Some Lesser Known Facts About Randy Orton
- Does Randy Orton smoke: Yes
- Does Randy Orton drink alcohol: Yes
- Wrestling is in Orton’s blood. His father ‘Cowboy’ Bob Orton and uncle Barry Orton are both former professional wrestlers. Notably, Bob Orton was inducted into the WWE hall of fame in 2005, after which he has made many ringside/crowd appearances alongside Randy.
- Before joining the WWE developmental, Orton was a US marine. Because of regular disciplinary issues and poor code of conduct, Orton was coat martialed and sent to 38 days of military prison. It was due to this reason that he had to be replaced by The Miz for the lead role in the movie Marine 3.
- Interestingly, Orton started his career in WWE as a refree and not as a wrestler.
- Randy Orton was awarded with The Rookie of the Year award in 2001 by Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI), a respected wrestling magazine.
- Apart from WWE, Orton has also acted in two movies viz. That’s what i am & 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded.
- His Finishing move, The RKO, is not a name devised after long meetings of the coaches or the story writers, but is simply named after the initials of his birth name ‘Randy Keith Orton.’
- Randy Orton once won the WWE title twice in the same night. When John Cena had to vacate the title in 2007, because of a pectoral muscle tear, Orton was given the vacant championship spot. However, Orton was challenged for a match, the same night by Triple H which Orton eventually lost. But cards had something else in store for Orton, as in a matter of few hours, Orton defeated Triple H in a Last Man Standing match to regain the title.
- Orton is infamous for his bad temper, to the extent, that WWE once made him attend anger management classes for the same.