplistic writing style."
by Anonymous | reply 381 | October 11, 2018 12:09 AM |
Over 50 full color double-page spreads!
by Anonymous | reply 382 | October 11, 2018 12:10 AM |
After the whole Hawaii/jail/eviction thing, I want to say she sued her ex-husband and won $$$. Having lunch every day in Beverly Hills "with friends" can't be cheap.
by Anonymous | reply 383 | October 11, 2018 12:59 AM |
Does anyone else think Brenda may be autistic and untreated?
by Anonymous | reply 384 | October 11, 2018 1:58 AM |
"I'm just having a latte and some potato salad."
by Anonymous | reply 385 | October 11, 2018 2:14 AM |
Of course, Brenda Dickson loves Trump. She is crazy, vulgar, ignorant, and obsessed with getting attention, too.
She is also an ancient courtesan trained to open her legs for men she perceives as having money.
by Anonymous | reply 386 | October 11, 2018 2:16 AM |
I have a friend who worked at Fred Segal. He told us a story about an "Angelyne type" who came into the store yelling, "Help me! Help me! Very large black men just stole my Hermes handbag and my beautiful Cartier watch. They were worth a fortune!"
He said she seemed to be "acting." And very badly.
But he called the police, as was store policy.
When they got there, this woman told the police: "Black men stole my $12,000 handbag and $7,000 watch. And tried to touch my breasts."
When they asked her when this happened, she told them when she went to open the door of her car in the lot.
The thing was that the store had video, which they pulled up. The woman was seen walking to her car, opening the door, closing it, and then walking back to the store."
It was Brenda. And the store told the police they didn't want to press charges, but asked Brenda not to return. (She hadn't bought anything anyway.)
by Anonymous | reply 387 | October 11, 2018 3:37 AM |
Brendad claiming she was mugged in the Fred Segal parking lot is the new Faye flinging VHS tapes from the window of her Honda.
by Anonymous | reply 389 | October 11, 2018 5:48 AM |
R387 no way! Is that legit?
by Anonymous | reply 390 | October 11, 2018 6:28 AM |
Did she ever saunter up to the seafood counter at Gelson's and demand "WHAT IS THE FISH OF THE DAY?" Didn't think so!
by Anonymous | reply 391 | October 11, 2018 6:33 AM |
And nutjob Serial Asshole keeps enabling her.
by Anonymous | reply 392 | October 11, 2018 8:06 AM |
R387 Haha! Brenda wishes she were Angelyne. More people know who Angelyne is than Brenda.
by Anonymous | reply 393 | October 11, 2018 3:59 PM |
The part I left out is that she was trying to shake down the store. Apparently, she kept saying things like, "How can you let something like this happen on your property? " and "If word gets out that you customers are unsafe on your own property!" and "I'm just lucky to be alive to warn people!"
Then they rolled the tape. Wish I had been there. Even if she can't show expressions.
by Anonymous | reply 394 | October 11, 2018 4:27 PM |
She reminds me of Mrs. Donna Dasher...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 395 | October 12, 2018 6:39 AM |
R395 That woman not only looks like Brenda Dickson, she acts as well as her, too!
by Anonymous | reply 396 | October 12, 2018 3:50 PM |
Donna Dasher is Brenda's new nickname!
by Anonymous | reply 397 | October 12, 2018 6:04 PM |
She needs to do a project of some sort (or perhaps just get in a catfight) with her younger and equally delusional counterpart, DL Icon Miss Tami Erin.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 398 | October 13, 2018 3:06 AM |
Just what we need. Bill Bell stealing her money.
by Anonymous | reply 399 | October 13, 2018 3:12 AM |
For someone near homeless and having large sums of money being stolen from her for the last 30+ years, she sure is living comfortably. Either Bill Bell is writing her checks from 6 feet under for a small allowance or she has dirt on him and has been blackmailing Lee for the last 30 years a la Miriam Deering and Jewel Mayhew.
by Anonymous | reply 400 | October 14, 2018 12:43 AM |
I think she is due for a career renaissance.
by Anonymous | reply 401 | October 14, 2018 12:45 AM |
Dancing with the Stars. Eliminated in the 3rd round.
by Anonymous | reply 402 | October 14, 2018 1:41 AM |
Just leave her alone you guys. She's a mentally ill woman. It's really distasteful to be laughing at somebody that far removed from reality.
by Anonymous | reply 403 | October 14, 2018 8:14 PM |
If you aren't distasteful, you've come to the wrong place!
by Anonymous | reply 404 | October 15, 2018 12:14 AM |
R403 Shut ya piehole, sister.
by Anonymous | reply 405 | October 15, 2018 2:54 AM |
r405 go fuck yourself. It doesn't make you 'queer' to tear down a mentally ill person and take pleasure in their public decline. The word is 'schadenfreude'. It makes you a hateful cunt and most likely so self loathing of what you are, the compulsion within you is to destroy others who are on the margins. You piece of shit.
by Anonymous | reply 406 | October 15, 2018 8:23 PM |
Ms Dickson is crazy like a fox. You don't live the life she's living with no visible means of support by being crazy. I'm sure she's conned and connived plenty of people to get what she has, family included. The "campaign" against her by Y&R producers is just her excuse for not being able to find any work in her chosen field. She simply doesn't want to face up to the fact that her only talent was being beautiful, which she was in her prime years. These days her only talent is the mastery of Photo Shop.
by Anonymous | reply 407 | October 16, 2018 12:17 AM |
R406 clutched her pearls so tightly, the string broke, sending beads all over the linoleum floor of her Indiana efficiency apartment.
