Horror as brother, 11, and sister, 6, killed in tubing accident that left 10-year-old sibling fighti

Horror as brother, 11, and sister, 6, killed in tubing accident on Michigan lake that left 10-year-old sibling fighting for her life

  • Alex Mansour, 11, Gabrielle Mansour, 6, and Adriana Mansour, 10, were in a tube being pulled by their father, John Mansour, on Sylvan Lake on Sunday
  • A boater didn't see the tube and struck it accidentally at around 12:30 p.m.
  • Alex died shortly after the horror crash, Gabrielle died on Monday of her injuries and Adriana is still fighting for her life in hospital



An 11-year-old boy and his six-year-old sister have been killed in a tragic boating accident in Michigan that left another sibling fighting for her life.

Alex and Gabrielle Mansour and their 10-year-old sister, Adriana, were in a tube being pulled behind their father, John Mansour, who was riding a jet ski on Sylvan Lake on Sunday.

At around 12:30 p.m., a boater swerved to avoid the jet ski but failed to see the tube, striking the three children head on.

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Tragic: Alex Mansour, left, and Gabrielle Mansour, center, were killed in the boating accident while their sister, Adriana Mansour, right, is in critical condition

Tragic: Alex Mansour, left, and Gabrielle Mansour, center, were killed in the boating accident while their sister, Adriana Mansour, right, is in critical condition

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Both the father and the boat operator, a 56-year-old Sylvan Lake man, frantically tried to help the kids, pulling them out of the water and on to their crafts before rushing to shore.

When they got to land, a number of off-duty doctors and nurses tended to them before paramedics arrived and took them to McLaren Oakland Hospital in Pontiac.

Alex died of injuries to his chest shortly after the crash, according to the Oakland County Medical Examiner.

An autopsy has ruled the death as accidental and caused by 'multiple blunt force injuries.'

His two sisters were transported to Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital where Gabrielle died on Monday and Adriana remains in critical condition.

Scene: The three siblings were struck while being towed in a tube, pictured, by their father, and they were rushed to shore

Scene: The three siblings were struck while being towed in a tube, pictured, by their father, and they were rushed to shore

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard called the horrific accident 'one of the worst boating tragedies that we've seen in a long time.'

'We're going to do a complete and thorough investigation,' Bouchard said, according to CBS Detroit.

'But in the end it won't make anybody feel any better... And regardless of the results, it's not going to the heal the wounds that this has created; it's so very sad.'

The Sheriff's Office said there was no spotter on the personal watercraft, which is required by law.

Alcohol does not appear to be a factor in the accident and the boat driver is cooperating with police.

Witnesses said the lake was exceptionally busy with boat traffic on Sunday.

Sylvan Lake: The boat driver said he saw the jet ski but not the tube on Sylvan Lake, pictured

Sylvan Lake: The boat driver said he saw the jet ski but not the tube on Sylvan Lake, pictured

Resident Cindee Rosenthal, who saw the tragedy unfold, said the children's father was hysterical after the collision.

'I looked up and the tube was floating and the three children were floating in the water with their vests on,' she told Detroit Free Press. 'The man on the jet ski had his hands on his head yelling, "Oh, my God, oh, my God, someone help me!" And then I heard someone yell "Call 911!" And other boats were heading toward the scene. (There was) no noise from the children — it was all adults yelling.

And of course the father was hysterical.'

On Monday evening, more than 100 people turned out for a prayer vigil inside St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church in West Bloomfield Township.
