Who is Gabby Thomas' boyfriend? Get to know the man behind the 2-time Olympic medalist

American Olympian Gabby Thomas is dating Spencer McManes, who himself has been an athlete, specializing in football. He played for Yale University as a varsity football player in his time there between 2013-2016. He played as the offensive back for the Yale Bulldogs team.

Born and raised in Roswell, Georgia, McManes was his team's captain for two years. He was awarded the 2011 Offensive Player of the Year and 2012 Offensive Back of the Year during his career. He also received the 2012 Male Athlete of the Month in November for North Fulton. McManes also won the TOLA (Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana) 7s rugby championships three seasons in a row.

After graduating from Yale with a Bachelor of Arts, with a specialization in Political Science and Government, McManes worked with the McChrystal Group for nearly four years.

Since then, McManes has worked as a senior customer success manager and is currently working with the team of DataGrail.

Gabby Thomas in action at 2023 World Athletics Championships

Fans of track and field will get to witness Gabby Thomas in action at the finals of the 200m sprint. Thomas clocked a time of 21.97 in her race, which was the fastest time recorded in the three heats.

Speaking on her race, Thomas said (via Olympics.com):

"I was controlling the whole race and I knew I was going to do a smooth finish and win my heat. That was what my coach told me to do. I feel confident and strong going to the finals tomorrow but there are some things I can improve."

Gabby Thomas' primary competition in the 200m finals will include American Sha'Carri Richardson and Jamaican Shericka Jackson.

Alongside her athletics career, Gabby has also studied at the prestigious Harvard University. While there, she won a total of 22 conference titles across six different events.

In her list long list of sporting achievements, Gabby Thomas has two Olympic medals to her name - one silver and one bronze. She won the silver in the women's 200m event, and the bronze as part of the 4x100m team. While Thomas was a favorite for winning a medal at the 2022 Eugue World Athletics Championships, a hamstring injury meant the sprinter had to forego the event.

Now, a year later Thomas is back and gunning for gold. The American athlete is aiming to finish on top of the podium at the World Championships and the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics,

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