Fortunately, they were not real Her heaving sobs, however, were.
Oh, the drama.
by Anonymous | reply 408 | October 16, 2018 12:27 AM |
Everything Brenda accused them of 30 years ago was true:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 409 | October 17, 2018 7:43 PM |
Looks like Brenda is stealing pictures from other people's Instagrams and passing them off as her own.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 410 | October 18, 2018 5:11 PM |
The next, logical step is Brenda Dickson posting pics of 20 year-old models. "brendadicksonactress Well, hello to my new look!👄👄👄👄"
by Anonymous | reply 412 | October 18, 2018 5:15 PM |
She may indeed be mentally ill but as long as she's a public figure putting herself out there, which she most certainly is, there will continue to be discussion about Brendad here....just like there is with Roseanne, or was with Bette Davis or Britney Spears. It's inevitable but I wish her well because she's been screwed over many times in her life. But she's also learned how to play the game.
by Anonymous | reply 414 | October 25, 2018 7:08 AM |
Bitch wishes she looks like that. Someone should punch her in the left eye to even it out. I volunteer as tribute!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 415 | October 26, 2018 6:32 PM |
Don't forget, her equally batshit crazy onscreen son has a new book coming out in a few weeks.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 417 | October 26, 2018 8:45 PM |
With Marry Wilson of the Supremes
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 418 | March 28, 2019 8:46 AM |
This is an interesting picture👄because Rebecca Holden and I both did serious with David Hossalhoff. I played his sister on the Y& R. Jill Foster Abbott. I went on to win "Peoples Choice Award", for that character. Recebba was fabulious in the Knight Rider, Opposite David. Her Fiance started David's singing career. We are both Edward Lozzi's clients.Lol💄🎓👜👛🛍👑💍👢💄picture taken by Dan Kennedy.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 419 | March 28, 2019 8:49 AM |
I am Ppictured here with the iconic Terry More, and other georgious people.🍾🥂
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 420 | March 28, 2019 8:50 AM |
It is Great Gasby day with the Beverly Hills Polo matches👄flirting with the player's, allowed! LOL.💕💛💚💙👒👡💄💋👄
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 421 | March 28, 2019 8:51 AM |
I bumped into Mrs. Ola Ray from the Micheal Jackson's "Thriller viedo"🎀you just never know who you are going to meet at an Edwards Lowell Furs party👠🎓Photo by Dan Kennedy💕
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 422 | March 28, 2019 8:53 AM |
I enjoying the Oscars 👄💕💜💛💚💙💘
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 423 | March 28, 2019 3:18 PM |
R423 "I enjoying the taking of dumps."
by Anonymous | reply 424 | March 28, 2019 3:41 PM |
I wonder if the people she is photographed with at such hot-ticket events, like a party for a fur store, mind that Brendad photoshops the shit out of her own face before posting.
by Anonymous | reply 425 | March 28, 2019 3:43 PM |
I wonder how much she owes on her parents condo which she now lives out of. Will we get to witness another eviction, perhaps on FB live?
by Anonymous | reply 426 | March 30, 2019 1:45 AM |
With [bold]Grammey[/bold] Winner Frank Stallone.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 428 | December 17, 2020 6:16 AM |
There’s a fine line between a photoshopped picture becoming a painting or even an anime character.
by Anonymous | reply 429 | December 17, 2020 6:28 AM |
It's not that fine of a line R429. She barely has any facial features.
In the style of her Intagram and Twitter filter usage I did a couple of images for her that I think she would quite like.
This one has a very light filter on the face just to give her a youthful complexion. Very fresh and natural.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 431 | December 17, 2020 6:34 AM |
She is the Norma Desmond of daytime.
by Anonymous | reply 432 | December 17, 2020 6:36 AM |
And this one has just a touch of color to even out her facial skin area and provide the fresh and natural glow we all know she has.
What do you guys think?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 433 | December 17, 2020 6:36 AM |
How could we not post this work of art with Shirley Jones? Complete with fake background, badly cut out images and facial filters only for some - not all! Poor Shirley....
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 434 | December 17, 2020 6:39 AM |
Is that Voldemort growing out of the back of Shirley's head?
by Anonymous | reply 435 | December 17, 2020 4:10 PM |